List of Announced Game Information (Retired due to release)

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Blue, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. Hukasu

    Hukasu Cosmic Narwhal

    i think the demo is ingame, like a "beta" version of the lightning weather effect
    Tom Baker, Cirom and Axe Garian like this.
  2. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Aww... so it wasn't meaning a Demo Vid...? :(
  3. SpaceCap'n

    SpaceCap'n Zero Gravity Genie

    Tiy did say they were working on a weather effects demo in his dungeon generation post...
  4. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    o_O I thought he said Planet Travel Demo...? :confused:

    Edit: Yup, double checked...
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  5. TuefelHundenIV

    TuefelHundenIV Cosmic Narwhal

    The demo announcement in the recent post is for interplanetary travel.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  6. SpaceCap'n

    SpaceCap'n Zero Gravity Genie

    ...Then where did I read weather effects D:
  7. omervekemal

    omervekemal Poptop Tamer

    I want the release date and the price of it, but i know you don't know it too...:wut:
    Axe Garian likes this.
  8. Hukasu

    Hukasu Cosmic Narwhal

    just because it is a demo, doesn't mean it is a video, as i said it might be like a prototype of the weather system
    Tom Baker and Axe Garian like this.
  9. Cirom

    Cirom Cosmic Narwhal

    The price is probably reasonably easy to guess, between 10$ - 15$ (I'm leaning more towards 15$ / £10). However, the release date.. that's a tricky one.
  10. Eight

    Eight Pangalactic Porcupine

    $10-$15, release end of the year or "when it's ready"

    EDIT: I just realised this was in "List of Announced game Info".
  11. omervekemal

    omervekemal Poptop Tamer

    Ah, i know it, but i want to know the "price" like $13.97, or $12.57 understand?:geek:
  12. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Tiy hasn't decided on that yet. Patience. (Though I know full well patience is DAMN hard.)
  13. omervekemal

    omervekemal Poptop Tamer

    Yup. But i need to know the final price beacuse my dad is going to buy a new credit card, and yes, i need to know
  14. Ninjaxenomorph

    Ninjaxenomorph Industrial Terraformer

    Assume it's expensive then. You might be pleasantly surprised.
    Dassery likes this.
  15. TuefelHundenIV

    TuefelHundenIV Cosmic Narwhal

    That is great that you need to know but it has no bearing on our ability to give you specific information. Best we can do is point you to the part of the page that gives a price range estimate see the first post andn scroll through it to find the cost estimate. Until an official price is given (likely to come along with the official release date) we are not going to know for sure.
  16. lordmarum

    lordmarum Subatomic Cosmonaut

    i hate the idea of races not changing the gameplay in any way.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  17. omervekemal

    omervekemal Poptop Tamer

    Yes, so i dont spam like what is the final price?! and, i have a problem, i gonna buy this game on steam, but i must wait like 8 days to buy with steam, its a biiiig problem i think:cry: (Game not goingto to sell on steam before 8 days, am i right?)
  18. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Yeah, it does kinda make some aspects of the game weird, like if the Races are gonna have different sizes of Body, yet they have 0 difference in how much they can carry for no reason at all whatsoever or such like that, yet Tiy's not without point that Racial Attributes can pigeonhole Races into being better or worse at some kinds of play & Tiy didn't wanna do that. It's kinda a damned if done & damned if not done kinda thing... & it goes for ALL Games, not just Starbound. :( Even a small simple little Racial Exclusive Passive would cause such effects. I hear each Race is gonna have Race-Exclusive Gear, but even this may be designed in such a way as to be different & exclusive only in Aesthetics. Race Exclusive Building Themes at least are good & make sense: A Beak Themed Building would make little to no sense for a Apex Home, & a Apex Themed Apartment could be more than a little uncomfortable for a Human to live in, & such & the like. :p

    Maybe after Game Release, a Mod for Racial Attributes, Skills, & Passives can be made, then people can decide for themselves whether or not they want it. More Options is always better. :up:
  19. TuefelHundenIV

    TuefelHundenIV Cosmic Narwhal

    Omervekemal: Look man we can't give you info we don't have. I am sorry but until an announcement with the concrete info is given by one of the dev team, like release date and cost, we have no information to give you.

    The only info we have for a release date is "End of Year" or "When it is done" I am sure this is a whichever comes first scenario.

    For cost an
    We don't even know the system requirements for the game yet.

    This is the only info avaialable to us at the moment. It would be appreciated if you would stop pestering people for the info when it has been given to you already.
  20. Hukasu

    Hukasu Cosmic Narwhal

    it's not exactly whichever comes first because it may get to the end of the year and the game is still not ready for release

    and about the system requirement, tiy said that even the low spec systems will be able to handle the game

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