RELEASED K's Farm Buildings & Fences Recolors/Edits + Stable Replacement (Bathroom)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Kiatsu, Mar 12, 2016.

  1. Kiatsu

    Kiatsu Industrial Terraformer

    Here's where I got some shiba's
    and there's a tutorial somewhere in the Mod forums about adding more pets but it got buried somewhere... You have to edit a file though.

    *** 50 pages later.... still couldn't find the tutorial for more pets... sorry, I'll have to get back on you later for that one... :rofl:
    • Kiatsu

      Kiatsu Industrial Terraformer

      I was gonna say I might make some later with the slanted roof but I'm a bit busy atm... so I'm glad you found the other one~ )
        SarahKik likes this.
      • Faythe

        Faythe Pangalactic Porcupine

        yeah figured that out when i looked under my save
        • dejitaruneko

          dejitaruneko Void-Bound Voyager

          Here's the page you were looking for to add more then one pet~
          • Inalleon

            Inalleon Phantasmal Quasar

            Is it possible for the fence to be modified to have two colors like the houses? One color for the post one for the connecting beams?
            • RozanePasteru

              RozanePasteru Subatomic Cosmonaut

              Very PRETTY! I Love how your farm looks like :nuruawe::nuruawe::nuruawe:
              • markz6197

                markz6197 Void-Bound Voyager

                Very awesome. Will there be an update for sheds and mills, though?

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