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Item duping from tilling

Discussion in 'Support' started by Plunkie86, Mar 10, 2016.

  1. Plunkie86

    Plunkie86 Intergalactic Tourist

    There's an item duping bug with tilling. From my testing it seems to only affect the beach and quarry areas (I haven't unlocked the bus yet, so can't say if this will work there as well). This does not seem to work in the mines as far as I can tell. Haven't really tested this thoroughly on my farm yet, either.

    What you do is this:

    Till single tiles along the southern edge of the beach or quarry area until you find a patch of normal soil (not wiggly worms) that contains loot - Clay or, in the case of winter, Winter Root or Snow Yam.

    Right after you till a tile with loot, start tilling directly north from that tile. One at a time works, or if you've upgraded your Hoe, you can till 3 or 5 at a time and this will still happen (not sure if this will still work if you till 9 with a Golden Hoe or not, since I don't have one).

    As long as you till straight upwards from the tile with loot, EVERY tile north of that one will contain a copy of the original looted item until you hit an obstruction (rocks, mounds of sand, end of tillable area).

    Using this method I was easily able to obtain nearly 100 Snow Yam in a single day. Helped me get cash back from all the mistakes I made earlier in the year. Still, I don't think that there's any way this is intended.

    Discovered this in the last couple days of winter, so haven't done much extensive testing - e.g. I don't know if this will also work tilling in a southerly direction or not, don't know about the bus area, etc.
    • dtrix3281

      dtrix3281 Intergalactic Tourist

      I am not sure if this is actually a bug or not, but sometimes when I till in the north/ south /vertical direction, I tend to get 3 drops from all 3 tiles (Copper Hoe) but I never actually tried continuing vertically when that happens..

      EDIT : It so happens that it happened to me during Winter as well. Could it be coincidence?
        Last edited: Mar 10, 2016

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