RP Land of Valor

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Cup o' Tea, Mar 22, 2015.

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  1. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    "I never said prince of what!"
  2. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    Alazia whispered in Ra's ear, 'This is from the guy with the stupid picture on his shield, I wouldn't take anything he says as solid.'
    Captain Kane likes this.
  3. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

    "Then thou speak of blasphemy...end of discussion."
  4. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    Ra whispers back, "Do you even know what that thing is supposed to be?"
    "FIne... I'm the prince of your mom. Happy?"
    KookyKeronian likes this.
  5. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

    "What a petty insult...I've heard better insults from a dimwitted boulder."
    KookyKeronian likes this.
  6. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    Ra shrugs. "That still doesn't change the fact that your "crest" looks stupid as all hell."
  7. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

    "And I suppose the same goes for your pathetic fireworks."
  8. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    Ra freezes in his track at this. "What did you just say?"
  9. Relten

    Relten The Waste of Time

    "And Insult for an insult."
    Gallius continues on walking.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2015
  10. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    Ra frowns and jogs past Gallius, catching up with Alazia.
  11. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    'I suppose that it is the crest of his family, he seems to come from money. I mean, look at his armor!' She whispered back when he caught up with her. 'And your apparent lack of them.' She quirked an eyebrow.
    Relten likes this.
  12. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    Ra grinned sheepishly. "It's too stuffy, wearing clothes and all. I don't know how the rest of the world does it."
    Relten likes this.
  13. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    'I have the feeling that if I were to walk around wearing nothing but some trousers, I would get some stares.'
    Captain Kane, Cup o' Tea and Relten like this.
  14. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    Some of the animals around the group begin to act strange as they continue their journey.
  15. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    Dumbledalf has remained silent as he is attempting to fit an entire rabbit in his mouth.
    Relten and Cup o' Tea like this.
  16. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    Alazia sees this and trys to help him, pushing on its hind legs.
    The Squid and Relten like this.
  17. DarkAndStormyKnight

    DarkAndStormyKnight The End of Time

    Elyan had remained silent this whole time, silently appalled at Alazia's rabbit massacre. He noticed the animals starting to act strangely around them. He hurries to catch up with the group, just catching the end of the last conversation.
    "You and me both, except somehow I think the demeanor of these stares would differ between us..." he said, gesturing to the bandages wrapped around him.
    Relten likes this.
  18. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    Ra seems slightly disappointed that Alazia had so abruptly ended their conversation, but continues walking.
    Relten likes this.
  19. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    'As long as it isn't contagious, I don't care.' She gave a small smile.
    Relten likes this.
  20. DarkAndStormyKnight

    DarkAndStormyKnight The End of Time

    Elyan laughed. "Oh leprosy is highly contagious my dear."
    Relten likes this.
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