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Bug/Issue Journey of the Prairie King Issues

Discussion in 'Support' started by boof_dawg, Dec 12, 2017.

  1. boof_dawg

    boof_dawg Space Hobo

    I've been having serious issues with JotPK. I'm using a newer PS4 controller (light bar facing me on touchpad) and constantly have issues with the mini game which is making it effectively impossible to play.

    The biggest issue that I've had is that shooting gets stuck in random directions out of nowhere, and the only way to "un-stick" it is to stop shooting and then hit that button again. The controller does not exhibit this issue in any other game, or anywhere else in SDV. I've tried 3 controllers.

    Secondly with shooting, I have also noticed that while I am holding down two buttons to aim diagonally, it only works the first press less than 1/4 of the time. I've tried say, holding triangle, and then rolling my thumb over to circle and it will still only shoot straight up. I've also confirmed this on 3 separate controllers.

    I've also noticed that I will lose a life out of nowhere. There will be no guys on screen, or if there are, nowhere near me at all. Just poof, you lose.

    Needless to say this is incredibly frustrating trying to get the don't lose a life achievement. I've done it on PC without any kind of issue at all.
    • Lixamarz

      Lixamarz Big Damn Hero

      I have the exact same problem on the switch. It ONLY affects in the game. I will shoot downdown with the buttons and it'll get stuck and glitch out all other shooting till I tap the analog to apparently in stick it. Id use the stick if it wasn't so unreliable as too where it shoots.... It's frustrating me that i can't beat this mini game because it's already hard and with thus glitch it makes it impossible.... It doesnt affect any other aspect of Stardew Valley. Just this mini game....

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