RELEASED Interaction Helper 1.0.3

Displays a popup over NPCs and animals that still need their daily interaction.

  1. Hammurabi

    Hammurabi Big Damn Hero

    Hammurabi submitted a new mod:

    Interaction Helper - Displays a popup over NPCs and animals that still need their daily interaction.

    Read more about this mod...
    • DreamerDrop

      DreamerDrop Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      The game apparently recognizes characters like Gunther, and... your horse, as being NPCs, so I have this notification hovering over my horse and other NPCs that I can't actually speak to... Is there any way to fix something like that or is it just an issue with the game coding that's not resolvable?

      Other than that, this mod is AMAZING. It's super helpful. I don't have to worry about not being able to see my chickens in the grass either, because I can see the icons hovering over them anyway. This is genuinely a life saver, and I really do love it.

        Attached Files:

      • Hammurabi

        Hammurabi Big Damn Hero

        …dang it, I was even aware of that issue from the Part of the Community mod, but I just didn't think of it when writing this. I'll get a fix out for it sometime today, though it might be this evening due to work.

        (Edit: Also, like I said, chickens were one of the inspirations for this mod. ;) )
          Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
          DreamerDrop likes this.
        • Hammurabi

          Hammurabi Big Damn Hero

          Hammurabi updated Interaction Helper with a new update entry:


          Read the rest of this update entry...
          • DreamerDrop

            DreamerDrop Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            Well, it does ignore Gunther and the Horse now... I feel like I'm being a jerk by pointing these things out, hah.

            2017-04-03 (8).png

            Marlon & the Junimo's are NPCs that I can't speak to as well... The Junimo's are kind of cute in this case, even after they've run off the screen, the speech bubble stays where they disappeared.

            2017-04-02 (3).png

            The monsters in the mines are a whole other issue... I don't know if I even mind them being like that, in some cases it's helpful?

            2017-04-03 (4).png

            Hah, again, sorry for complaining about these little things. ^^;;
            • Hammurabi

              Hammurabi Big Damn Hero

              Even the monsters?! That's a surprise for me, LOL! I'll get a fix up.

              And don't worry about reporting problems -- how am I supposed to fix them if people don't tell me about them?
                Last edited: Apr 3, 2017
                DreamerDrop likes this.
              • Hammurabi

                Hammurabi Big Damn Hero

                Hammurabi updated Interaction Helper with a new update entry:


                Read the rest of this update entry...
                • tinkerbelljln

                  tinkerbelljln Pangalactic Porcupine

                  I'm getting an error since the 1.2 update:
                  [15:50:12 ERROR SMAPI] A mod failed handling the TimeEvents.DayOfMonthChanged event:
                  System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
                     at InteractionHelper.InteractionHelper.AfterLoad(Object sender, EventArgs e)
                     at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.InternalExtensions.SafelyRaiseGenericEvent[TEventArgs](IMonitor monitor, String name, IEnumerable`1 handlers, Object sender, TEventArgs args) in D:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\StardewModdingAPI\Framework\InternalExtensions.cs:line 71
                  • Hammurabi

                    Hammurabi Big Damn Hero

                    I haven't played since the 1.2 update came out; I'll look into it, but it might be a few days with my work schedule.

                    Edit: Actually, looking at the file and the warnings that my IDE is giving, I think I know exactly what the problem is: v1.2 added a "Program" class, making a reflection call I had to SMAPI's Program class ambiguous and causing it to fail. I'll have to test it to be sure that there aren't any other problems, though, so it's still probably going to be late tomorrow evening at the earliest.
                      Last edited: Apr 28, 2017
                    • Hammurabi

                      Hammurabi Big Damn Hero

                      Hammurabi updated Interaction Helper with a new update entry:


                      Read the rest of this update entry...
                      • Dioscuri

                        Dioscuri Yeah, You!

                        Great addon, thanks for your work ^^

                        Just installed Better Ranching because I noticed you added compatibility with it. The hearts notification to pet your pigs disappears with Better Ranching installed. I tried it with "showFarmAnimalProduceIndicator" set to both true and false with the same issue.
                        • Seismothesaurus

                          Seismothesaurus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          Thank you for this mod! I feel like I can't live without it already, especially for my animals.

                          Sorry to necro the thread. I noticed something recently, though. Everything was working fine until I updated SMAPI (1.14.1). Now the indicators don't show up on the first day after a save is loaded. Every day after that is fine until I exit and restart the game.

                          Not a big deal, but I worry that the next SMAPI update may break it. :(
                          • naikarrah

                            naikarrah Space Hobo

                            i really like this mod and find it very helpful since i have oodles of animals to love... that being said, is there any news on update preparations for upcoming SMAPI v2.0? i'm currently running SMAPI 1.15.4 and got this warning message, which i'm feeling may be a prelude to breakage of your mod? hopefully you'll find a little time soon to check into it so your fans (like me) can continue to sing praises and recommend this mod!
                            • Pathoschild

                              Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                              Last edited: Oct 11, 2017
                              Hammurabi and Seismothesaurus like this.
                            • tinkerbelljln

                              tinkerbelljln Pangalactic Porcupine

                              Has this been updated by anyone? The mod compatibility page says it hasn't but I'm hoping maybe someone did or maybe if someone knows another mod that does the same or similar thing?
                              • Pathoschild

                                Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                                I updated it unofficially; see for the latest update.

                                @Hammurabi Here's the source code if you want to release it.

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