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In next patch commits: "Force pvp in x sector"

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Raindrac, Jan 24, 2014.


Do you like this change?

  1. Yes, it adds some difficulty to the sector

    162 vote(s)
  2. No, especially since it's forced

    196 vote(s)
  3. It doesn't matter for me, I only play single player

    81 vote(s)
  1. Gnomechompski

    Gnomechompski Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    With all these planets in sectors X, the odds that you find a planet, and someone else find the same planet as you are really really low.

    So unless it's planned, the odds of finding someone in Sector X is like really improbable. I don't see how this is a problem.
  2. Mr_PeaCH

    Mr_PeaCH Industrial Terraformer

    It will work the way griefing has always worked; someone will join the server, convince folks to invite them / join them, then unfriend them and attack.

    That said, I don't think it will be a big deal and I would actually like to see 'friendly fire' at least be a toggle thing. I don't play permadeath and would enjoy the challenge of taking on mobs with teammates or even just goofing around.
  3. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Its a good change because...?
    Its a good change for those who like PvP. But wait, your argument is that the chances of encountering someone else is slim, so how is that a good change for anyone?

    Its unnecessary, un-needed, and is only fun to a very niche crowd, and can be very annoying to most when it actually does occur.
  4. Edomaro

    Edomaro Void-Bound Voyager

    In case Sector X has a 100% randomly generated constelation made per server, it would be fine... but if you have the same X Sector for everyone there would be some VERY dangerous planets that players could accidentally fall in. I say this based on how some youtube videos contain coordinates to certain planets because they have really good merchants or really good loot, just imagine the madness there will be... this kinds of things stimulate hostility just for giggles, I hate PvP that could turn abusive.

    For example most MMORPG's have their PvP area and every now and then fresh newbs that barely got the equips to get to the area get killed over and over and over by some high end bastards that find it hilarious to pummel on the weak... just picture some Apex with Impervium equipment just hunting down newbies with Aegisalt equipment. It takes away the fun for me at least.

    I know even if Starbound gets to have a server list for multiplayer where you can just click and join and that the server had 3,000 players online (I don't think its possible to hold so many in the same server tho). A random wild encounter and just get backstabbed to be stolen for yo' pixes... it would be annoying having to move on to another planet to avoid being chased or even harrassed because the idiot wrote your name and he just kept sending continous party invitations over and over and over e.e'. Starbound should have PvP for fun, not PvP fight for your life... you've fought hunger, cold, diseases, monsters, bosses, nature itself... and now you have to deal with assholes? C'mon...
  5. Bine

    Bine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sorry for being part of this Niche crowd but I find it's a good change. Though, i agree, the game will be better served witha toggle system (ala Terraria).
    Dynafols likes this.
  6. Edomaro

    Edomaro Void-Bound Voyager

    Definetly. If you are looking forward to engage in random encounters then it would be a helluva blast, but if you are just looking to be friendly and to know fellow starbounders... I have something to tell you, stand up first: "Sit down boy, I have news for you... those people will NOT befriend you".

    Toggled PvP? Hell yeah! Forced PvP? Kill it with fire.

    On a further note, that savagery that abounds in Rust and DayZ is precisely why I haven't bought neither (cuz none of my friends have bought it yet and I'm in no mood of soloing neither). If you see any Rust or DayZ videos on multiplayer, it's a bloody warzone... it is quite amusing watching those videos tho, nekkid men stoning each other to death xD (Rust)!
    Dread Pirate Roberts likes this.
  7. Gorshum

    Gorshum Star Wrangler

    I am kind of on the fence about this. I avoid pvp in general (because I am way too competitive) but it sounds like it could be interesting ONLY because of how ridiculously vast the universe is. The chances of someone actually running into me would be very slim but it would give me that sense of danger that someone 'could' show up at any moment. And given I am a softcore character and I put all my stuff on my ship I only lose some currency anyway. If it becomes a problem I can just hop on my ship and jump to another planet in the middle of nowhere. Maybe I'd even hide my colony on a low tier planet. Like find a random tier 1-2 planet, dig down into the magma, create a little town down there complete with spawned NPCs and such. And honestly the worry of people killing my villagers or destroying my colony would be present regardless of if pvp was on or off. It doesn't seem like there is much more at risk for me with it as without it. Then again for mediumcore/hardcore characters this is a much more pressing concern indeed.

    I suppose I'd like it to be a server toggle rather than a universally enforced rule (no pun intended?) since I just don't know how I feel about it. I would like the option to experience both.
  8. Jajarra

    Jajarra Void-Bound Voyager

    The more I think about it, the more I think it's a poor decision. Not because I generally dislike PvP, which I won't deny, but because it's a poor implementation of PvP. That one in a million chance of running into another player cuts both ways. Sure the person who doesn't want to fight anyone and just wants to explore may never actually run into any hostile players, but the same goes for the people who actually want to fight. The odds of them finding another player and then having that person being willing to fight and not just retreat to their ship immediately is rather low. Unless they make Sector X quite a bit smaller than a normal sector, or implement some way to actually find other players who are not actively broadcasting their location, this just seems like an exercise in futility. Here's hoping they have plans to better flesh this out.
  9. Trucider

    Trucider Void-Bound Voyager

    The better question is, what are the developers attempting to achieve or plan to achieve with a forced PvP setting on end-game areas?

    Once this is officially answered, then we can discuss whether it is a good idea or not, and how to amend such implementation if it does qualify.
    Boshed and krylo like this.
  10. KazeSkyfox

    KazeSkyfox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I don't like PVP and lots of experience on MMOs has made me think of PVP as the video game equivalent of being brutally violated and mugged. Having a toggle on most games has saved me from the brutality of others often enough, but this is basically forcing people to go far beyond what the game initially expects from them in terms of advancing in armor and weapons. I really don't see how this adds anything besides a hassle for less intense players who couldn't give a crap about challenge or thought the X sector was hard enough already without some ganker loitering on the starter worlds or prowling around for weaker players to harass.

    Also, if there has even been an instance in the history of any game where PVP was a fair fight between two willing combatants, I have yet to see it, and I've regularly played 7 MMOs and tried a dozen more. It's usually just another avenue for cyber bullying.
  11. Kelad

    Kelad Astral Cartographer

    I like the idea of a forced-PvP sector... It just shouldn't be part of the standard progression path.
  12. Brassqund

    Brassqund Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I don't like that.
    The pvp should be decide depending of the Server choice or by acceptation of each player.
    I am not against the pvp... it can be fun...
    but I am against the "you have not the choice" part
  13. KazeSkyfox

    KazeSkyfox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    To me, PVP is like sex - everyone involved has to consent for it to be initiated or it's breaking a rule and potentially ruining someone else's good time.
    Edomaro and Dread Pirate Roberts like this.
  14. Aphrodonis

    Aphrodonis Sandwich Man

    They'll probably add another sector, in which the main purpose of it is for pvp.

    It could just be that since sector X is the current "last" sector, they just wanna test or see what happens with it.
    So yeah, it could just be a temporary thing until then...

    Anyways, I love the idea of a forced-pvp sector. As long as it's not put in a sector where resources are kinda important, we're all good.
    You come into this place knowing you'll most likely get attacked, and then you retaliate.
    It's very much like joining a pvp server, instead of a peaceful RP one in most MMOs, for example. (Best example I know of is the game TERA or even Wurm Online).
    Edomaro likes this.
  15. Trent

    Trent Big Damn Hero

    To me, a pvp only sector is like an orgy. If you go you are consenting :D

    Sorry.. but seriously I'm not at all worried about roaming bands of griefers finding me as I'm out doing my thing. My problem is that pvp doesn't really have a point yet. For there to be any reason at all to have a pvp sector and for people to actually fight in that sector, something must be at stake.

    Maybe there could be capturable space stations and resources or mini missions that spawn to draw combatants together from across the galaxy. In the meantime players who don't want pvp just sit back and relax knowing there is little chance of being found.
    Edomaro likes this.
  16. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    Cry baby. There are so many worlds in each sector that the odds of someone randomly landing on the same planet you're on are low enough that you shouldn't care. This gives servers a way to adhere to both the PVE and PVP crowds. It doesn't have to be one way or the other, it's both.

    The term 'grief' should be removed from this discussion. Griefing someone and PVPing are not the same thing. There are Minecraft servers where PVP and 'grief' are basically the same, but those servers are bad. You can PVP without griefing someone. Easily. Grief is what you do when you have a double digit IQ and cackle outloud every time you do something you at least think might have upset someone on the internet, whether or not you see the results. It's akin to trolling.
  17. TheLoanArranger

    TheLoanArranger Ketchup Robot

    This is actually key, here. Anyone who wants to meet for pvp will have to do so deliberately. And since you can already do that... what does this add?

    It's not 'a constant sense of danger!'- no one will find you unless you want them to. It just won't happen.
    It's not 'now I can fight people who also want to fight me!'- you could already do that with the toggled pvp option.

    It's 'now I can pretend to want to team up with someone and then just leave the team when I get there and kill them instead!'

    That is, literally, the only thing forcing pvp adds. There's no positive side to it.
  18. debugman18

    debugman18 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Odds are low, blah blah blah.

    You guys realize Sector X won't exist in the release version the same as it does now, right? In the future, Sector X will only be end-game tier, and will likely not have anything the other tiers don't .

    So the question to those who are opposed is:
    If you don't want to go to Sector X for the PVP, what do you even want to go there for? (Assuming the only difference between Sector X and other sectors is the force-enabled PVP.)
  19. Syl

    Syl Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If has no materials or items exclusive to it, I don't think anyone will care at that point. That isn't the case right now though, so it stand as an issue.
    Dread Pirate Roberts likes this.
  20. debugman18

    debugman18 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Only because it is used as a dump for everything that hasn't been organized.

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