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In next patch commits: "Force pvp in x sector"

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Raindrac, Jan 24, 2014.


Do you like this change?

  1. Yes, it adds some difficulty to the sector

    162 vote(s)
  2. No, especially since it's forced

    196 vote(s)
  3. It doesn't matter for me, I only play single player

    81 vote(s)
  1. M-Bot 3000

    M-Bot 3000 Zero Gravity Genie

    It's not the entire universe that's forced into pvp. Alpha through Delta are still the same. Partying now means you're on the same "team" and cannot kill each other in Sector X. And if you somehow, against all odds, meet someone randomly there... well, keep your gun ready I suppose. It'll certainly be more DayZ-esque, that's for sure.
  2. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Then why not allow people have, I don't know, PvP servers instead?

    If you want a true survival game, I'll give you one... just you wait...

  3. Jack Novius

    Jack Novius Subatomic Cosmonaut

    What is the point of having it forced in one sector in the standard game? If people are going to PvP, it is going to be on servers where it is forced where it is wanted and people playing co-op are not going to PvP. Again, why is this necessary?
    AcetheGolden and Dynafols like this.
  4. M-Bot 3000

    M-Bot 3000 Zero Gravity Genie

    From the Steam store page's description. Bolding is my personal touch, for emphasis.

    In addition to:

    -Extremely hostile wildlife
    -Meteor showers
    -Penguin UFOs, robots, skeletal dragons, giant jelly monsters, all of which want to kill you
    -Things with guns that shoot at you
    -Excessive amounts of stabbing, much of it directed at you
    -Acid lakes

    (All from my personal experience.)

    I do believe this qualifies as a "survival game". My opinion, though.
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  5. Trucider

    Trucider Void-Bound Voyager

    "Oh no, after hours of exploring on Sector X, I encountered someone who tried to kill me! Maybe I should host/play on a more private co-op with my friends where I know nobody on the server will try to kill us. We should also modify the enemy AI so that we don't have stuff trying to kill us."
  6. Syl

    Syl Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If I don't need stuff in those sectors I'm not really going to be idling around in them. Would be a waste of my time. Just like PVPing would be a waste of my time. You are asking me to be entertainment for someone else with no reward to me. Thats what PVP pretty much is from a game design standpoint, in a way, having your players provide content for each other.

    See response above please. Do YOU want hang out in just those sectors?
  7. Dakonic

    Dakonic Space Hobo

    Well, of course not. Sector X is not for idling around, it's for those who enjoy the challenge of having to outsmart a real human opponent, rather than a really boring and predictable AI. By your words, playing chess and losing makes no sense, since you are just "providing entertainment to someone else". If you don't want to die, be smart, be quick, and don't make mistakes. That's survival!

    EDIT: Also, I think, and I'm sure many people agree, that you don't necessarily need to win in order to enjoy yourself. A thrilling battle, even if it ends with you running for your life and ultimately dying, is incredibly fun all by itself.
  8. M-Bot 3000

    M-Bot 3000 Zero Gravity Genie

    I see no problem with it, seeing as sector planets aren't different at all save for strength of monsters, tech available, and ore distributions. If I was "hanging out", i.e. socializing, I wouldn't be dealing with any of those things. I would be playing music, perhaps.

    So yes, I would be content to hang out in "just those sectors." "Just those sectors" still contain over a billion planets each.
  9. krylo

    krylo Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    There's trillions Quadrillions of planets in Sector X. Do the math, multiply the max coordinates by 2 (because it goes all the way through to the negatives as well) then square that, and then divide by about 15 'cause that's the greatest gap on either coordinate table I've found between planets.

    You get over 2 quadrillion planets.

    There's, literally thousands, maybe more, times more planets in Sector X than there are people on the planet.

    You can idle there. Be slow. Take a nap. Leave it on all night. Build a super structure. The chances you'll meet someone else are infinitesimally small, unless you broadcast your location. Say after making the super structure.

    This means that there's both no reason to like, and no reason to hate this change, in and of itself. It's just. . . a thing. That happened. It's no more effective than having to turn on PvP.

    Perhaps future patches will change this by giving you some way of detecting other players within the same sector, but maybe future patches will also make Sector X less mandatory and smaller.

    Like I said before, this change requires that we should seek more information on its eventual, full, implementation, and the direction that it is asking the game to move in--but it neither requires that we get angry OR happy about it. It's a pretty useless change as of now.
    Seud and Trucider like this.
  10. Dominuskaiser

    Dominuskaiser Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Starbound: Prepare to die edition.

    No,but seriously,the chances of encounter with someone in a random server on sector X are really,really,really low,I mean you could just go singleplayer or co-op with friends until you are sure you can faceroll in sector X,there is no way people in a server to "invade" the world you are in unless you broadcast where you are or you are in a highly populated and farmeable server and world.
    krylo likes this.
  11. Syl

    Syl Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    No, see. I have no issue with PVP on the whole. It is not enjoyable to me though. So for me, it is a waste of time, about as fun as chewing glass. If people could say...flag themselves for pvp or not from the character select screen, that would be great. I'm not saying PVP sucks, but I am a co-op player, not a PVPer. I feel my playstyle should be just as vaild, especially since it doesn't penalize anyone on the opposite end of the spectrum if they can't attack me. I wouldn't put up a fight anyway, I'd just log out, which wastes their time too.

    I like to progress in tech and such in the game too though, not just hang out. Like it or not, sector x is currently the rest of the game.
  12. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Is Super Metroid a survival game?
  13. ExplosiveCrate

    ExplosiveCrate Phantasmal Quasar

    I dislike this because it forces it on players and server owners. There's no option to turn it of, no forcePvPinSectorX=1 to the config file to set to 0. It'd be great if server hosts could set which sectors or planets they wanted to force PvP on.
    Sector X isn't even supposed to be a super hostile wasteland, it's just a placeholder for the Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, and Theta sectors. I don't see why people treat it like it's supposed to be stupidly dangerous.

    Also are people seriously saying that Starbound isn't a survival game?
  14. M-Bot 3000

    M-Bot 3000 Zero Gravity Genie

    That's very true, but there's no reason why you have to obtain all the necessary things from Sector X on a multiplayer server. Even before this patch, I reached tier 10 and got everything on my character (tech, instruments, armor and weapons, aesthetic clothing, etc.) solely from single player, and then once I was content I went on multiplayer servers and hung around with others. Why? Because single player was and is more stable than multiplayer servers, which could suffer from lag issues, rendering, etc. etc.

    Once you get everything you need, there's no reason to go back unless you explicitly want to. That avoids the pvp situation entirely. And if you want to progress with friends, just join a party with them. The party system considers you all to be on a "team," so you can't accidentally blow each other up.
  15. Trent

    Trent Big Damn Hero

    I don't get it. Even if pvp is on, how will the pvpers find you? How will they make you stick around and fight? The only way they could mess with you is if you were dumb enough to make your base in sector X.

    At this point, I don't think turning pvp on in sector X means anything at all. There is nothing to fight over and no way for combatants to find each other. Maybe the future holds some kind of territory or resource capturing.

    Besides, as the game is now, if someone wants to mess with you, they can do plenty without sending you back to your ship.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2014
    Sadeyx and krylo like this.
  16. Sadeyx

    Sadeyx Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    What we are witnessing here is just hysteria.

    Its not like Eve-Online where you will be actively hunted down and grieved by hundreds, possibly thousands of players in a limited universe. Which is what it seems people are in fear of.

    Sadly, In an attempt to make their product as appealing as possible, dev's studio's in todays world appear to be quite weak to this kind of drama and seem to easily bend to hysteria.

    Would be nice to see a studio with some ball's and stick to their game plan for once.
  17. AcetheGolden

    AcetheGolden Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I don't understand the decision honestly; either it's impossible to find someone in Sector X, or you just don't play on a multiplayer server. So then why make this forced at all, instead of a server option?
  18. Kolache

    Kolache Astral Cartographer

    If someone wants to grief, it's probably not going to come via random sector-x pvp. If someone wants to pvp, random (and rare) sector-x pvp isn't likely to scratch the itch.
    I'm not sure this change really accomplishes anything other than stirring the pot between the pro/anti pvp crowds.
  19. DrSpoy

    DrSpoy Void-Bound Voyager

    I don't like it because it sort of seems like a lazy implementation of PvP.
    Have PvP be on after the first or second sector as some form of option when you world generate would be nice. As well as include some sort of ship scanner craftable that'd let you track other players down.

    Right now its either gonna be too uniform (say people announcing their locations and setting traps) or too random.
  20. Bine

    Bine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm pretty sure this has been stated somewhere in this thread but I am just going to reiterate.

    Anyone who complains about this change, do you REALLY think you are going to run into another player in sector X? Out of the, what, INFINITE possible planets there?

    I think this is a good change. You just dont group with people you dont know and everythings peachy. No one will find you!
    Gnomechompski likes this.

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