Infinity: Renascentis

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Clan Infinity, Feb 23, 2013.

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  1. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    It isn't Shinx's fault... That insanity ring really hurt her... :(
    Please don't kill me for being unable to stop it...
    Freddy67h likes this.
  2. Milly Rainbowskittlez

    Milly Rainbowskittlez Cosmic Narwhal

    "You lied to me! She was being forced to love me! YOU are going to go through such torture i swear it. First i(censored)...."
  3. Freddy

    Freddy Pangalactic Porcupine

    It doesn't have to be epic, decent processor and ram is the backbone of a server.
    I have a few spare 2.66 dual cores that should still work. If I can get the money to purchase a new processor and motherboard then I can use my current pc for the server.
  4. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    If she was being forced to love you, she would be unable to even think! All that happened is that stupid ring of insanity corrupted her emotions!
  5. Milly Rainbowskittlez

    Milly Rainbowskittlez Cosmic Narwhal

    youll also want an epic nets, and nets provider. something that can quickly send and receive signal.
    Britefire likes this.
  6. Freddy

    Freddy Pangalactic Porcupine

    Dayum... you ruined 2 lives.
    Welp, time to report this to the respective authorities.
    Milly Rainbowskittlez likes this.
  7. Zoro the Gallade

    Zoro the Gallade Big Damn Hero

  8. Freddy

    Freddy Pangalactic Porcupine

    This is true, not sure how mine stacks up but I do get 30mps.
    Paying for a hosted server would be the easiest choice, except for how is it paid for.
  9. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    Wait... The... CRAP.... CRAPCRAPCRAP....
    If the divines of order find me like this...
    *begins feverishly trying to break free*

    Hai Zoro!
  10. Milly Rainbowskittlez

    Milly Rainbowskittlez Cosmic Narwhal

    catgirl police are inbound
    Freddy67h likes this.
  11. Shinxy-Chan

    Shinxy-Chan Giant Laser Beams

    That's it, you are all going to die!
    -My sheer rage breaks the auramancy that Vort casted, my magic explodes completely ruining four city blocks-
  12. Freddy

    Freddy Pangalactic Porcupine

    It is a crime against one of their kind, seems like they have the jurisdiction.
    Anyway last* post for tonight, its getting late here.
    Milly Rainbowskittlez likes this.
  13. Milly Rainbowskittlez

    Milly Rainbowskittlez Cosmic Narwhal

    its about this time that i start wondering. is shinx the one insane, or is brite really just breaking shinx so much with all that magibable stuff...

    poor shinx :c i could never be so cruel.
    Freddy67h likes this.
  14. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    SHIIIITTTTTT!!! *insanely pulling at the chains*
    *collapses to the ground*
    Why do all the protections around here use MY energy?!?! *crying and unable to move from energy drain*
  15. Freddy

    Freddy Pangalactic Porcupine

    But you have been. Shinx's marriage was your doing.
  16. HerpDerpy

    HerpDerpy Guest

    if we are talking about servers then none of us will ever be able to run a server as good as a hosting service. my friend used his dads PC which had 24 gigs of ram and 2 Intel 660 processors and we still had lag issues.... and we live like 1k away from each other.
    Britefire and Freddy67h like this.
  17. Vapor Horologium Corpus

    Vapor Horologium Corpus Weight of the Sky

    hmm as enlightening a conversation as always milly.
  18. Vapor Horologium Corpus

    Vapor Horologium Corpus Weight of the Sky

    a server for starbound?
  19. Milly Rainbowskittlez

    Milly Rainbowskittlez Cosmic Narwhal

    -rage also broke the rings power, which also stabalized the still unnamed wife, and shinx as well, as the ring mixed with vorts meddling was the root cause of all the mind breaking mess. oh yes and the wife was also unharmed for some reason. the same couldnt be said for brite :l-
    Freddy67h likes this.
  20. HerpDerpy

    HerpDerpy Guest

    im assuming, from the 5 seconds of comments i read.
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