Hmm... Being that as your ambition, I may design a new cellar mod. Probably huge and unrealistic but organized and xnb-friendly. Outside of the main room as not to disturb previously placed casks, of course.
Don't celebrate just yet. Testing shows that the game crashes on loading a savefile if Extended Greenhouse 1.6 is present in the ALL locations. ALL without location mods, however, does NOT crash. Unknown at this time whether it's a matter of the location mod needing to be made compatible, or if something on ALL's side is borked. Waiting on word from Ento.
Good news! As of Entoarox Framework 2.0.5 and ALL 1.3.6, the Extended Greenhouse and Extended Cellar mods are functional again! Two hours of testing and back and forth with Ento... I'ma go sleep now
so i have the the jacd greenhouse 1.6 from nexus and advancedlocationloader v1.3.6 and !EntoaroxFramework-v2.0.6 and i cant for the life of me figure out how to start the upgrades I know it was said about something in the upper top left but i clicked the hell out of everywhere in the greenhouse and still nothing..,. I did only just drop the greenhouse folder into adavncedloctionloaders folder did i do something wrong or did i miss a step?? can anyone help me??????
AdvancedLocationLoader, !EntoaroxFramework should both be located in the Stardew Valley\Mods folder, I see you have this since the top of the window says mods have been loaded so inside the AdvancedLocationLoader folder there should be another folder named locations. Drop the greenhouse folder inside there and it should work properly. The flower pot furthest to the left should change into a barrel with a lamp on top. Click this and you'll be given the upgrade option.
'AdvancedLocationLoader-v.1.3.6\AdvancedLocationLoader' is the problem. 'Stardew Valley\Mods\AdvancedLocationLoader\locations\ExtendedGreenhouse' would be the correct format. ExtendedGreenhouse should also have the files right there, no folders inside of this folder.
I have a weird problem. I updated the greenhouse files with the newest. Before that I had fully upgraded your greenhouse. Now I get this when I click on the barrel but the upgraded rooms are missing. Im assuming the game still thinks my greenhouse is upgraded. Is there anyway to reset it or clear the old info from my save? I deleted the ExtendedGreenhouse folder before placing the new one. On the plus side none of my stuff inside disappears anymore lol
Something definitely isn't right there. The lamp on top of the barrel is clipped. You shouldn't even have a message. Are you sure everything is up to date? This includes the mod itself, Entoarox Framework and Advanced Location Loader.
I just re-downloaded everything to make sure it was updated. The mod worked before but my stuff disappeared after I left. I saw you updated it and fixed that issue, so I downloaded the updated version. 1.9b. And that image above is what I got. So as of now I have: ALL: 1.3.7 EF: 2.0.6 Jac GH: 1.9b
Hi, I updated EF and ALL recently, this mod is no longer loaded by smapi. I'm not an expert here, but by visiting the ALL page (forum thread) it seems it's just a bad reference in the manifest.jon file. Others have had the problem with other mods that were compatible with previous versions of the frameworks but it seems they where able to solve it (dunno how, they did it in private exchange and troubleshooting, I just know the result went well). Just a question of referencing some lines it seems. Could you solve this, please? This greenhouse mod is the most awesome and complete out there.
I've yet to see what the updates are all about but I'll try to get around to it as soon as I can. Sorry!I need to link a bug page or something so things don't keep getting covered up.
Wasn't playing recently; so here is my update on the subject : in the smapi console, I get "Skipped JAC'd Greenhouse : config file format 1.2.0 isn't supported." I re-downloaded all the mods to make sure, still doesn't work.