Modding Help Keep getting this error message, what I do wrong?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Mr Brightside, Jun 4, 2017.

  1. Mr Brightside

    Mr Brightside Void-Bound Voyager

    Can't pass this error, please help! errormessage.jpg
  2. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    I would say the uploader could use logs. I've had trouble before but not that exact error. No indication what the problem is or even on what end.

    As far as I'm aware, you might need a dev to interpret that. The most we could probably do is find problems with your metadata etc.
  3. Mr Brightside

    Mr Brightside Void-Bound Voyager

    Alright, the problem solved. I'm not really sure how, there was probably an error in some files. Well, I just simply remade the mod, now it works just fine. Still, thanks for response!

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