Chat Is my name that hard to pronounce?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kaldeqca, Feb 6, 2018.

  1. kaldeqca

    kaldeqca Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    most of the people don't know how to pronounce it. :nurusad:
    BUT I think it is pretty simple to pronounce it actually.:nurutease:

    <------ My name is right here
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2018
  2. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    I have no idea how the Q and C part is supposed to be pronounced. I may also be pronouncing it differently.
  3. Hel

    Hel ✨ Johto's Finest ✨ Forum Moderator

    Honestly im having some troubles.

    But hey. If you like the name, thats all that matters c:
    MilkCalf likes this.
  4. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    Kaldekwa? Kaldeka? Is it how you pronounce it?
    MilkCalf likes this.
  5. kaldeqca

    kaldeqca Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    yes that's exactly how i pronounce it .You got it right:nurudapper::nuruwink:
    MilkCalf likes this.
  6. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    Wait, which one x')
    MilkCalf likes this.
  7. therain32114

    therain32114 Void-Bound Voyager

    only a bit hard
  8. Daikon Ocelot

    Daikon Ocelot Spaceman Spiff

    Is it pronounced "kaldeka?"
  9. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    sounds super complicated. you should have gotten a simple, legible name, like mine![/sarcasm]

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