Live Stream (Features talked about and shown)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DEADxLORD, Jan 26, 2014.


    DEADxLORD Master Chief

    This is hopeful going to be an ongoing catalog for anyone who has missed the live streams by Leth and D2king10 or D2king10 and Leth. It was my first night on Twitch the streaming service they use and I was in ore at the brilliance of the whole thing. If you have time I would deferential recommend it if you love seeing an amazing game being developed as well as some amazing company in the chat but also the live feed back the development team give then please try. They also play games recommend other things to watch and just have fun. So if you want a fun night then go watch them.

    Livesteams times are
    So after all that I will begin to catalog all the things I have seen and if, I mean if I can get images I will do my best to update everyone with them as well as a text accommodate them and give the images some context.

    25th January 2014
    The development art and animation stage of what appeared to be a large boss in the game. The boss consisted of a rock hand with a blue crystal in the center slaming down to what I believe was attack. Later on the stream when praised by a developer of Starbound. A reply was said that there is also animation of a head to go with the hand.

    Leth and D2king10 then began to test some of the dungeons/game for bugs. This is when we witnessed one of the many monsters in the game a red fox looking creature with the ability to summon foxes around it. We were also introduced to 2 classes the Mage and a paladin. As well as viewing some of the skills such as a heal and a block mechanic.

    Later in the stream we were introduced to the way that quests work as well as rewards for killing a certain amount of creatures and enemies. This is when we also got a look at the companion side of the game were you have a chance to capture a monster and use it as a loyal pet. (I still want a squirrel with a top hat).

    They showed us round a couple of dungeons fighting some other enemies such as skeletons and zombies as well as showing some random encounters and an achievement called ahhhhhhhhh right were the game crashed for comedic affect. A little thing I noticed was the hit counter if you like combos then this game will be soo perfect with some combos reaching around the 200 mark and only stopping due to the lack of enemies.

    That is the only details I can think of at the moment if anyone has more feel free to comment and I will add them with your name. If anyone can tell me how to compress this info using /spoiler or anything that would be appreciated and I hope we can continue to gather information for anyone interested in the development proses of this game.
      Last edited: Jan 26, 2014
      A1Legged, detrify and Leth like this.

      DEADxLORD Master Chief

      28th January 2014

      Commented on as part of a Starbound plaything with a member of the Starbound Dev team. Added zombies to the game at night. By zombies he means ghouls which are white with purple eyes that will attack the player as a type of ambush this will happen as all the night ambushes.
      • DEADxLORD

        DEADxLORD Master Chief

        (I have been missing a lot but I keep trying to catch up when I can. The time zones for me are totally different so if I miss some thing then I am sorry but then at the same time something are best left as a surprise)

        31th January 2014
        Comment as part of the starbound play though with Leth (Member of Wanderlust:Adventure dev team) and Bart (Member of Starbound dev team). Anything with an emerald skull is a random encounter boss. One boss mentioned of this type was a giant scorpion that has different attack patterns and attack types. The tail will stagger you making it so you can not block the claws will stun you and there is also a variety of charge attacks. This boss was changed from the original AI design were it would just shoot. This boss will be strong enough to insta kill you if you are playing solo. The comment made for this was its a boss you have to plan your moves.
        • Stu and Improved

          Stu and Improved Spaceman Spiff

          Looks cool.
            Leth likes this.

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