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In next patch commits: "Force pvp in x sector"

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Raindrac, Jan 24, 2014.


Do you like this change?

  1. Yes, it adds some difficulty to the sector

    162 vote(s)
  2. No, especially since it's forced

    196 vote(s)
  3. It doesn't matter for me, I only play single player

    81 vote(s)
  1. KazeSkyfox

    KazeSkyfox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I agree. Right now, you depend on it for most of the resources. If they want to add a PVP sector, there shouldn't be anything there that can't be obtained through cooperative play.

    That would just make people who don't want to fight other players have a forced reason to participate. A CTF gamemode would suffice just fine provided there are no winnings except for some kind of server-wide leaderboards.

    Wow, real mature. :l
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2014
  2. Nalano

    Nalano Big Damn Hero

    Ahh, the old griefer versus carebear debate.

    This never gets old.

    Considering, consequently, that there's something like a quadrillion possible planets to base on, what are the odds that some random guy on your server happens to be on your planet at the same time as you? Practically the only way to see another person is to make a point to group with them, which basically means PvP is by definition consensual - unless, of course, you're all so trusting that you'll accept just any ol' body into your party.
  3. KazeSkyfox

    KazeSkyfox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I find your attitude insulting and offensive.

    Some of us play on servers deliberately to interact with and enjoy the company of others. If someone wants to be disruptive, you block them. If someone is griefing, you report them. What rule is there against them attacking you for no reason when you weren't doing anything to them to deserve it?

    All I want out of multiplayer is to be everybody's friend. I play video games to achieve things I cannot do in the real world, and that's certainly one of them. (Especially if you've ever been to public school and were forced to be exposed to hostile people on a daily basis.) I like the idea of being the builder and the person who doesn't mind helping out people because they're in it for the cooperative experience.

    Excuse me if you feel so insecure with yourself that you need to belittle me with an insulting name to compensate. Grow up.
    AcetheGolden and Edomaro like this.
  4. Nalano

    Nalano Big Damn Hero

    Well, short of asking a mod to give you the custom title of "carebear," I don't see how else you could have telegraphed your allegiances so strongly. True to form, you simultaneously demand a higher standard of decorum and get your insults in as well. The passive aggression is indeed something to behold.
  5. KazeSkyfox

    KazeSkyfox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There's nothing passive-aggressive about it. I don't like your attitude and I communicated it pretty directly. I am an honest and direct person and I don't take crap from people. I'm a firm believer in the golden rule, look it up sometime.

    There is nothing wrong with a person desiring a cooperative experience and no insult you tag onto it will ever make me feel like there is. My style of play is just as valid as yours, what gives you the right to force yours on me if I don't want to play the way you do?

    If only certain planets in the X sector had PVP, I wouldn't care nearly as much because that would be a lot easier to avoid. I just wouldn't go mining on them. Far as I'm concerned, if you all want to blow each other into space debris, that's your prerogative. Whatever makes you happy, but don't try justifying to me that it's perfectly acceptable to force others to participate.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2014
    AcetheGolden and Edomaro like this.
  6. Edomaro

    Edomaro Void-Bound Voyager

    The best way to have a good PvP sector is to have it tier locked, for example like those who may play ol' famous League of Legends know that you can't participate on ranked ladders until you are summoner lvl 30 (max summoner level), so a new PvP sector that would have a tech upgrade requirement would do that like an Impervium Tech Upgrade or something, and it solves PvP unbalance that Sector X with forced PvP depicts at the moment. In that sector, lets call it K Sector, you can find some great purely aesthetic items (for the braggart in most of us, including me) or awesome looking pets that you can obtain, or etcetera, etcetera, nothing overpowering.

    Adding to that, the K sector, it could have insanely hostile creatures and a very very very reduced amount of solar systems, around 50 or less, that could be generated randomly and uniquely per server, so each server would have their unique K sector, it's fun, consensual and fair.

    In addition to that there could be some dangerous alien race that would had its own sector for PvE purposes, with raid bosses and all that jazz (like those planet sized dungeons we hoping to get at some point). It would be awesome like that, and... the dungeon sector, or... the L337 sector would have great lewt and unique aesthetic items as well.

    The L337 sector could be protected by unbreakable blocks so dungeons can be preserved to kill the boss at a later ocasion, although the items would be far gone if chests were looted :p except for the boss chest that would be locked until boss be killed, so this sector gets to be like alpha and gamma sector with billions of planets or could be a few like 500 solar systems, but extremely dangerous with danger levels beyond lvl 10. Finding mayor loot on L337 sector would progress players with hopping to K sector, I think it would be the best idea. If you're not into PvP (like me) you won't lose nothing substantial other than some clothing or pets if you play on that sector.

    I hope you understood what I meant, my engrish gets bad sometimes and I fail to recon until its too late.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2014
  7. yclatious

    yclatious Guest

    Yeah,first off,you know that "chances are low" actualy means that high leveled Impervium D*ckwads WILL be on EVERY SINGLE LEVEL 5 PLANET EVER ON.EVERY.F*CKIN.SERVER.EVER.
    Chances are low?Tell ya what, over 1000 players servers will outright suck casue YOU KNOW this is gonna hapen.
    Random button,level 5 planets,warp down for Aegisalt,die for D*ckwads.
    The end.
    Also,avoid insulting other people.Crybaby?Realy
    AcetheGolden and Aeon like this.
  8. Aeon

    Aeon Phantasmal Quasar

    Ugh all these people don't seem to realize that this change is entirely arbitrary.

    Seriously whats the point of it, there was no demand. there was no need for it, it is completely pointless in every way, hell the x sector is still a mishmash of content that isn't even properly balanced yet and they felt the need to force pvp in x sector.

    This one change did nothing but anger people and incite all of this nonsense all the while adding nothing to the game.
  9. debugman18

    debugman18 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    In this thread: people who just want to complain about something. I bet most (if not all) of you haven't been murdered in Sector X even once.

    Seriously, you guys look stupid.
  10. Syl

    Syl Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    And what about the people that like playing with strangers but don't want to risk it due to this change?

    I know, I know, being sociable instead of sociopathic must be incredibly strange to some people in this in this thread.
    AcetheGolden likes this.
  11. debugman18

    debugman18 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    People are complaining about an issue that hasn't actually become an issue. Do people even know for sure if this change has been implemented? No; this entire thread is people complaining about something they think will happen. They aren't even sure. It's completely absurd and it's really hurting their point.
  12. liradarc

    liradarc Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The biggest risk of inviting someone into your party isn't that they'll drop it and suddenly kill you. You'll lose at most 10 seconds of watching a cloning animation.

    The biggest risk is that they'll muck about your ship, destroying and stealing stuff. That's actual permanent damage to your inventory, at least until you take the time to get stuff replaced.

    And that's a risk that's always there when you invite people into your party, whether or not Sector X PvP is enabled. Sector X PvP is a non-issue.
  13. liradarc

    liradarc Subatomic Cosmonaut

    First of all, there are no servers with over 1000 players.

    Secondly, let's assume there is a server with over 1000 players. And let's assume that server is using completely vanilla content, with no restrictions at all to PvP and griefing.

    Your chances of meeting any of those players on a random Sector X planet is still less than a billionth of a percentile. That is, 0.0 -> a billion zeros -> 1 is a greater chance than you running into those players on a randomly selected Sector X planet.
    debugman18 likes this.
  14. liradarc

    liradarc Subatomic Cosmonaut

    You know, blocking people who are disruptive and reporting people for griefing are both functions of whatever community you are a part of. They're not default mechanics inherent to the Starbound game. Therefore, if you want some rule against people engaging in unwanted PvP with you, then join a community with restricted PvP rules. Then you report non-consensual PvP using whatever mechanism you had in mind that lets you report griefers.

    If you're playing on a server without PvP restrictions, then of course there's no rule that'll protect you. It's your responsibility to pick the right community to play with.

    While the phrase 'forced PvP' may scare people, the chances of actually running into unwanted company in Sector X is so remote that it's not even a factor to consider. There's much more danger inherent in people abusing party teleport mechanics, or throwing bombs at your alpha colony base, or filling your ship with lava. That last one might require you to reset your ship file completely if you haven't backed it up. If your big concern is other players ruining your day in a non-consensual matter, there are way bigger issues to create a 17 page thread over.
    Trucider likes this.
  15. Edomaro

    Edomaro Void-Bound Voyager

    None of you took the time to read my suggestion regarding this PvP X Sector discussion and went all-in on attacking each other with the point of view you felt you disliked... I think my opinion covered each and every issue you guys are nonesensically arguing about, and even added a little bit of extra stuff that could be thrown to the game.

    Please take the time to read it, or continue on this road to nowhere.
  16. yclatious

    yclatious Guest

    Even if what you say is true(high chances),aswer me this:

    Why should a change that I didnt ask and the comunity realy didnt ask or wants to be enforced,BE F*CKIN ENFORCED?

    Sector X is,of the moment,a heap of content,balanced like a unicorn on a flagpole.

    Why,then,when its ALL balanced out,should I be forced to play on a PVP only state I didnt want and most of the comunity doesent want aswell?

    Its pointless,its useless,the idea of PVP would be ridiculously unbalanced and impractical.

    Its all useless,so is this conversation,no xcuse me,Ima go play Starbound instead of being in the forums.
  17. KazeSkyfox

    KazeSkyfox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I try not to judge the intentions of people working on early access games, but in this one instance, I question the priorities of the dev team. All of those are valid, existing problems they have yet to address, so instead of making an effort to make multiplayer more balanced, they add in another way in which people can be griefed. Wouldn't it have made more sense to implement this change AFTER they patched up the existing problems with griefers on servers and not before?

    And what does this say about their view on these issues anyway? Do they view filling a ship with lava as a non-issue? Was it their intention for people to be able to destroy the ships and builds of others? Are they aiming for a purely competitive multiplayer experience like Rust has? Are they even aware of the problems people on servers face?

    I think all of these questions are worth getting answers to at the earliest possible chance. If they want multiplayer to be competitive, I would think letting the community know so that modders can proceed to circumvent that and prepare server tools for cooperative multiplayer would be convenient and timely for everyone.
  18. Serpensio

    Serpensio Big Damn Hero

    Since you asked, I'll be happy to state my opinion on the matter. Please make note that this in an answer to the general theory, not the specific situation as it currently relates to Starbound.

    Forced PVP is the only method of PVP that can matter in the particular realms that PVP inhabits. If PVP were optional, it may as well not even exist, because, more often than not, as clearly evidenced here, it will be turned off. A feature turned off one-sidedly, is no different than a feature that does not exist. for that other side.
    Undoubtedly, you could argue that this is reasonable, and how it ought to be, that all the PVPers can cluster together and have themselves a wild gankfest for their fun, while those who despise such actions have nothing to do with them, and be completely unaffected.

    This however, destroys any manner of emergent warplay such as civilization competition and invasion. Because you've forced all the PVPers together, you've combined the honorable PVPers with the care less PK griefers while compacting the population and skewing the ratio of good to bad, and only created a microcosm of your own perceived PVP terror, where the (now far more condensed) griefer-ganker crowd destroys the creative world of those seeking to build emergent gameplay. This because, when you immunize a large portion of the good, you leave the remaining good to the now more condensed ravages of the bad. For your own convenience, you have sentenced your own feared Doom upon others at a much larger rate than you yourself would have experienced under forced parameters.

    But they can turn it off too, you might argue, so that they need not be affected either. However, again, these players with it turned on want emergent gameplay, not the you greif-fest that you fear will occur under those conditions. Under forced conditions, everyone takes an equal share of the misfortune, the non-PVPers, and the PVPers both take a bit of grief, but when one side can unilaterally say, "no way!" They force their portion of that grief onto the other side, further eroding the possibility for any amount of good and fair emergent gameplay under that system.
  19. NFossil

    NFossil Phantasmal Quasar

    All the PVPers can cluster together and have themselves a wild gankfest for their fun, while those who despise such actions have nothing to do with them, and be completely unaffected.
  20. Syl

    Syl Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So, and maybe I'm just not getting what are you are saying, the only way for PVP to really work here is to involve a lot of people who don't want to fight? Why do you think people who don't like PVP are going to provide fun or challenging fights? I mean, I know if I see someone coming towards me I'm not going to hang out and see what they want. I'll just exit, return to my ship, and maybe check out a new planet where they aren't. Good fight?

    I know I won't be the only one to do that.

    Though it seems later in your post that its more about making sure the PVErs have to deal with the bad side of the PVP crowd too. We have our own griefers, we don't need to share yours.

    At the end of the day I'll still be saying "no way". Just it will be to every player I don't personally know I can trust instead of just the ones that want to kill me. Really doesn't promote a healthy community of ANY type under those conditions.

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