List of Announced Game Information (Retired due to release)

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Blue, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. Stargazer

    Stargazer Existential Complex

    I'm not surprised. :laugh:
  2. Bombzero

    Bombzero Giant Laser Beams

    Well, the thing here is you wouldn't have to do that by hand, just establish where the "joint" is in a sprite and the program can handle the rest.
    The problem i see a lot is one popular dev does something in the worst possible manner, and people get it in their heads that that is the only way to do that.
    like the people assuming a mobile version of starbound would need a separate team or a ton of extra work for the devs because of Minecraft.
  3. omervekemal

    omervekemal Poptop Tamer

    I want physics, by the way:lod:. I need advantures like, Man! the cave is collapsing! lest go with batmobile! ! vuruuuuuum vuruuuuum, rocks are FALLING be quick! Roooooooooooooarrrm ruuuurm. Wow man we made it and we have got the diamond! But look at it! Our van on that mountain is falling down, we are gonna die!!
    Cirom likes this.
  4. Torang12

    Torang12 Phantasmal Quasar

    Ya I get what your saying.
  5. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Heheh, what I was referring is that there has to be People Sprites made for the Rolling Animation, & Gear Sprites (especially Armor & Vanity Armor) for the Rolling Animation made for it to work, & that's a LOT of Armor Sprites to do... unless ya wanna see your Character Sprite doing the Rolling Animation, & the Armor still in the standing up/walking Sprite at the same time... :lolwut:
  6. Bombzero

    Bombzero Giant Laser Beams

    once again this is untrue, please read what I posted above.
  7. Vegas

    Vegas Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hes pretty much saying that Redigit did it the long/stupid way.
    I know you've done some tConfig modding, and I'll give you an example.
    When your making custom armor, you already have the arm movements in the chest plate sprites, right? Then why is it, for some really odd reason, you have to make separate arm sprites.
    Its just Redigit doing things the long/stupid way.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  8. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    OOohhh... So, Starbound's not doing the Spriting the same way as Terraria... Maybe that's where i'm confused... :oops: Oh, & for the separate Arm Sprites thing... I always wondered about that myself... I always wondered if the separate Arm Sprites had something to do with Interation with stuff, giving Hit Boxes for attacking something to attach to, etc. but I could never be sure. I tried to power up at Terraria Modding...but I never got off the ground. :cry: I hope I was at least of some help to Lycos...
  9. Fauznaut

    Fauznaut Big Damn Hero

    I've read this multiple times...
  10. Combine_Kegan

    Combine_Kegan Phantasmal Quasar

    Not all of the monsters will be randomly generated, furthermore it hasn't been confirmed if the Creepers are going to be enemies. They could just be a statue or something like that, which honestly I'd prefer to see
  11. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    :giggle: That gets me thinking... it would be hilarious to have 'Robo-Creeper Bombs' that slither along the ground going "SSSSSSSSssssssssss..." until they hit an Obstacle/Enemy, then BOOM!!! :idea: I haven't seen anything like that in a game since The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time's 'Bomchu'.
    Eight likes this.
  12. Combine_Kegan

    Combine_Kegan Phantasmal Quasar

    I like the idea of a sliding bomb that behaves like a bombchu, maybe the creeper variants could be a hidden item, but have normal looking slider bombs otherwise.
    Cirom and Axe Garian like this.
  13. Cirom

    Cirom Cosmic Narwhal

    The arm goes above the rest of the armour. The extra "arm sprites" adds more flexibility, as armour does not get fixed to one sprite size.

    Redigit put all the sprite "parts" into ONE image anyway, which can be both good and bad considering - good because it uses up less of the "sprite limit" that I heard mentioned, but bad because it limits the flexibility the sprites can have. So no dual wielding, cause there's no sprite for the other arm. :<
  14. Billybob-Mario

    Billybob-Mario Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  15. Cirom

    Cirom Cosmic Narwhal

    The way dungeons are made seems rather like how King Arthur's Gold does it's Zombie_Fortress castle generation. Piecing premade parts together, making it VERY easily moddable!
    Axe Garian likes this.
  16. Hukasu

    Hukasu Cosmic Narwhal

    actually, i think that is how procedural generation of structures work on 2D spaces, terraria might have used it too
    and it might be not only for dungeons, caves and mountains might be that way too, so the engine overlaps then to put everything in place
  17. M C

    M C Parsec Taste Tester

    trees sway in wind eh? might be fun to add something like a storm once in a while so some trees would fall over, except that it would be hard to create.
  18. Hukasu

    Hukasu Cosmic Narwhal

    Axe Garian likes this.
  19. Tom Baker

    Tom Baker Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You are amazing Blue, great list!
  20. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Huh... this Link says there's a Lightning Effect Demo... but where is this Demo...? I would love to see it... Lightning/Electricity is my favorite Element to beat stuff up with in Video Games! :)

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