Living Planets (Or Planatary parasites) Revamped And Ressurected

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Nightly, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Typlosion

    Typlosion Star Wrangler

    My motivation has been a bit down lately, I need some inspiration! I'll try to get something worked up within the a 5 day radius.
  2. Typlosion

    Typlosion Star Wrangler

    Actually, I just looked at Hades Heart, and had a similar sketch of it! Try this on for size and see if you want anything revamped/changed/modified.

    Attached Files:

  3. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Utterly goddamn terrifying. It seems like a neat thing but it draws too much on looking like a heart when it is actually the 'brain' of the LP (hence why I suggested the three Guh creatures from fossil fighters). I admire your'e work and really hope you don't mind my criticisms. So here they are, in bullet form.
    • It is actually more of a brain than a heart since it controls the LP more or less.
    • I like the singular eye and that should be a definite keeper of it.
    • It looks like it would be anchored where it sits, whilst the Coregan is able to move independently (it controls the LP using telepathy).
    • Its utterly terrifying. This wouldn't be a bad thing, but I want to make the Coregan adorable. Make the Darkbound Coregan as fucking evil ,mutated ,terrifying ,and purple as you want.
    • Finally it draws too much from a single source (aka Hade's Heart) and while this is just a basis, I think, it will need to use more sources.
    There ya go. My critique. Hope I don't offend you with my stuff but I really want it just so, cause a Boss is forever. Can't change it after a week.
    I shall scan the internets for some suitable material to help you and provide them every so often. Here are some links to some new stuffs and old stuffs I told you about.
    The Three Guh-Brains;
    And last but not least the Viruses from Dr Mario:

    Feel free to use whichever ones in your arting and if anyone has any suggestions please post them in our lil forum. Note: Please keep the suggestions non-rediculous and nothing innapropriate(I can't spell today).
    The end have a nice day :metroid:!
  4. Typlosion

    Typlosion Star Wrangler

    Like I said, the heart was one I drew before the suggestions, but thank you for the criticisms. I definitely feel Guhweeep is my favorite body shape and style, so I might use him as a main source, and I'll try to make him just a little more adorable this time.
  5. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Thank you. Personally Guhvorn is my favorite of the three, but their all pretty neat. Also the reason I apologize so much in my criticism is that im afraid I might offend you and you're art and then you'll leave to never be seen here again.
  6. The Almighty 404

    The Almighty 404 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I tried to create a zero-like monster, and here's my result :
    The red parts are supposed to be half-sunk in the ceiling of the boss room, and the conic tentacles are supposed to grow bumps that shoot at the player.
  7. Typlosion

    Typlosion Star Wrangler

    Okay! This is my next crack at it! I gave you a lot of varieties this time.
    Accented Edges Coregan.jpg
  8. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    This is very promising. Keep up the good work. Its coming out kinda adorable in a way and has a very smooth design. :DD
  9. Typlosion

    Typlosion Star Wrangler

    Which was the best in your opinion so I can work off of that one? We will slowly get this to work!
  10. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    any plant version? :D
  11. Baconbeard

    Baconbeard Intergalactic Tourist

    You could be inside of someone. Like osmosis Jones!
  12. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    better that not.
  13. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    The top one is best. I like the lil tube things it has.
  14. 1mwb

    1mwb Big Damn Hero

  15. A.R.N.E.

    A.R.N.E. Orbital Explorer

    It just hit me after seeing that core (eye/heart). There would be an area where you first discover the core and it is displayed in the backdrop as you start making your way to it. Whenever you would pass an area where the eye is visible, you would notice that the eye is following you. That would give so much depth to the experience of a living planet.
  16. Mukin

    Mukin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    cool great idea
  17. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Sounds interesting...
    Baconbeard likes this.
  18. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    yeah, a following eye, like eye of chutulu in terraria, but that doesn't moves...
  19. Baconbeard

    Baconbeard Intergalactic Tourist

    bumpity bump
  20. Profound Madness

    Profound Madness Big Damn Hero


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