Modding Discussion Large Scale Developmental Project UPDATED

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Prezee, Jun 7, 2014.


Do you think this project would be beneficial to the game in the long run?

  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  3. Undecided

  1. Prezee

    Prezee Void-Bound Voyager

    Hello all!

    To any programmers out there, please read the following as it may benefit you. To all others, skip the first paragraph if you would like to see what I am working on.

    My name is Kyle M. and I am a software engineer in my third year of university. I greatly enjoy the process of programming, as well as the aspects, benefits, and fundamental concepts of working in a large group. As such I am taking on a brand new project. I am going to overhaul Starbounds modding to the next level, not only in content but in possibilities. I am looking to not only expand the modding availability, but to innovate the modding itself. I plan to do this through extension languages, additional programming that will grab and manage the base code of the game, and large scale comparability patches allowing almost any number of mods to coincide with each other with no issues. I require zero knowledge of the programming world for anybody who wishes to join, but do recommend that you have at least 1-2 hours a day to work on this, and an understanding or group projects. Anybody with C++, assembly, LUA, and at least one person should have SQL knowledge (if nobody is available I will be taking this on myself but I would prefer to be doing the large scale debugging and programming.

    The planned features thus far (which will be collaborated with the team for expanding and removal of redundant features)

    -A base IDE which runs off plugins. This will be expanded and updated each release.
    -Ability to add new parameters.
    -Ability to modify current parameters/
    -Expanded ability to add content.
    -Usable SQL data basing with NO additional programs needed to the end user.
    -Stable and safe environment to program in, both allowing for a beginner to make a simple mod, and the next prodigy to make the game into something completely new.


    If you are interested in participating in this project, please send an email to me including the following.

    First Name (simply for ease of conversation):
    Current Programming knowledge:
    Do you have graphical work knowledge (Y/N):
    How many hours a day are you willing to program for this project?
    Brief description about yourself (Optional but appreciated, I like to know whom I am working with):

    and to be fair here is my own submission of this for anybody wishing to work with me.

    First Name: Kyle
    Occupation: Office Manager / Student
    Current Programming knowledge: c++, java, lua, python, c, various forms of assembly, and an array of various low-level languages.
    Do you have graphical work knowledge: Very minor.
    How many hours a day are you willing to program for this project: Between 3 and 8.
    Brief description of myself:

    I started software engineering when I was 17 (directly upon graduating) and attained my bachelors at 19. I have since been working towards my masters for three years. I aspire to help innovate both the world and the things I enjoy, and my exemplar is Bjarne Stroustrup, the father of the C++ language.
    prodamn likes this.
  2. prodamn

    prodamn Spaceman Spiff

    good luck m8, you'll need it!
  3. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Personally I would wait.
    They are constantly opening up more and more features in starbound - and the things you can access. Which might make it largely redundant in the long run.

    Until they reached a stage in development where they reached a point where they are no longer opening any more doors for modders - I would hold off.
  4. Prezee

    Prezee Void-Bound Voyager

    This is an excellent point, I would definitely wait but still feel gaining a team of willing people and collaborating on what the base of the overhaul would mean would still be a good idea. The main thing is that it being updated to the current update would also mean removing features implemented better by the game, or removing redundant code and just keeping the extra functionality.

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