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Killer Snowman's Killer Art Thread

Discussion in 'Art' started by Killer Snowman, Nov 11, 2012.

  1. Killer Snowman

    Killer Snowman Pangalactic Porcupine

    I know what you're thinking.

    "Killer Snowman can draw?"

    Yeah baby. I sure can. If I was any better with a pencil, any more aware of how to use a pencil, I would have one for a hand.

    I could go on all day about how good I am, but I'm gonna let my artwork speak for me.

    Fantabulous Drawings
    [​IMG]When the Apex were originally revealed, George requested some fan art. Who was I to deny Georgy such a request? He never did comment on it. I suppose words just couldn't describe what he thought...

    [​IMG]This work placed 12th in an esteemed drawing contest here on the forums. Not bad.

    The Campaign
    And of course, I was asked to make up some campaign posters for a fairly reputable individual... Perhaps you've heard of... PIKACHU??
    For some reason, Pikachu's representatives asked that I not use my drawing skills. Pity.


    There will be more to come of course. Feel free to look, but don't touch - these are expensive you know.

    *Tongue firmly planted in cheek*

    All seriousness though, I'm an aspiring cartoonist. And of course, I can't draw. Kind of a shame really. Do I wish I could? Yeah. But you know what? At the same time, I wouldn't trade my awfulness for the world.

    So, a couple guys were interested in NinjaCube. Well, here's the website. It sucks, because I made it a long time ago. Maybe I'll update it. Maybe I won't. Here's some wallpaper if you want. For 1920*1080 resolutions. Any other resolutions? Let me know!

    Nexus 7 Wallpaper
    Pretty self explanatory. If you have a Nexus 7, it will definitely work. Other 7 inch Android tablets too.

    If you'd like, I can draw you a really crappy avatar. And not even in a "so bad it's good" way. I mean, it is so crappy, that it blows right past "so bad it's good" all the way to, "so bad it's bad. Holy crap."

    You'll be the coolest kid this side of the Off-Topic section.
  2. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    *touches ALL the pictures*

    Nice art.

    Although the Pikachu ones aren't very good, I don't see any drawings.
    Killer Snowman likes this.
  3. Killer Snowman

    Killer Snowman Pangalactic Porcupine


    I know. But, who am I to tell Pikachu how to make a campaign poster?

    EDIT: Wox. I am aware. Thanks for letting me know though. I shall continue to wollow in shame.
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  4. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

  5. Killer Snowman

    Killer Snowman Pangalactic Porcupine

    Eh... I think my drawing skills are shameful enough. Pixel art just ain't my thing. ;)

    Also, guys, would you be interested in... NinjaCube?
  6. Killer Snowman

    Killer Snowman Pangalactic Porcupine

  7. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    My god, you MADE THAT?
  8. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    I need a NinjaCube. NOW.
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  9. Killer Snowman

    Killer Snowman Pangalactic Porcupine

    Heh, sorry. Broke the link there. Put it back though... I'm just gonna edit the website a bit... If I still have the ole password. :oops: I made that years ago.

    I originally planned to make a stop motion film featuring NinjaCube. Didn't pan out.
    And Galactic, I have the only NinjaCube at this point in time. No plans to make more. HOWEVER!... I do have desktop wallpaper for ya if you want. He can AVENGE your desktop.
  10. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    I already got the background.

    Mind if I make my own NinjaCube?
  11. Killer Snowman

    Killer Snowman Pangalactic Porcupine

    Go for it! He's not trademarked or anything... :p

    And I made a much better one since, Galactic. I'll post it on here if you want.
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  12. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    Show meh, and tell me what I need to make him.

    I have an idea now... Making inanimate objects on my desk animate... hmm...
  13. Killer Snowman

    Killer Snowman Pangalactic Porcupine

    FYI. Never. Use. WIX. Holy crap... Editing that took way longer than it should.

    Anyways, here's that wallpaper. If you have 1920*1080 monitors that is... Any other sizes? Let me know.

    I'm surprised you guys are actually interested in it. :rofl:
  14. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    I already have the wallpaper.


    EDIT: Yeah, I like to keep my desktop clean.
    Killer Snowman likes this.
  15. Killer Snowman

    Killer Snowman Pangalactic Porcupine

    Holy crap. That thing I did on the website actually worked.
    And the one I linked there is a little better. To me anyways. That one is like... 2 years old. But, if you like it!
  16. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    I like that other one. Also, ignore my real name. That's unimportant.
  17. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    I go by Joey.
  18. Killer Snowman

    Killer Snowman Pangalactic Porcupine

    You could say it has been swiped from my mind...something something galactically speaking.

    Anyways, I believe you mentioned that you wanted to make your own?

    Here's how I made mine.

    1. Found random chunk of material in classroom.
    2. Put stickynote on material.
    3. Drew eyes on sticky note.
    4. Called it NinjaCube.
    5. Went home, and made a proper face.
    6. Taped it on, and has been avenging my desk for years.
  19. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    Yeah, that can't be made of insulation, that stuff has fiberglass in it, and they don't come in big chunks like that. I'm guessing it's made of foam or something.
  20. Killer Snowman

    Killer Snowman Pangalactic Porcupine

    Like I said. I made that website years ago. Fact checking wasn't my highest priority then. Still isn't. But that's beside the point...

    You're probably right about the foam thing though. I think it's foam. Maybe. I dunno.

    He's chillin' on my clock on the wall right now. So I'm not gonna disturb him.

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