Infinity: Renascentis

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Clan Infinity, Feb 23, 2013.

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  1. vlamer12

    vlamer12 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Thanks :DD
    Take that boredom


    Dat Critter likes this.
  2. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    Go watch the pokemon movie!
    Britefire, vlamer12 and Dat Critter like this.
  3. vlamer12

    vlamer12 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't like pokemon... *hides*


  4. xenonni

    xenonni Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So, I made cookies yesterday for my friend's birthday. I forgot to make the dough (NO PUN INTENDED :fireball:) before leaving, so I texted my mom the recipe and asked her to make it for me. She's great like that, so she did. But, she responded telling me that the dough was a lot softer than usual. I told her it was probably fine. Well, I came home, and found that the dough was indeed overly soft. It wasn't only until after I had baked the cookies that I realized I was missing a cup of sugar from the recipe, and the cookies ended up melting out into a big burned puddle of mildly sweet stuff... Which I later slathered frosting all over and called a cake. I presented it to my friend thinking "He's gonna love it!". His response: "What IS that? It looks disgusting :rofl:" He promised to eat it, but he never touched it while I was over... :wut:
    But I'm sure he'll eat it, right?
    Anyways, just another average day in the life of an infinity clan member :cool:

    I messed up cookie recipe. Cookies then melted and became a cake. :V
    Watchyu gonna do.
  5. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    My sister once mis-read a recipe and added a cup and a half of extra cooking oil to a cake recipe. It turned out like jello :x
    Pancakes, Curtis6566, xenonni and 3 others like this.
  6. Dat Critter

    Dat Critter Big Damn Hero

    yes yes you have found it very enjoyable :rofl:
  7. xenonni

    xenonni Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So... did I miss infinipod today? :badpokerface:
    Pancakes and Freddy like this.
  8. CaptainMcManface

    CaptainMcManface Pangalactic Porcupine

    Goodnight infinity
    Pancakes and Freddy like this.
  9. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Pokemon Ash Journey Twenty 20 Episodes.jpg
  10. Dat Critter

    Dat Critter Big Damn Hero

    yeah :oops:
    it's just to early for me im etheir sleeping or out of town doing something
  11. xenonni

    xenonni Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Awww... :(
    Pancakes likes this.
  12. Dat Critter

    Dat Critter Big Damn Hero

    Have fun! & Consult you're doctor if your legs get broken :raccoon:
    CaptainMcManface likes this.
  13. xenonni

    xenonni Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    wat :lolwut:
    Pancakes likes this.
  14. Dat Critter

    Dat Critter Big Damn Hero

    Nothing lol :whistle:
  15. xenonni

    xenonni Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Delayed response is delayed but k :halo:
    Pancakes likes this.
  16. Curtis6566

    Curtis6566 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I didn't know that was the first one. Cool. Cool cool cool. Well goodnight everyone! By the way, bonus points to people who get the reference.
    Pancakes likes this.
  17. Curtis6566

    Curtis6566 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Pokémon Gold was the first videogame I played seriously, and was the start of my gaming. That image brings back so much nostalgia. I've even bought a few used gold/silver/crystal game just to see what people had done and then start a new game (they were like $5 or so). One of them was at the beginning of the elite four and had 28 pokémon seen in his pokedex. I'm fairly sure he used gamshark on the game.
    Pancakes and Britefire like this.
  18. Ghostar

    Ghostar Steakeater

    I'm honestly don't take issue with that. My issue is:

    Episode 1: Ash: Now that I'm finally 10 I can start my pokemon adventure. (Note that means its ashes birthday)
    [Ash meets Pikachu]
    Pokemon the third movie spell of the unknown: Ash: don't you remember what today is pikachu? Its the anniversary of the day we first met, the day we first became friends. (Meaning it's his birthday.)
    Pokemon Black and White episode 1: Announcer: Ash a 10 year old pokemon trainer.

    So even though it has been a whole year according to the anime, Ash is still 10?
    (For the record I know about the two big "Reasons why Ash is still 10" theories, but time still passed. Ash is at least 11 according to the anime.)
    Freddy and Dat Critter like this.
  19. Curtis6566

    Curtis6566 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hmm. I had always assumed that each series was a year. That's very interesting that they kept him 10.
    Pancakes likes this.
  20. Curtis6566

    Curtis6566 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well, cya tomorrow everyone!
    Pancakes likes this.
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