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In next patch commits: "Force pvp in x sector"

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Raindrac, Jan 24, 2014.


Do you like this change?

  1. Yes, it adds some difficulty to the sector

    162 vote(s)
  2. No, especially since it's forced

    196 vote(s)
  3. It doesn't matter for me, I only play single player

    81 vote(s)
  1. Ninja Serenity

    Ninja Serenity Big Damn Hero

    see now that you DON'T know, they could be even more stupid and have settings not affect the forced PvP in X Sector
  2. liradarc

    liradarc Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Just look through the top servers on the server list. Most have custom content, anti-griefing measures, and strict PvP rules. Most are also modded with custom chat commands with various uses.

    This change makes no difference whatsoever to the multiplayer experience. And even if you played on a server with none of the above features, you have a better chance of becoming a millionaire off of powerball than running into someone in the X sector by random.
  3. ThePwn

    ThePwn Astral Cartographer

    you can still get a group of friends in a whitelisted server or a roleplaying community. They tend to be more reliable anyway, most of the times they are hosted by companies. The random server that post its ip on forums with no prerequisites will always have griefers. I would rather be hunted and killed then have a bunch of them hunting structures to destroy.as much on a server as they can befpre they get banned. It will deter base griefing in friendly sectors.
  4. ThePwn

    ThePwn Astral Cartographer

    I have never seen a game that is hosted via player run servers have this kind of restrictions. All they would have to do is find the restriction in the file and remove it..
  5. Vandrick

    Vandrick Phantasmal Quasar

    Hardly any settings they "force" will be immune to being modded out. That's the beauty of mod tools. They force meteor showers, yet there's a mod that turns them all off. Why would the dev work extra hard to prevent us from modding something when modding is what they encourage? No way in all the worlds of Starbound will this forced PVP sector be unchangeable.
  6. Giles

    Giles Master Chief

    Hear, hear. Having a PvP sector is an excellent idea... Think Reaver space
    Tamorr likes this.
  7. Monkeybiscuit

    Monkeybiscuit Phantasmal Quasar

    Since I'm only planning to play this with my girlfriend, the prospect of us accidentally hitting each other is just an annoyance I would prefer not to have to deal with.

    Ah well, I forgot I can mod it out. Problem solved.
  8. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    you won't hit people in your party.
    krylo and Monkeybiscuit like this.
  9. Bumber

    Bumber Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yeah. I think they were going to call it 'Tier X' or something. :V

    But seriously, it's going to be a post-endgame sector where the difficulty is cranked up to 11 and you're getting your ass kicked constantly. For those who don't want that, you can just stay back in tier 10 and leave X to the 'hardcore' players. I know I probably will.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
  10. RizingAzure

    RizingAzure Orbital Explorer

    I only play the single player portion of starbound, but I can imagine doing the same thing on the multiplayer end. For players who enjoy being max geared and prefer hanging out with others in the most dangerous sector, it would be annoying if you're robbed of that luxury. Similarly, imagine if PVP were forced onto Alpha sector instead. PVPers would complain that there isn't any challenge in killing beginners while beginners would complain about that initial experience being horribly ruined.

    Griefing has already ruined several severs. What the PVP fanatics can't seem to see is that PVP in an environment not designed for pvp gives griefers a very powerful official tool to cause significantly more harassment. Although it is highly unlikely that you will encounter other players when there are billions of planets, those that claim this as their argument fails to see that there will always be that 1% that do have a chance encounter. That 1% will inevitably circulate through the entire multiplayer community. So while you can personally claim yourself that you have either never met another person, or have only met so once in your entire starbound career, that 1% is never going to go away, and from time to time, there will be people who have been negatively affected who will voice their outrage.

    I see a far better alternate then forcing PVP onto X-Sector only. Make a pvp sector with 100 planets rather than a billion. That way, PVPers can easily find other PVPers and the peaceful starboundians will never have to worry. PVP sector servers could include controls to set monster level, change the biome, etc. We have 5 sectors at the moment. It would take minimal effort to remove all 5 and have 2 sectors. The normal one and a PVP one.
  11. Noobverest

    Noobverest Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i dont know why ppl are worrying about being unable to gather t10 mats

    can't they just gather it on single player?
  12. Darkfox190

    Darkfox190 Void-Bound Voyager

    Make a "Pirate Sector", accessible by crafting a pirate flag and using it. Smaller than a normal sector, with special indicators that show what planets are currently occupied, so PvPers can find each other more easily and have their fun - While keeping it entirely isolated from the progression of the game. Non PvP players shouldn't have to go to single player to experience the end-game content, and PvP players can craft their flag and jump right into the PvP sector as soon as they want to.
    Aeon, Auchmithie, Akado and 2 others like this.
  13. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    or multiplayer. the chances of finding someone else without a party invite are so incredibly small.
  14. Vandrick

    Vandrick Phantasmal Quasar

    This would be a great way to implement a PvP sector. Brilliant actually.
  15. RizingAzure

    RizingAzure Orbital Explorer

    Because armor tiers don't carry over. Materials and sector unlocks do, but you would have to gather double of everything once you're at Aegisalt tech. Would you enjoy doing that just to avoid PVPers?
  16. Alaster

    Alaster Orbital Explorer

    I don't really think this game was made for pvp.
    The combat isn't even that exciting, but if the dev's do change the combat system, and make it more interesting. I might consider pvp. Its not really my cup of tea, but it can be enjoyable when its done right.
    Though forced pvp is kind of different. I remember this one game decided to enable pvp the first time, and while I was trying to level my self up, I kept getting killed at spawn. So many players were upset that the devs had to make a pvp-free channel so we can actually train.
    However, I feel like this wouldn't be much of a problem in multiplayer. Like everyone has said so far, there's a small chance that you'll run into someone in the X sector. But you'll still have the hackers that'll go out of their way to find you.... no matter what.
    Makes me a bit sad knowing that someone would stalk for just for lolz. I don't have any friends that want to play Starbound with me, so I kind of have to rely on the kindness of strangers.
  17. Milan Mree

    Milan Mree Ketchup Robot

    No one will see each other without coords so it doesn't even matter.
  18. Noobverest

    Noobverest Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    to be honest it doesn't bother me at all since I can always just go back to my single player where i've unlocked everything to get w.e

    not to mention because this is still in beta, I usually have to recraft all the other chips anyways because they update with new stuff and you have to use older chips to unlock the new stuff, sooo.....


    oh and mods too, sometimes you need to use the chips again for mods
  19. SnowFox1

    SnowFox1 Void-Bound Voyager

    I think this is bad idea
  20. I'm curious, are the people who think it's a bad idea fully thinking about the chances of finding someone in sector x?

    Idk, I'd try it out and see how it actually affects gameplay before signing a minority report petition to get it outta the game.

    Even if I didn't like this, like many others have said, the chances of running into someone by chance on a server without giving someone coords are extremely slim. It doesn't really have any bearing on gameplay unless you want it to.

    I know everyone is entitled to their opinions. I know my daughter swears she hates spinach, but she definitely loves grandma's green monster smoothies (green apples + spinach).

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