Digital Kierran's Deep Cave ~ Below avarage art :3 ~ Requests on hold!

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Kierran, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. Adam05PL

    Adam05PL Pangalactic Porcupine

    So first story of my character that I request you to draw (if you like reading long stuff) :He's captain of small Avian pirate ship that are helping people in need. He got chosed for captain thanks for his perfect aim . They have money for this thanks to rich solarium mine they discovered. Even
    in hardest times he try to be optimistic, which he promised himself after what happened to his wife ( As you know lore of Avians, she was sacrificed because of one
    black feather found in their house ). Adam ( my character) couldn't take blame for himself because he was working when that happened. He came back and saw Avian priest pulling knife in his lover.
    After that he ran and promised himself to find prove that Kluex ( Avian god) isn't real. His shipmates have same mission too. The day he'll find the prove that Kluex isn't real, or will find Kluex himself, with
    different will than taking sacrifices will be happiest day in his life. Now he's helping people in even worse situations than him. Well , that's story, now some screenshots. I will be super happy if you'll draw this fellow =) Thank you very much for drawing every stupid idea we request, you're awesome ^^
    elusiveTranscendent and Kierran like this.
  2. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Hmmm, wonder which human soldier he murdered to get that pulse rifle :p
  3. Adam05PL

    Adam05PL Pangalactic Porcupine

    He found this while looting Stargazers that attacked Avian village , dont worry :p
  4. AldoKaido

    AldoKaido Starship Captain

    Who doesn't.

    EDIT:Also that's supposed to teach you a few things.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2014
    Kierran likes this.
  5. AldoKaido

    AldoKaido Starship Captain

    What you think he means:

    What it really is:
  6. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    One picture for you coming up, actually it's already been done, but now I need to wait for the internet! Thursday morning it is then!
    Adam05PL likes this.
  7. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    elusiveTranscendent likes this.
  8. AldoKaido

    AldoKaido Starship Captain

    I disobeyed.
  9. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You infidel!
  10. AldoKaido

    AldoKaido Starship Captain

    Fuck Kluex
    elusiveTranscendent and Adam05PL like this.
  11. Adam05PL

    Adam05PL Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh my G O D. This is amazing! Thank you so much Kierran! I'm going to put this as my profile pic (if you dont mind) later when I'll get on PC. Thanks again Kierran, you're amazing <3 :iswydt:
    elusiveTranscendent likes this.
  12. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i'll make a proper avatar out of it, atm its no good without some small tuning :)
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2014
  13. Adam05PL

    Adam05PL Pangalactic Porcupine

    Your art itself is pretty amazing. I dont think you have to edit it more :)
  14. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  15. Adam05PL

    Adam05PL Pangalactic Porcupine

    Many thanks =) You're amazing Kierran ^^
  16. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thank you! :love:
  17. Adam05PL

    Adam05PL Pangalactic Porcupine

    Here it is. It's awesome! :D
  18. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh god I joined the madness and made a pic of an avali... Gonna upload it on Sunday :)
  19. Adam05PL

    Adam05PL Pangalactic Porcupine

    Can't wait for fluffinness of Avali , kmowing you It's gonna be awesome ^^
    Kierran likes this.
  20. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That's quite sweet, thanks. But I am still very much a beginner when it comes to this stuff. :X

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