Interdimensional Industries: Our crew can be replaced, your package not. Name origins: Our name originated from the fact that we're so determined to deliver your package quickly, safely and effectively that we'd accept your order even if you told us to deliver your package to a different dimension! (Or bring some rare material form there) Delivery services: We offer speed cross-planetary delivering of anyting you send. From bank-to-bank money shipments, company-to-company equipment deliveries, your letters all the way to postcards, you name it. Best part is that we do that for one of the lowest prices among currently working companies! We also Mining services: We mine in the asteroid fields all around the alpha, beta and gamma sector. We have almost every material that can be mined in the known world, we deliver them for prices as low as posible (based on fuel, equipent usage and labor costs). So basically if you want it, we propably have it. History: Comming soon Goals: We aim to deliver all you want, and give you the best materials in the known world. All in best prices. Rules: 1. Be efficient 2. Be discreet 3. Be fast 4. Rather die than compromise your delivery Mined materials include, but are not limited to: Copper Tin Iron Carbon Quicksilver/Mercury Tungsten Silver Platinum Gold Diamonds Orihalcum We do also create alloys including but not limited to: Steel DuraSteel Brass Electrum Tamahagane (steel used for katanas) Damascus steel Volcanite Adamantium Prices: Cooper - 1000 pixels/ton Tin - 500 pixels/ton Iron - 1700 pixels/ton Carbon - 1900 pixels/ton QuickSilver/Mercury - 5325/ton Tungsten - 9100 pixels/ton Silver - 6200 pixels/ton Platinum - 18900 pixels/ton Gold - 9000 pixels/ton Diamonds - 25825 pixels/ton Orihalcum - 26975 Alloys: Based on prices of materials used and labor. Ships: Normandy SR 2 (large heavy fighting spacecraft) - 400000 pixels/spacecraft Normandy SR 1 (large heavy fighting spacecraft smaller than SR 2) - 200000 pixels/spacecraft Kodiak (small transporter for humans from SR 1 and SR 2) - 100000 pixels/spacecraft Inferno Large (Heavy transporter for materials) 300000 pixels/spacecraft Inferno Medium (Medium transporter for materials) 200000 pixels/spacecraft Inferno small (small transporter for materials) 100000 pixels/spacecraft Contracts: MinervaTech = LeeJohn
Hello, i'm manager of Falcon MotorSports, We offering you partnership, we will give you two of our best ship for free, if you will constantly give me 2,5% of your income
*gigantic ships appears *pilot shout: Here are ships you ordered, those small ones are in ship's hangar
MinervaTech: You have needs, we have solutions. Hey there Interdimensional Industries! You are the kind of company we're looking to co-operate with. We offer best quality goods (like better drive cores, artifficial inteligence technology or defense technology, so that all the shipments are safe) and money for your services (transporting and material delivery). Should you be interested let us know via PM or reply, so I can ready the contract.
*MinervaTech representative arrives* On behalf of the president of MinervaTech, I'm delivering you this contrant. Sign it when you're done reading *Hands over a Tablet with contract on it* MinervaTech The following document estabilishes a partnership between MinervaTech and Interdimensional Industries. The partnership is valid and binding for an indefinite period of time, and obligates both sides to: § Form a council consisting of presidents of both forementioned companies, to manage all important matters. § Share technology, materials, funds, knowledge and in need also personel. § Should any side need assistance, other side is obligated to help. § Follow and obey the contract's agreements since 19.01.2014. § If any of sides fails to fulfill forementioned agreements, council meeting must be organized. Signed: ______________LeeJohn______________ (President of MinervaTech ) ___________________________________ (President of Interdimentional Industries)
*Takes the contract, reads and signs. Then hands it over* MinervaTech The following document estabilishes a partnership between MinervaTech and Interdimensional Industries. The partnership is valid and binding for an indefinite period of time, and obligates both sides to: § Form a council consisting of presidents of both forementioned companies, to manage all important matters. § Share technology, materials, funds, knowledge and in need also personel. § Should any side need assistance, other side is obligated to help. § Follow and obey the contract's agreements since 19.01.2014. § If any of sides fails to fulfill forementioned agreements, council meeting must be organized. Signed: ______________LeeJohn______________ (President of MinervaTech ) _____________The_Nuker_____________ (President of Interdimentional Industries) *Gives the contract back* It was nice doing business with you!
*Takes the tablet and puts back into his suitcase* We are looking forward to co-operate with your company, together we shall conquer the world. *Makes a slight smile, and and gets in his shuttle*
*LeeJohn enters* Hello there brother, I just wanted to inform you about your outdated firearm shipping license, you'd better do something about this soon. *Looks at Nuker awaitnig...* Just letting you know...
Dear Interdimensional Industries, i'm an experienced Floran fighter that likes ssssssssstabing things. I conssssider joining your crew on delivering cargo, my job would be defending the cargo, with my life, ofcourse. Pleassssssse consider me for your crew, masssssster! Kingfogo out!
You do realise this corps section is just remainder of the old ways, right? The new section hasn't opened yet.
Hello thats me again and my corporation is back to life. There was some issues but we are back for good.