List of Announced Game Information (Retired due to release)

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Blue, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    Slimes and bats are most hated enemy.
    How DARE you ask if they are in this game! There will probably be some horrible other monster that annoys the crap out of us like slimes did in terraria...
  2. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank


    Ever seen Movies, like the Ghostbusters, where there's rivers or lakes of Slime sitting there like a substance acting like a goopy parody of Water?
  3. Cynic

    Cynic Master Chief

    It'd be cool to play with the physics of slime (splitting them into little pieces, then watching them absorb each other and become one big blob again).

    On the topic of monster slimes, what about carnivorous ones? They aren't completely sentient, but envelope their prey and digest them - plus, they're transparent so everyone can watch, and then the excess or skeleton is forced out!
  4. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    I got a facepalm :'o
  5. sasquatchjc

    sasquatchjc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That's because there is no way :p a black hole leads to a Point of Singularity which is basically all of the mass consumed by the black hole compacted down to the size of a penny (or smaller). Upon entering the event horizon, a person is sucked through it, stretched apart (through a process known as spaghettification), and traveled at light speed until colliding with the PoS.

    You probably already knew this, but i just felt like adding to your argument :p
  6. Shinxy-Chan

    Shinxy-Chan Giant Laser Beams

    Also Black holes fascinate me.
  7. omervekemal

    omervekemal Poptop Tamer

    We aren't gonna travel by blackholes i think, Because yeah, i know it is very dangerous and we can't travel, in game, they are gonna be dangerous things, and they arent gonna be that detailed,in fact i think they arent gonna be in game. I used gonna lots of times so,:rainbow::rainbow::rainbow: (Bad english:down:)
    Axe Garian likes this.
  8. Filipfonky

    Filipfonky Cosmic Narwhal

    No falling damage yet?

    That's like... the most obvious thing to add to a side-scroller.
  9. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    They've already said it's gonna get added eventually before release... & it'll work on Monsters too unlike Terraria!!! :DD

    ( :giggle: at the anticipation of the Dev Team inevitably going SPLAT because of having gotten too used to the Fall Damage not being there yet. :p)
    Auraknight, xboy777 and Woodbin like this.
  10. Filipfonky

    Filipfonky Cosmic Narwhal

    The fact that they haven't added the fall damage yet makes me wonder if we'll get a working game when it comes out...

    I mean... i can't be as broken as a Bethesda game, but all this wait and then we find out that there's still no fall-damage?

    Call me paranoid, but i'm worried.
    Woodbin likes this.
  11. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Tiy's already said he's just plain not releasing the Game before it's ready. ;)
    cAtraXx likes this.
  12. Fengrich

    Fengrich Big Damn Hero

    You don't need magic in Starbound.

    You get Science!
    xboy777 and Cyrax like this.
  13. sasquatchjc

    sasquatchjc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Why be paranoid? Fall damage is very insignificant compared to the other features of the game. Not to mention the fact easy to implement and test until perfection. It has all ready been mentioned by Tiy himself that it will be in the final product, and he also stated the game will not be released until it is completed, so there's nothing to worry about. :)
    TuefelHundenIV and Axe Garian like this.
  14. TuefelHundenIV

    TuefelHundenIV Cosmic Narwhal

    Last I checked we have no idea at what stage the game development is in. For all we know the game likely already has a mechanic for falling damage. Just because it is not on the list does not mean it is not in place. There is a lot we do not know about the game at this time. Being worried over something as silly as lack of a confirmed fall damage mechanic is worrying over nothing. Even if it turns out there is no fall damage mechanic I highly doubt that is an indicator of the quality of the rest of the game. I also highly doubt this game will come close to being as buggy as Bethesda games tend to be. Even then the majority of the Bethesda games are pretty good games despite their bugs.

    The team also has plenty of time to create and implement a fall damage mechanic if one is not currently in place already. It is still some time before the end of the year. Even then there is nothing stopping them from extending the release date beyond the years end to keep working on the game.

    If they get around to a gameplay demo vid in the near future, there is a good chance we get to see if they have fall damage in or not. OR someone could ask Tiy or other devs via Twitter to find out.

    Personally I am more curious about the various throwables they have mentioned possibly being in. I am hoping we have explosives for mining and combat.
  15. Filipfonky

    Filipfonky Cosmic Narwhal

    Stopped reading there.

    You didn't understand what i said.
    I'm worried because if they haven't implemented one of the most obvious things yet, then how are we sure they added bugfixes too?
    Dassery likes this.
  16. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    It seems like Fall Damage is one of the easier things to implement... maybe they figure it makes sense to tackle the hard stuff first? ;)
    sasquatchjc likes this.
  17. omervekemal

    omervekemal Poptop Tamer

    Yes you are right, they need it for test the game too:) I think,its like creactive mod?:viking:
    Axe Garian likes this.
  18. Arretez

    Arretez Spaceman Spiff

    I actually took the time to read the whole list today instead of just skimming over it, and might I just say: :saywhat: Short range teleporters?!?! I suggested that! This has just made my day!!! :DD
    Axe Garian likes this.
  19. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    I've wondered if they would be anything like the Teleporter thingies in the Unreal Tournament Games. :DD

    (For those who haven't played Unreal Tournament, I myself have played only Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition, the version in that game was that ya had this Gun that fires a Disc, & ya do so, then ya can Teleport to where the Disc is, even if it's still flying in Mid-Air. If ya Teleport to right in middle of where someone else is at, then that other person goes bye-bye & gets Fragged. Ya can Recall the Disc back to the Gun when ya want. A 2D Version of this would be cool! I still have fond memories of that device! :DD)
    Arretez likes this.
  20. Filipfonky

    Filipfonky Cosmic Narwhal

    Yeah, you may be right.
    But i'm still paranoid as f**k.

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