"Joke" Weapons

Discussion in 'Gear and Items' started by Double S, May 2, 2013.

  1. skull037

    skull037 Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh and a insta-kill gun that slows down time so you can see the bullet and plays epic music and when the bullet hits anything you die instantly!
  2. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Panty and stocking :V

    Transformathong weapons.
  3. Spart117MC

    Spart117MC Void-Bound Voyager

    I'll say it since no one else has.

    A herring.
  4. Sruggs

    Sruggs Master Chief

    What about... A Glue gun? It'd slow down the victim and make him/her unable to jump for some seconds. Maybe burn the victim for a second if shot from close range.
  5. PureWillkuer

    PureWillkuer Starship Captain

    I think there is already something called fishaxe in some of tiy´s stream videos.
  6. Iroza

    Iroza Phantasmal Quasar

    Here some images for the thread :






    Bzubko123 and Event Horizon like this.
  7. MoLeZeN

    MoLeZeN Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hahahaha the Pyro's gun :rofl:
    Last time i played tf2 was when that was released... :rock:
  8. AtlasShrugged

    AtlasShrugged Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm a little surprised no one thought of Lego weapons, like a Lego gun you throw out of frustration.
    Or better yet, Lego piece mines.
    If stepped on it slows the enemy, sends them running away crying (?) or and/or has a 1/250 chance of a one hit kill.
    Add in yelling your name afterwards for some good old nostalgia :rofl:
    Spart117MC likes this.
  9. Double S

    Double S Pangalactic Porcupine

    I. Want. That. Frying pan.
    Bzubko123 likes this.
  10. Senkaimaru

    Senkaimaru Star Wrangler

    If there was a rubber chicken weapon, I would probably mistaken it for a food item. :rofl:
    Bzubko123 likes this.
  11. The Question

    The Question Ketchup Robot

    White Gloves For Challenging People To A Duel.
    Bzubko123 and Cloudhopper like this.
  12. Pie4Pigs

    Pie4Pigs Existential Complex

    This would actually be amazing.
  13. kikinaak

    kikinaak Pangalactic Porcupine

    I second being able to use each other, or enemies, as a weapon. Think something out of river city ransom. Or being able to use the building gun to grab a piece of terrain and swing it morningstar style
  14. Double S

    Double S Pangalactic Porcupine

    See: Gentleman's Glove
  15. Huami

    Huami Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm coming up with a weapon that shoots fireworks, for all those lovely occasions :D
    Bzubko123 likes this.
  16. Techno9200

    Techno9200 Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh! I've got an idea!

    How about, as a boat, a gigantic rubber duck... that breathes fire!
  17. Casca

    Casca Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    A french flag that makes your character burst out into song while whacking people with it
  18. dunggabreath

    dunggabreath Orbital Explorer

    Barbed Wire knuckle's, You would do regular damage to others but your HP would slowly drain and any time you do hit an enemy, you take just as much damage. I think it would be funny in PVP
  19. dunggabreath

    dunggabreath Orbital Explorer

    Flaming sword. When you swing it, the fire goes out (like a match lol), but when your just standing it looks menacing.
    :badpokerface::badpokerface::badpokerface::badpokerface::badpokerface::badpokerface::badpokerface::badpokerface::badpokerface::badpokerface::badpokerface::badpokerface::badpokerface::badpokerface: :cautious:<oh no zombies!
    Bzubko123 and Techno9200 like this.
  20. Huami

    Huami Pangalactic Porcupine

    dirty thought, I hope no one gets offended, fles*ligh*? :D

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