Digital Kierran's Deep Cave ~ Below avarage art :3 ~ Requests on hold!

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Kierran, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. AldoKaido

    AldoKaido Starship Captain

    See your latest wasn't bad for your level.I'm guessing that means that you are putting at least some pride and involvement into actual drawing.

    So why not stepping it up...And get serious?
  2. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You can't even imagine how many times I've re-written this answer...

    I got so damn happy from your words suddenly. I'm open for all the critique you or anyone else can give. Good comments are a double-edged blades, making me confident but not giving anything to improve on.

    Tips and tricks welcome :)
    elusiveTranscendent and Adam05PL like this.
  3. AldoKaido

    AldoKaido Starship Captain

    Well what do you expect?Tips and tricks?

    Here's one.

    There is no secret.You just grab a pencil and draw everything you see and try to learn from it.And as much as you can,everywhere you can,and you do that for years.Talent doesn't exist.The only difference between artists is the amount of work they put into their development.

    Don't copy from other people.Don't copy what's popular.Take reality and study reality.I've seen so much people,litterally intoxicated with anime and Disney "styles",and it's fucking everywhere.If you want to truly draw you must do it all yourself,and start with things that you can see,real people,etc.You must learn how to draw things,not "X-style things".

    I won't make a lecture to you.This is pointless and I have my own things to practice.I prefer it much more when people ask me questions.
    elusiveTranscendent likes this.
  4. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    All right, heard those words so many times already and how true they are :)
    Here is a sneak peek of something I'm working on for Novablast :)

  5. AldoKaido

    AldoKaido Starship Captain

    If you end up making pointy chins with giant eyes everywhere you'll know that I've had you warned.
  6. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2014
  7. AldoKaido

    AldoKaido Starship Captain

    Your grass has a lot of problems because it looks like a pile of hairs.

    You have to think that grass comes from the ground and are like fur.It has a direction and a flow and exists as whole masse.You cannot draw every single blade of grass therefore that is not what you should do.You have to simulate the abundance of it,and focus on flow,direction and render.


    They all use different technics but with the same basics.

    You have to study your subject a lot when you are trying to paint it.Never work without references.
    elusiveTranscendent likes this.
  8. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Is it any better now? :)
  9. AldoKaido

    AldoKaido Starship Captain

    Kinda yeah.

    But what you really need is the basics.Train a lot to draw and paint simple subjects.
  10. Adam05PL

    Adam05PL Pangalactic Porcupine

    Damn, pretty cool. Keep it up Kierran =)
  11. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Haha, thanks. The next one is a walrus, a squid and an airplane... what?! :eek:
  12. Adam05PL

    Adam05PL Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well, good luck with that =) You will need it *pats Kierran on back*
    elusiveTranscendent and Kierran like this.
  13. AldoKaido

    AldoKaido Starship Captain

    When you study new subjects,gather diverse pictures of it and draw them.Once you're warmed up,do it again while trying to break them into simple shapes easy to reproduce.Try ask yourself how everything works.
  14. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Ooh, looks fanceh, thanks :D
  15. walrusman72

    walrusman72 Phantasmal Quasar

  16. Mikhaos

    Mikhaos Pangalactic Porcupine

    I find looking very closely at lines and the lack thereof very useful when drawing still life (contour lines, implied lines, etc). It also helps me out when drawing figures. I still have trouble with proportions however so I'm working at furthering that skill as an artist. :laugh:
  17. AldoKaido

    AldoKaido Starship Captain

    Always construct your drawings.Global shape first,then details.Proportions will come simply by doing it that way and correcting yourself until you get it right.
    elusiveTranscendent and Mikhaos like this.
  18. JayZulko

    JayZulko Void-Bound Voyager

    Nice style on this bit.
  19. AldoKaido

    AldoKaido Starship Captain

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaah THERE.I knew I forgot to say something since three days.

    That's for superior figure training.By superior I mean the best you can possibly dream of .Of course you're still at a stage where you really should be mastering your tools first.But the sooner you start getting used to anatomy the better.This way you avoid ending up like me.Very good at swinging your pen but completely useless when it comes to actual model knowledge.

    So I'm doing that each day.

    Here's for the music while you draw.

    ...Do I get a high-five now?
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2014
  20. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    <-- Owns a physical copy of the Bastion soundtracks <3
    rhomboid and Mikhaos like this.

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