June 13 - Just some dev chat

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by OmnipotentEntity, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. Doctor Stein

    Doctor Stein Subatomic Cosmonaut

    And so we see the all powerful devs in their natural habitat....beautiful.
    Also, Jonesy looks like a badass now X3
    Jonesy likes this.
  2. prodamn

    prodamn Spaceman Spiff

    Jonesy has been reworked... wait... what ?

    BTW... who has power to add emoticons to the forum ? i'd like to submit one^^
    Jonesy likes this.
  3. Shadaw

    Shadaw Void-Bound Voyager

    A day in the office of Chucklefish. :p
    Also, everytime Omni said "roger", I remembered these guys

    The | Suit, Redcorpian and Tamorr like this.
  4. jeffhunter12

    jeffhunter12 Void-Bound Voyager

    holy crap did i really just read all that? wow..... like 99% of that i just read as blah blah technical shtuff, egskgnjshnakgn. i need to learn some of that tech stuff :3
  5. Doctor Stein

    Doctor Stein Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Kyren: Omni
    OmnipotentEntity: Roger
    Kyren: I need you to help me re-work the combat system
    OmnipotentEntity: ....these are not the droids you are looking for
    Kyren: ....
    Shadaw and The | Suit like this.
  6. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    Dispite the humorous posts above, this was really a nice look; I understood the premises of the conversation to a point. I am not that tech savy, but I do understand this and that due to my studies I have done in the past.

    Was quite an interesting read for me regardless if well understood or not. :) Thank you.
  7. I found it strange how <kyren_> turned into <kyren__> in the middle. This was nice and informative :)
  8. It was a false flag, Kyren__ was actually Obama covering for TIY not having an american birthcertificate
  9. Archer

    Archer Spaceman Spiff

    That tends to happen whenever a person doesn't log out correctly on IRC by crashing or timing out, and then tries to log in again: the old nick will still be in the channel, being unused, so to re-join you need to have a different nick name, something which most clients do automatically by adding something like _ or - behind the name.
    nababoo likes this.
  10. prodamn

    prodamn Spaceman Spiff

    Kyren, Kyren_ or Kyren__... who cares it's all the same, like chinese and japanese, weird food, rice, lots o' chicken, yellow people, lots o' fish.

    (this comment is NOT intended to be racist! or to insult any kind of culture, i'm sorry if you feel offended, isn't intended!)
    see jonesy's post below for further reference
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2014
  11. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Yeah...that doesn't work. Chinese and Japanese cultures are completely different, and it's a bit misleading for them to be condensed like that. I'd recommend the ol' "potato / potato" (poh-tay-toh / poh-tah-toh), but that's more suited to verbal communication.
  12. dawg911

    dawg911 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    not sure i got that right ... you guys spent some time + money to get all the devs in the same office . then you guys talk over the chat ? can't you use your voice ? ;)
  13. Katzeus

    Katzeus Chucklefisherman Chucklefish

    Not everyone's in the same office, Kyren's in the UK and Omni's in America
    The | Suit likes this.
  14. kikinaak

    kikinaak Pangalactic Porcupine

    kyren: push! push!
  15. prodamn

    prodamn Spaceman Spiff

    ... Unbenannt.gif i wonder how many of you are now searching through the emoticon list for this one:rofl:

    @Jonesy that's not fitting either, potatos are vegetables.. neither kyren nor chinese or japanese are vegetables... D:

    Unbenannt2.gif Unbenannt3.gif Unbenannt4.gif
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2014
  16. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

  17. Palewolf

    Palewolf Void-Bound Voyager

    "<metadept> go forth and eat burgers"

    metadept has spoken we shall eat burgers while anticipating the decent of glorious koalas!
  18. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    Most of the talking is done by kyren.
  19. cloned

    cloned Intergalactic Tourist

    So, I didn't get through the entire chat log because all I was thinking is "Why didn't they just create a new branch that wouldn't disrupt the master or development branches so they can share just that?". I work in git all day.
  20. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    All I understood is nightly will only come at next week the earliest (which I am personally avoiding )
    and the unstable of progression may take at least another 2 weeks from their chatter.

    Since still no mention if they are planning on adding house renting (or if there has been any work on house renting) in the coming update.

    Kyren is the lead programmer who designed the engine from the ground up.

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