Modding Help Is there way to make explosiveburst's projectile explode on collide instead of on cursor's location?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by rladlfo22, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. rladlfo22

    rladlfo22 Big Damn Hero

    Hello all,

    I was trying to figure out modifying weapon by my self, But hit on my limit. Can someone help me out?

       "altAbility" : {
       "name" :"Homing Burst",
       "projectileCount" : 1,
       "fireTime" : 0.5,
       "baseDps" : 150,
       "cooldownTime" : 4.6,
       "energyUsage" : 40,
       "projectileType" : "mechhomingmissile",
         "speed" : 45,
         "timeToLive" : 8.0,
         "knockback" : 70,
         "actionOnReap" : [
            "action" : "projectile",
            "image" : "/projectiles/activeitems/guidedrocket/guidedrocket.png",
            "type" : "shrapnelbomb",
            "config" : {
             "power": 5,
             "processing" : "?hueshift=-150",
         "action" : "projectile",
         "config" : {
         "power" : 25,
         "processing" : "?hueshift=-150","fireSound":"altFire"

    Also I tried to make at least shrapnelbomb's projectile image into something else but didn't worked.
    Is there something wrong with I wrote?


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