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Lets discuss update speed.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Clockwork, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. Middleman93

    Middleman93 Star Wrangler

    I vote that they do updates whenever they wish. Personally, I don't mind.
  2. DakoShark

    DakoShark Pangalactic Porcupine

    Didn't read much so sorry if this was already said.

    I'm pretty sure they're going to be doing small weekly (or every two weeks) content updates when Beta is there, since they are going to need to balance, tweak and fix everything as they work towards release. So I'm sure the updates for beta will be rather fast.

    After release though I would expect them to get content updates every month to two months, since the game is there, they just have to expand upon it. It really depends on what they plan to add, new features and mechanics (Like FTL style ship battles) could take upwards of 4 months, while updates that add in new weapon or monster parts could take maybe a month or less, since it's just the art and a tad of coding.

    So for beta, I can see shorter spans between updates, after release, I could see longer.

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