RP Land of Valor

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Cup o' Tea, Mar 22, 2015.

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  1. DarkAndStormyKnight

    DarkAndStormyKnight The End of Time

    "Well no shit Sherlock. I'm a Leper. If you wanna get on my nerves you're gonna have to do a lot better than that. Being a leper means I was bullied when I had leprosy and was younger, so calling me strange is a bit redundant." He keeps grinding up the ingredients in the bowl in his hands.
  2. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    Ra turns away from Elyan, instead choosing to watch Alazia work.
  3. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    She has had much practice with this apparently, the skin is already off and draped over a nearby log. She has begun sorting out things edible from things that aren't. 'Steak or jerky?' She asks the group. 'Jerky will last longer.'
  4. DarkAndStormyKnight

    DarkAndStormyKnight The End of Time

    Elyan appears to have finished and puts the bowl back into his backpack, then putting the mash of ingredients in after it. He then turns back to the group to also watch Alazia work, as there's really nothing else to do. You could say she's experienced at handling meat. Elyan thinks a bit immaturely.[DOUBLEPOST=1427145160][/DOUBLEPOST]
    "Then jerky. Doesn't make a difference to me."
    Relten, Captain Kane and critsarecool like this.
  5. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    Arachnus walks to the fire and seats himself with the others, looking into the flame silently.
  6. DarkAndStormyKnight

    DarkAndStormyKnight The End of Time

    "So what can everyone here do? I know we have a fire and a water mage, but what do you do?" Elyan says, pointing at Arachnus.
  7. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    Hexed stumbles through the trees and straightens out his floating hat before looking at the group. "I forgot to give you something"
    Relten likes this.
  8. DarkAndStormyKnight

    DarkAndStormyKnight The End of Time

    Elyan stands up and looks at Hexed. "So you were that noise? Whoops..... What is it?"
  9. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    "What noise? I just got here." Hexed is gripping something in his hand.
    Relten likes this.
  10. DarkAndStormyKnight

    DarkAndStormyKnight The End of Time

    "Never mind. What do you have for us?''
  11. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    "Oh. Right." Hexed opens his hand, revealing what appears to be a necklace with a stone cat statue at one end.
  12. DarkAndStormyKnight

    DarkAndStormyKnight The End of Time

    "What does it do?"
  13. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    "Nothing yet. But you'll need it later."
  14. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    "I'm going to be honest here," Ra said, deliberately ignoring Hexed. "The last time I had meat was about 5 years ago, which is better?"
    Relten likes this.
  15. DarkAndStormyKnight

    DarkAndStormyKnight The End of Time

    Elyan takes it from Hexed and drapes the necklace around his neck. "Alright then." He turns back to Ra and Azalia. "Steak is, but jerky is far more practical."
  16. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    Hexed looks over at the fire. "Whatcha...Whatcha got there?"
    Relten likes this.
  17. Captain Kane

    Captain Kane The Waste of Time

    Ra ignores Elyan. "Well Alazia?"
  18. DarkAndStormyKnight

    DarkAndStormyKnight The End of Time

    "Our dinner. Not yours." Elyan says curtly, before turning back to the others. "Hey Azalia would you mind leaving a little bit of the meat on the corpse?"
    Relten likes this.
  19. Cup o' Tea

    Cup o' Tea Guest

    Hexed ignores Elyan, cheerfully walking over to the fire and plopping down next to it.
  20. critsarecool

    critsarecool The Waste of Time

    Alazia courtesly ignores Hexed, replying ti Ra, 'I'm making jerky. Have any spices, leper?'
    Relten likes this.
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