RP Land of Valor

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Cup o' Tea, Mar 22, 2015.

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  1. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    'We are going to the city marked on this map.' She pulls out the map and points to where they are going. 'First, we should stop in this city and grab any supplies we need.' She points to the nearby city while she puts away the map, then pulls out Kat and shows him some love.
    Exiledone and Relten like this.
  2. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    "An excellent idea. And by grab you mean steal right?"
    Relten likes this.
  3. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    Kat's gone ;~;
    Relten likes this.
  4. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    Azalia ignores Caleb, and instead panics, looking in all of her pockets and around her for Kat. 'Where are you, Kat?!'
    Relten likes this.
  5. Exiledone

    Exiledone Master Astronaut

    "Why are you panicking?"
  6. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    "Statement. I believe she has lost Kat."
  7. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    'Kat has gone somewhere!' She is by now on her hands and knees.
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  8. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    "Questioning. Did you check your pockets?"
    Exiledone and Cup o' Tea like this.
  9. DarkAndStormyKnight

    DarkAndStormyKnight The End of Time

    "That would be a good start."
    Exiledone likes this.
  10. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    A tall man with potions hanging from his clothes starts to approach them from the woods.
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  11. DarkAndStormyKnight

    DarkAndStormyKnight The End of Time

    Elyan turns to look at this approaching man.
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  12. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    He seems oddly familiar.

    The man pulls several potions off and starts running at them.
    Exiledone likes this.
  13. DarkAndStormyKnight

    DarkAndStormyKnight The End of Time

    "Uhh...guys? I think this guy is crazy."
    Cup o' Tea likes this.
  14. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    Dumbledalf gets ready to fight.
    Exiledone likes this.
  15. Exiledone

    Exiledone Master Astronaut

    Ari backs up,
    "Isn't that just peachy."
  16. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    The man's intentions soon become clear...

    He's a merchant. O gawd.
    Exiledone likes this.
  17. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    Arachnus is overjoyed to the see the Wizard of the Magic Finger. "Radosny. Greetings again!"
  18. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    Dumbledalf looks at Arachnus. "Curious. You know him?"
    Cup o' Tea likes this.
  19. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    "Informacyjny. I am not know him, but he is seem nice."
    Relten likes this.
  20. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    "Thoughtful. Oh." Dumbledalf stops getting ready to fight and waves at the man.
    Relten and Exiledone like this.
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