July 18th Progress - Performance!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. Shaku Arai

    Shaku Arai Void-Bound Voyager

    Well I switched to the nightly to test the changes and here are my results : The machine I used is an older E-machines PC with:
    intel CPU E5800 dual core @3.2Ghz
    3GB DDR3 Ram
    7,200 RPM Hard Disk
    AMD R7 240 graphic card with 2GB DDR3 @1800Mhz PCI-E 16x.
    Windows 7
    (Yes the machine is decidedly not particularly suited for gaming and is old as hell so I think it is it is perfect to test any performance gains)

    On the stable version it performed between 45-55 FPS while on the ship and 22-35 FPS on the planets with occasional drops to 15 FPS when entering dungeon areas. Test was performed @1600 x 900 resolution normal game (NOT tested on OpenGL).

    On the unstable version it performed between 40-55 FPS while on the ship and 35-40 FPS on the planets with reduced FPS drops compared to the stable version.

    On the nightly version it performed solidly at 60 FPS while on ship and 45-50 FPS on the planets and FPS drops on the planet staying not dipping much below 28-32 FPS.

    Note: Nightly reported 65 FPS while on ship with VSYNC disabled but remained the same 45-50 FPS while on planet (Which was expected based on performance with VSYNC enabled.)

    Very nice improvements across the board. Keep up the good work!
  2. I didn't take down my FPS before or after, but it felt like there was a big improvement.
  3. yclatious

    yclatious Guest


    Input this comand to disable the God Mode,that should make you mortal again:)
  4. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    i played the up[date and got propley the worse examples for doungens
    on ship is was pirfict but got laggyer with bigger upgrades (but still playable)
    planet is playable unless i go waaay to fast
    outpost is laggy but playable (was unplayable)
    apex maze was and still is unplayable
    human underground base is extreamly unplayable ( but its like that for everyone)

    it worked but not the way i wanted 7-10
  5. Demonoid74

    Demonoid74 Star Wrangler

    I am with the few others that posted...I do not do nightlies , have way to many other games to play , test , alpha , beta...AND working on 3 of my own games atm...
    loving the changes and keeping up with the posts though ,
    A nice stable build would be a good thing to see sometime soon...it has been awhile now...any time frame on that possibility would greatly be appreciated!
  6. Lyze

    Lyze Subatomic Cosmonaut

    To Devs:

    Would these optimizations improve framerates when blocks are falling, like collapsing sand or just static blocks?
  7. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    Will this make me not lag when there are any non monster NPCs around? I lose so much FPS when there are humanoid NPCs
  8. Lyze

    Lyze Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I think this particular part of the update has to do with just blocks i.e. terrain, buildings.
  9. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    yah any npcs and moving furiture (like tv or things that have diffrent frames) still lag like a bitch :rofl:
  10. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    So basically. All the things that didn't lag me. Will lag me less. :V

    Oh well. Better performance is better performance :mwahaha:
  11. spiritofcat

    spiritofcat Big Damn Hero

    I started a fresh with a new character and universe a few days ago on a nightly build.
    I turned off admin mode and began my adventure as normal. Built myself a little burrow and planted some crops, then went mining to look for some ores.
    The frame rate started getting pretty low in my mine back then, so I hoped that this new performance update would help...
    I was wrong. It's even worse now.
    I get close to 60FPS on my ship and in untouched wilderness, but at my farm and in my mine I get less than 10 FPS.

    64-bit Windows 7 (6.1.7601)
    Intel Core i7-960 @ 3200MHz
    2x NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580M
    12GB RAM (3x 4096 MB Kingston 9 @ 667 MHz )


    Edit: I figured out what was tanking my framerate.
    First I tried cutting down my tree plantation and harvesting all my wheat, but that made no difference at all.
    Then I started taking down my torches and I discovered that in a couple of places where it looked like I had placed a single torch, I'd actually somehow managed to place about 140 torches all in the same spot.

    Once I got all the torches taken down the framerate went back up to 50 or so in my burrow.

    I went down into my mine to do the same thing there, but I couldn't find which torch was causing the problem, and then the game crashed complaining about a UTF-8 and UTF-32 encoding problem.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2014
  12. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    with what specs, may i ask?
  13. BrakSampson

    BrakSampson Big Damn Hero

    For me, it runs smoother, but only when I'm not fighting.

    Several NPCs on screen at the same time still causes frame drops.

    But, as long as I'm not fighting anything, can't see NPCs and I am not moving too fast, it seems smoother.

    Zooming in or out doesn't affect my performance. Playing at 1x is much smoother than it was.

    I have a fairly powerful machine. It plays most modern games on high/ultra settings. But I still can't maintain a solid 60fps in this game during combat.
    Titanium likes this.
  14. Efimero

    Efimero Aquatic Astronaut

    I tried it and found the performance is still quite abysmal. It's gone up from completely unplayable to barely playable. Turning off the shadows helps a little bit, but even then it's very slow.
    The weird thing is the animations seem fine. Animations are fluid, but movement is not. It feels like the game engine is trying very hard and failing to keep up with the mouse and keyboard input. Hopefully you guys can fix that soon so we can get to actual gameplay testing.

    Raze, if you see this, get a hug. I miss ya! =3
  15. mwpow3ll

    mwpow3ll Guest

    Re-tested, same results

    When the waypoint is within .5 screens, my FPS drops to 12, but when I move .5 to 1 screens away, FPS is normal at 54.

    So... only performance difference I see is a decrease near the waypoint.

    Linux 64 bit, i7 Sandybridge / Geforce GT 555M, 8GB of RAM
  16. Xentor Antarix

    Xentor Antarix Ketchup Robot

    Hmm sorry I tried the Nighty Version now, but due 8 of 10 Shiptravels ended in a endlessloop I returned to the vanilla Version.
    Before this I had very hard "physic" breakins, with Sand, water and other stuff that falls down.
  17. Nizzim

    Nizzim Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This is the first post that helped me to figure out why my nightlies wouldnt run right. Thank you to the Dev team, you answered my entire problem in one simple sentence.
  18. 503geek

    503geek Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Can't give much in the way of numbers since I'm experiencing the UTF bug that a couple others have reported (crash when I turn on /debug and /togglelogmap).

    Before it crashes I can see I'm getting stable 60fps for the first time in "normal" scenarios.

    I spawned about 15 poptops and threw down about 20 torches and it coincidentally started raining and I'd guess I was around 30fps at that point but it was still playable and I'm pretty sure I would've had heavy (maybe VERY heavy) lag in with that many mobs and lights and weather, before the update.

    For me it's a very noticable improvement overall. By far the smoothest I've ever seen it. Playing at 60fps is quite nice.

    Win 8.1 64-bit, Radeon 7770, i5 3570k, 8gb ram.

    Nice work CF :)
  19. Malicus

    Malicus Void-Bound Voyager

    it's working GREAT for me in OpenGL mode. My FPS doesn't drop below 50 even going into a dungeon near where I beam down. However, I usually run the game in standard mode due a unique issue my computer has with OpenGL, and the performance there feels WORSE, or at least not improved. My ship and where I beam down are fine at 60 FPS, but the dungeon is the problem. I don't have numbers for how it was before, but the FPS drops down to around 15 there... sometimes. Sometimes it only drops to around 50, and I don't know what the trigger is.
  20. mo'guts

    mo'guts Big Damn Hero

    Game ran smooth before the update but I am noticing a difference as well. It does feel even more smoother now, crispy frames.
    it runs pretty constant at 59-62 fps.

    win 81
    i7 4770
    gtx 660ti
    8gb Ram

    Keep up the rad work. :casper:

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