June 13 - Just some dev chat

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by OmnipotentEntity, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. Disco2

    Disco2 Existential Complex

    So much use of the word push.
    I love it!
  2. PwnagPotato11

    PwnagPotato11 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ok thank you for telling me that.
  3. Titanium

    Titanium Existential Complex

    ...not for machinima
  4. Khrono

    Khrono Big Damn Hero

    Confused. Thought you guys moved into an office so you could talk face to face. (Not trolling / upset / sarcastic, just honestly curious)
    Kawa likes this.
  5. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    "The difference between GMod and SFM" comes to mind. Like, that whole sentence, as is.
  6. OmnipotentEntity

    OmnipotentEntity Code Monkey Forum Administrator

    I was only visiting the office. I'm back in the states now.
  7. squirrel_killer-

    squirrel_killer- Sandwich Man

    If you ever see a group of like three or more programmers working on the same project at the same table... well in my experience we all forget how to talk and IRC is the only way words are being passed. Now when someone vocalizes their thoughts all that days code leaves your head and everyone ends up like the guy in the comic below.


    My friends and family have got very good at dodging projectiles when they interrupt me while I'm coding, as I have an instant reaction to take out the nearest target immediately when my train of thought is derailed.

    Seriously though, computer people all get weird when actually working. I know for my own game development I am working on (something I will go no further on here in detail out of respect to CF) when we are sharing ideas it is vocal, but the moment I start coding, even if it is just proof of concept junk using Turing (a nonindustry training language I use for small proof of concept when I am too lazy to actually work something into a real project) I am to not be communicated with out side of IRC, FB, email, etc.. Normally the other guys are close enough I can (and have) put them both at knife point before they can react... I get very nasty when I work and you try to physically talk to me.
    Treadlight, Flannicus90 and Khrono like this.
  8. Flannicus90

    Flannicus90 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Is anyone else slightly bugged by the ungrammatical use of the word "like?" (The word "like" traditionally showed comparison or affection, not a pause in a sentence.)
    That said, I'm a 23 year old American and catch myself saying it incorrectly every few days, so I'm not implying "rawr, I'm perfect" about this.
    I just found it peculiar to be typed out in a chat log. :)
  9. Darain Armond

    Darain Armond Void-Bound Voyager

    Ooooooo, Meta didn't do the post like Ty asked.......o_O
  10. oceansRising

    oceansRising Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yay for dev chats! Cool chat log, yep.
  11. Owl_Stalker likes this.
  12. Treadlight

    Treadlight Existential Complex

    Oof. No timestamps make it rather hard to understand where the first convo ends, and the second begins.
  13. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I would say that our modern habits of speech have extended even to, like (;)), our technology. We tend to write as we tend to speak, so even mispronunciations and incorrect use of certain words sneak into what we write. We may not mean to use these, but it is interesting that we do, and a sign of shifting language. One thing that the advent of better communications technology over our thousands of years of progress has literally been to bring out OCD in a much larger portion of humans than other things do - many of us can't stand incorrect grammar. However, despite considering myself an educated person, I'm actually not averse to certain "incorrect use" of some words. You see, language is meant to change; it's fluid. If it wasn't, we wouldn't experience the novelty of new terms, and we would struggle to identify new objects. As such, I am tolerant of many shortened or abbreviated words. My own rule is this: If it makes the word shorter to type, helps to convey a silly tone of voice, or makes more sense, I'm ok with it. As such, words like "meh" (sillier version of me) or "u" (shortened version of you) are ok, but words like kewl (replacement of cool, takes longer to type and isn't much sillier) are not. All of this is, of course, subject to opinion, which is the beauty of it; that which is most useful to a language will stay, and that which isn't will not. Such changes will always happen, and we cannot stop them.

    On the other hand, correct grammar and spelling tend to make for more credible and therefore convincing forum posts, which is why I use good grammar and such.

    But as for "like" I don't even notice it, because I use it just as much as the next foolish angry person. ^_^

    EDIT: Thank you for reading my miniature linguistics paper, I hope my thoughts aren't too confusing. :facepalm:
    ShadedBlade, Tamorr and Kawa like this.
  14. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

  15. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

  16. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    I don't use meh as in me...o_O I use it to mean 50-50 or my own taste of indifference. But I can definitely see it used as such. Observing what, how, and why of language in general that people use makes for an interesting back lighter of knowledge. Well one way to put it.
  17. Titanium

    Titanium Existential Complex

    No, I want to see if it's possible to mod in the game so that when you're in space, like an asteroid field, camera orientation becomes based on what side of an asteroid you're standing on.

    Currently having any "gravity" (strict southdownward pull) in space makes little sense to me and pulls me out of the game.

    Think VVVVVV, except with 90 degree angles as opposed to purely 180 degree ones.
  18. lupadim

    lupadim Pangalactic Porcupine

    We are not even in the first stage, because the first stage should be along the liens of "Updates will come thick and fast, sometimes as often as multiple updates a day."

    I'd say we are currently in stage zero, and I am really hyped for stage one
    Pingeh likes this.
  19. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    they've already explained they decided to not do that :S but cling anyway
  20. FLOknows

    FLOknows Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm pretty sure that's how everyone uses it, as far as I know.

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