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Bug/Issue Items don't have quantities. Great.

Discussion in 'Support' started by ConcernedDuck, Mar 10, 2018.

  1. ConcernedDuck

    ConcernedDuck Aquatic Astronaut

    Now i'am triggered because the items i get from anything dont show the quantity. Nice. Is there any way this could be fixed? I'm suspecting EntoaroxFramework OR Vintage Interface. Please help.

    EDIT: If you do not understand, there are no numbers on the item to say how many items are they. Deleted EntoaroxFramework, nothing happened. Re-installing the game, same. Probably a interface problem. Please guide me on how to fix this; it is really getting out of hand--NO, WINGS!
      Last edited: Mar 10, 2018
    • MouseyPounds

      MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

      This is a fairly standard bug with mods that try and replace Cursors.xnb with a modification based on an older version. Given the name, Vintage Interface is the most likely cause; make sure you have the most up-to-date version.
      • ConcernedDuck

        ConcernedDuck Aquatic Astronaut

        It will work, but i need a stock cursors.xnb file.

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