Modding Discussion Is there a mod that does this??

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by TheWireLord, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. TheWireLord

    TheWireLord Void-Bound Voyager

    So I have played SB for a very long time and have messed with my fair share of mods, however, I still think that with mods like Frackin' Universe that add special workbenches and minerals (ore, chemicals, liquids, etc..) and the ability to use actual power from generators to operate machines, there should also be mods that help you better acquire and process these minerals as well as allow you to better manage a science lab or factory for example!

    What I am wandering is: Are there any mods that add different machines like liquid pumps, conveyor belts (or other forms of transporting items across a distance) auto smelting or anything of that nature?
    If you've ever played Minecraft and messed with mods/packs like Tekkit or Build Craft then you may know what type of things I'm looking for. I would just really like some way to automate some things in a lab or factory.

    Side Note: I am also willing to learn about and possibly even help develop this type of mod if anyone is interested..(I don't have very much modding experience, but I have been taking college classes in Computer Science and have some basic knowledge)

    PS: I do know of mods like Item Broadcaster & Hyper-Storage that allow you to sort things to certain containers but that's not quite what I'm looking for.
  2. Hiran

    Hiran Subatomic Cosmonaut

  3. TheWireLord

    TheWireLord Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks! This does look interesting! I'll definitely check it out.
  4. Mnat04

    Mnat04 Tentacle Wrangler

    I was interested in trying to find mods that would make the game have a tekkit industrial thing. Where the mods worked together to allow you to make contraptions and systems that could be used to ether simplify vinnila functions or help create new ones.

    The problem and reasons there aren't many mods that would work for such a thing is because the mods in this game don't really like to cooperate. In Minecraft mods and there developers purposely make thier mods easily compatible, starbound mods to my experience when I was trying to the same you are don't have anything to do with one another. The original tekit was somewhat crude in its compatibility but we were still able to build contraptions and systems that could simplify complicated processes witch manly came from the pipes ability to pump objects into crafting inventories.

    Starbound has neither pipes nor crafting inventories meaning someone would need to make a pipe mod with the ability to push things in any inventories and then someone (or the same guy) would need to make either a mod that made all crafting stations have a invintory and be able to have a set crafting recipe that it makes when it has the items or a mod witch made a new crafting station witch would be basicly the tabula rasa with the ability to autocraft

    In summary there aren't many minecraft tekkit like mods for starbound but for a bare minimum tekkit we would at least need pipes/conveyer belts and some form of autocrafting (that are compatible) after that is when you can start adding new machines, power systems, and such. (But without basic pipes and some form of autocrafting I don't think your gonna find a tekkit feel in starbound)

    P.s. Sorry if it's a little off topic(technically it sorta is but still) and for dragging it on when in reality I could of just said No there aren't any mods of that sort but I'm sorta hope someone who knows how to do these things sees this and starts makeing mods for this kind of thing. Also sorry for the terrible punctuation, grammar, misspelled words, and autocorrect mistakes. Also I'm aware of pipe mods that do exist but I chose to ignore them and pretend they don't exist since if someone was to make autocrafting the pipes may or may not be compatible thus losing the tekkit feel
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016

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