Digital Kierran's Deep Cave ~ Below avarage art :3 ~ Requests on hold!

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Kierran, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. Adam05PL

    Adam05PL Pangalactic Porcupine

    Even if you're begginner that doesnt mean you'll draw everything bad/not as good as imagine. Being newbie grants you with good ,,unusuality" and great ideas =)
  2. AldoKaido

    AldoKaido Starship Captain

    Beeing a beginner doesn't get you anything...
  3. Adam05PL

    Adam05PL Pangalactic Porcupine

    In my mind I had a thought that when you're beginner you get a fresh, inspirational look at something. Not sure if this is true, but still :p
  4. Dolphinowl245

    Dolphinowl245 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Avali are awesome!
  5. walrusman72

    walrusman72 Phantasmal Quasar

    Hooray for the Availi :lickitung:o_O
  6. AldoKaido

    AldoKaido Starship Captain

    No,a true artist just sees all the opportunities because he has seen a lot of things and has all the inspiration he needs.He is not slowed down by worries about tracing right or wrong and just expresses himself like if there were nothing standing between his thought and his medium.

    A beginner will just go as far as what he knows an whatever vision he has will be hidden by his limits.

    I don't know who you call artists but it's certainly not the ones that copy an existing style like Disney or the usual anime thing.
  7. Adam05PL

    Adam05PL Pangalactic Porcupine

    Everyone have their own vision about everything :) About last statement, by inspirational before ,I meant orginal (sorry, I'm not perfect at english :p). I like artist with their orginal style's, they're awesome ^^
  8. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Definition of a certain style depends from person to person. This ''anime'' style is really controversial. I've seen a lot of ''styles'' that mimic so said anime style, but being more realistic about it, smaller eyes, neck size being normal, not so drastic hairstyles, but otherwise you could say it's the same, but do you still count it as the usual anime thing? Or is your usual anime thing the disqusting Uguu~ big eyes stuff? :)
  9. Adam05PL

    Adam05PL Pangalactic Porcupine

    I personally dont watch anime, but I'm fan of japanese Ace Attorney series. From what can I say kids have pretty big eyes, mostly located low. Adults seem to have smaller , but still bigger from normal eyes + all sorts of hairstyles ( look up Pxoenix Wright or Athena Cykes). I think therm ,,anime" is mostly focusing on ,,japanese" look. I cant say more in this case, anyway I have to go sleep (It's 1:00 here @_@). Good night!
  10. Mikhaos

    Mikhaos Pangalactic Porcupine

    As far as art goes I have only just embarked on my journey. I can say from experience (thus far anyway) that art is something you feel, something you taste, something you can see is there (both physically and metaphorically). My take on it is that if it feels right it is, no one can tell you otherwise. If you keep putting a limit on what is art you are only limiting yourself. The problem with anime is that its just not original enough; I could care less about the big sparkly eyes or the goofy character proportions. But as an art form it limits itself because many illustrators and animators generally tend to go in the same direction, resulting in a style that unfortunately becomes far too common or familiar. Creating something unique starts with what you feel is right, don't just go with the flow, but carve a path down that river. In the end you find that you end up with a style completely unique to you and only you. In the end that's all that matters. :catface2:
    Kierran likes this.
  11. AldoKaido

    AldoKaido Starship Captain

    ...Do you mean that it's debatable that beginners cannot draw like professionnals?
  12. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Chill down Aldo, I'm pretty sure that is not what he ment ;)

    Now it's not about being a beginner or a prof, he just means he also prefers people that don't copy straight from something. I'm sure you ccan already see from any beginner if they trace something or copy a certain style even if they ain't that good at what they're doing. BUT, beginners need a starting point and if they start from copying a certain person's style they adore, I think that is ok. Everybody needs to start from somewhere, before their mind and body are ready to create without thinking much about it, if you know what I mean
    Adam05PL likes this.
  13. walrusman72

    walrusman72 Phantasmal Quasar

    Be calm... Just stare at the booty

  14. AldoKaido

    AldoKaido Starship Captain

    It's not like if I knew things about style or art.
  15. Adam05PL

    Adam05PL Pangalactic Porcupine

    No, I'm sayijg, that from my point of view
    Thanks, Kierran, I had something like that in mind ^^
  16. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ok here's something small I did this trip! I will get home on the last day of March, yay :)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    elusiveTranscendent and Adam05PL like this.
  17. Adam05PL

    Adam05PL Pangalactic Porcupine

    Daaaaw. They're so awesome ! I love how you drew Avali ^^ Good work as always :D
    Also, cool new avatar :p
  18. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thank yooooooooou~
  19. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Time for You to request Something again *cough* ;)
  20. Adam05PL

    Adam05PL Pangalactic Porcupine

    *cough* You'r secret project *cough*

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