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iOS is Groundhog Daying

Discussion in 'Support' started by heidimarie, Mar 6, 2019.

  1. heidimarie

    heidimarie Space Hobo


    My Stardew game on iPhone keeps crashing everytime I try to end a day by going to bed. So I end up on the same day over and over again. I’ve played for quite a while storyline wise and suddenly this problem started happening.
    I’ve tried: making my character fall asleep outside of my home, updating my phone, switching phone off, waiting a couple of weeks to play again but alas the problem is still there.
    Although I do appreciate Bill Murray, I have no need for being him.
    • One More Day

      One More Day Cosmic Narwhal

      I can't help you myself, I'm afraid, but I am a bit disappointed you didn't post this again yesterday....

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