July 18th Progress - Performance!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

  2. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Playing nightly will. It's almost like the game Starbound is advertised as. ^_^
    Or at least, playing through the first planet is.
    (You know, quests?)
  3. DranKof

    DranKof Void-Bound Voyager

    Just started playing the nightly build.

    I think the AI talks a little too slowly. I'm guessing that's so it matches the speed of actual speech, but I think it'd be nicer to just show all the text at once and let it talk however fast it wants.
    I really want to read what he's saying, but I usually lose my patience and click whatever option before he finishes talking.

    -edit- The interface for the ship is awesome-tastic now.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2014
  4. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Actually, yeah. I haven't thought about this, but the AI does talk a bit too slow.
    Now, to perform the profane-developer-summoning-ritual so that they see this.
    Oh. Wait. Wrong profane summoning.


    The AI talks to slowly! ^_^
    Blake81 likes this.
  5. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    ... What's the issue? Things seem to be fine to me. They're doing daily game updates and (almost-not-quite) progress reports. Progression is coming together nicely. The Ship AI is fantastic, and the only reference to the Boob-Horse is the AI's very first message, beginning after all the errors and numbers and stuffs come up (I think; haven't checked recently). I'm not on reddit, so maybe I'm uninformed, but it seems that the only thing that could be this bad is Tiy deciding to quit the team or something. If I'm right, and there is some issue on reddit, please explain it to me. I haven't heard. :p

    I guess the only issue in the past I really remember are the complaints that no work is being done, which was fixed as soon as the move to London was done. The proof is stated above; daily content updates are pretty hard to argue with.
  6. jero24

    jero24 Aquatic Astronaut

    I actually misfired my post into the wrong thread. There's a post on /r/gaming that's gotten a lot of attention, which may be what prompted Tiy to do his shtick about Early Access games. You can read it on the front page and check out /r/gaming for the original post.
  7. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I gotta say, I actually agree with the guy (after reading front page, just updated for me). Starbound is great as it is, and nightlies make a great thick and fast update system. I love it. If you still disagree, well, let's agree to disagree, because I don't think I can convince you and I know you won't convince me. ^_^

    EDIT: Also, as someone with a *teeny tiny* amount of experience with programming, I know how it is to release an unfinished version of something without everything you want in it. The features you really want may take longer to program than you expect, but that's ok. Just take the time. When I recreated the game Hangman, I couldn't get images working. I dubbed it 0.2 (0.1 was missing a few other things), as it wasn't finished. Then, when I finally figured out images, I released 1.0. The 1.0 took longer than I thought, and 0.2 was still fully playable and enjoyed by all my friends, but it was missing images.

    Sorry if that doesn't make sense, just ignore it if it doesn't.
  8. velkos4ever

    velkos4ever Void-Bound Voyager

    my advice take it slow dont rush things so the game will be at its best at the final version.keep up the good work ;)
  9. Wojmistrz

    Wojmistrz Void-Bound Voyager

    Ok i tested this PREFORMANCE with Tile Rendering and it helps. I need to admit it gives me few more FPS (i guess it is about 5-6 more) so i can finally "play" Starbound :) but still need some work with "world generator" or maybe make caching for existing worlds that You already wisited so it load faster without lowering FPSes and freeing CPU from hard work (creating new game or loading existing save tooks my PC 5-10 minutes to LOAD it :( so i think it is because of world generator or engine itself, does ur game engine need CPU with minimum stepping 4? because my CPU have stepping 2). Good work anyway and waiting for more optimization / preformance boosts!. Sorry if some information shouldn't be written here.
  10. I've tested today changes in performance. Now actually at Zoom 1x I receive about ~50 FPS, which is great improvement if compared to original ~30.
  11. Jexel

    Jexel Subatomic Cosmonaut

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