As a plus of This is part of the process: There is a way of shrink NPCs? Should be VERY nice a family grow up with new members, like kids. So, when they "born", should have a sprite showing the process, like a seed growing up for a Floran, and a machine being build for a Glitch. If it's not possible to make those NPCs, I may consider doing kids like the way "pets" are. Also, they should need less variation on pants. I'm everybody to participate in this community project: Looking forward for your kid! =]
Make sense, you're right man. But, it's universal in many MMOs, like WOW, where NPCs have children, and Ragnarok, where you're able to have your own child. So, making it at least available via MOD, and not official, could be a way for who want it, by installing the mod.
Not sure if directly shrinking NPCs is the best idea. I think they'd look a lot better if they had their own sprites. Here's something I pixeled in 5 min to show off what I'd imagine them to look like: Rounder features and bigger shiny eyes. Oh, and a lighter palette might help further differentiate them from adult npcs.
@darkrown Amazing! They should have at least a walking movement with flapping arms, to walk around singing, hehe
I like this idea, especially in conjunction with the marriage suggestion. Perhaps when you die you re-spawn as your child, who is your heir and gets all your stuff.
haha, thanks. Kids skipping in the fields would be cute indeed c: And I'd also like being able to keep my kid around with me (i.e. the pet wquivalent you suggested). Maybe they could support you by healing with who knows what item (just throwing ideas out there)
And perhaps your kid spends holidays with you for 1 night with different things to say like: "I got a "
@darkrown What about a commit to make these little NPCs? =P Something like a sample of each one. If you design it in singular files, or .GIF. I can manage it to act as a pet, or born from NPCs. @DarkAndStormyKnight WOW, hehe, it's like some orphans living a day as an adventurer! The children day is almost here, having 3 poses of each kid can make it happen. Let's say they will act like pets. So, you just need to draw them inside a .GIF, without the worry of doing them with modular parts, so, they will need 3 basic poses, like "idle", "walking", "running". The is a standard with grid of 18x18: But it can be bigger, like this 43x43: