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In next patch commits: "Force pvp in x sector"

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Raindrac, Jan 24, 2014.


Do you like this change?

  1. Yes, it adds some difficulty to the sector

    162 vote(s)
  2. No, especially since it's forced

    196 vote(s)
  3. It doesn't matter for me, I only play single player

    81 vote(s)
  1. TheEveryman

    TheEveryman Big Damn Hero

    Guess what, you're choosing to play the game a certain way which "forces" you to play the game a certain way. You want those tier 10 bits of armor and weapons? The game "forces" you to collect bits for boss summoning items, the game "forces" you to fight bosses to collect the starmap upgrades, the game "forces" you to mine ores up, the game "forces" you to craft the gear you want.

    But when you really think about it, is Chucklefish forcing you to do this? No. YOU are. They're not forcing PvP on your character, they're not forcing you to go into a PvP area, they're not forcing you to get the best gear. YOU are. You want what's there. You want the best you can possibly get, so you're forcing yourself to go into a PvP zone where you aren't even actually required to PvP. Like you said, this is a sandbox game, meaning you can do whatever you want. You can settle down and build whenever you want with whatever is available. You never have to personally set foot into sector x. This isn't a game with a defined story that you have no choice but to follow until the very end. But if you absolutely can't bring yourself to go on without wearing special armor or having special furniture for building that's only available through any sort of POSSIBLE AND HIGHLY UNLIKELY challenge, then you'll actually have to either go through with the POSSIBILITY of a struggle or just find some other way to get those goods, like asking a friend for assistance or going "creative mode".

    Now, do I feel like you should have to go through a PvP section in order to hit the max tier or such? No, I feel like people should be able to do that outside of PvP. If I'm playing an MMO and the only way for me to advance would be to slog through PvP, I'd probably just quit that game. But I DO feel that the PvP section should offer something special to the people who are willing or happy to play through it, like top tier gear that's different, that offers different looks or has different abilities that make them worthwhile but still essentially on par with the normal gear you can get outside of PvP. If they have to deal with more then the rest of us, they should get something worthwhile out of it.

    I'm annoyed because people are so completely irked by the possibility of them having a bad moment that they'd struggle against something that they haven't even tried yet that most likely won't affect them at all. To me it's like picketing a hotel because they decided to put in soft, yet outdated and out of style music in their elevators.
  2. liradarc

    liradarc Subatomic Cosmonaut

    In this thread: heavily adverse reactions to hypothetical unpleasantness less likely than becoming a millionaire by selecting six specific numbers.

    The biggest PvP problem in this game is the griefing of player-built structures and stored possessions in persistent multiplayer servers. All that happens in the Alpha sector, or at the base of anyone careless enough to provide coordinates to someone untrustworthy. As opposed to a PvP death, the consequences of which are 10 seconds of watching a cloning animation and maybe some lost pixels, this kind of griefing can cost players hours of building time if the server doesn't do regular backups and rollbacks. And it is happening right now.

    Randomly meeting impolite people in Sector X is a possibility on par with spontaneous human combustion.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
  3. @Dynafols
    @Litagano Motscoud

    Ah, I get it. Valid points. Sector X being harder with no progression and optional PVP to you guys is okay, but if there are special mats/quests that push you into that region then it wouldn't be fair to those that don't want to pvp.

    It'll be interesting to see how Chucklefish handles it. I personally think the way they've stated they want to set up Sector X sounds good on paper, but I won't know until I've played it and experienced it for myself. I doubt it'll make much difference unless you're on a server with people and group Y and X are going to be pvping on a planet and post those coordinates in Universe Chat. Otherwise it's pretty hard to run into someone in deep space.

    I'm on board with what @TheEveryman suggested. Some set of sector x gear would be neat, maybe even something that you can only harvest from PVP? Like trophy pixels that can be used to craft pvp gear. Maybe just cosmetic, but it would encourage PVP. I know, people could just ask for headshots like it's Modern Warefare, but it's an idea.
  4. Dread Pirate Roberts

    Dread Pirate Roberts Zero Gravity Genie

    Uh, yes they are? If I want to go and build things (which is my main source of fun in this game), I need access to things. Things I can't get until later sectors. Things that a guarded by things that will eat me alive before I can find what I want unless I have the tiers they force on me. I really could care less about the "best of the best" in this game. If I could go to the last planet instantly, grab all the mats I needed for whatever house I'm building at the moment, and not get instantly 1-shot by anything that blinked at me, I would. I wouldn't grind for any of that armor crap. But I do because they force me to if I want those items to use in my pretty little house. You should not have to get a mod to obtain an item (although if they add PvP exclusive ores you can bet your ass I will). You should not have to risk your well being (especially perma-death mode characters) for some exclusive "WE'RE GONNA MAKE IT SO YOU NEED THIS TO DO ANYTHING" item.

    I see you did not read the capitalized NOTE at the end.

    If you should get an PvP exclusive items it should be items that help IN PVP, not in solo play.
    See, the thing that's wrong about your elevator example is that there is another way to get to higher floors, aka stairs. If there was only an elevator that played bad music, not only would that be a fire hazard and illegal, but it would be forcing you to deal with something you don't want to and shouldn't have too to get to something you should have access too.
    XaoG and Pseudo Unicorn like this.
  5. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    I'll be honest, the more and more I look at this, I'm starting to question something. "What is Starbound?" Think about that, just what is Starbound, and does it even know what it is?
  6. liradarc

    liradarc Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Starbound is a computer game. It doesn't know what it is because computer games tend not to be self-aware at this point of our technological development.

    I am awed by the philosophic waxing and ALL CAPS TYPING about a non-issue. Sector X PvP could have been turned on all this time and no one would have noticed. In the game's present form, random encounters between players outside the Alpha Sector simply do not happen absent coordinate sharing or party invites.

    I encourage you to log in to the most populous server on the public server list, go to a random sector X planet, plop down a chair and sit on it in order to freeze your hunger bar, and wait. It's quite likely that the next compulsory Windows update will force your PC to restart at some ungodly hour of the morning long before you run into another player.

    The change causing such a stir is a minor feature edit in a Beta-stage game where sectors, tiers, progression and even the form of the starmap are all in a state of flux. The current content bosses are place-holders for actual plot lines, for Pete's sake. If you have enough time to get worked up about this non-issue, I suggest directing that passion at something truly unpleasant. Like, say, human trafficking.
    WoxandWarf and Serpensio like this.
  7. ThePwn

    ThePwn Astral Cartographer

    The "get over it, it is beta" retort comes to mind here. All the people that flame the people unhappy with patch release and state their mind about it are now on the opposite side. The game stated that it would involve PvP upon purchase. Don't like it? GTFO! Reread the disclaimer before purchasing.The game does not reflect what the final product will def be like.
  8. TheEveryman

    TheEveryman Big Damn Hero

    But that's the thing. You don't have to go get those materials. You don't need them, you want them. The game isn't forcing you to get them, you're forcing YOURSELF to get them. It's not like you actually can't build unless you have those items. And the only thing I can really think of that you'd use to build that you couldn't get your hands on unless you worked your way there would be tier specific furniture. There aren't any buildings or structures or blueprints for you to harvest for furniture and blocks that are only found in Sector X and can't be found in just Alpha. As to your attitude of not having to put your character in any sort of danger to do anything, this is a good video game, where danger and excitement happens. Know what kind of video games don't have any of that? Mario Preschool Fun. And don't try to bring up the perma-death community as some sort of unfortunate group of people who will all be suffering. They knew what they were doing and they willingly chose to do it because they enjoy that challenge.

    And thank you for helping solidify my point. (Giggity?) Like the hotel and its elevator, there are other ways to get around. You can use the stairs, or you can take it into your own hands and bring some earbuds or even make small talk with the person in the elevator with you so you don't have to hear the music you absolutely hate (Hell, talk about how much the music blows). Even if they did decide to add things you wanted that badly and you could only get in Sector X, you can get your friends to donate their things/help you get some, you can go creative mode and use a mod (or actual in-game creative mode if they implement it), or find someone who's willing to trade something with you for the items (Like goods or services). I don't think they're going to add some kind of soul-binding building blocks or tables that only your character can get and use only by taking them from a PvP planet after killing all the players that are there. Weapons/Amor? I don't know. Building Materials? The building portion of the Starbound community wouldn't let that happen. THERE ARE NO MATERIALS THAT YOU, YOU, YOOOUUUU MUST GO GET YOURSELF.

    There are ways around the situation you so detest, and just whinging about it/picketing the hotel/game annoys the people around you.
  9. Serpensio

    Serpensio Big Damn Hero

    There's no point for me to say that I would like to say, because it has already been stated and restated innumerable times.

    So, I'll ask this instead:

    What difference does it make whether your character is killed by a Mob/Boss/Environmental Effect, or by another Player?

    Is there some sort of fundamental mechanical difference in the outcome of the death between these variable possible scenarios?

    Is it because you've pampered yourself with an unchallenging AI for all the previous sectors that actually fighting something that you can't predict, anticipate or otherwise ensure your win, that somehow disturbs your psyche?

    Or would you be just as upset if, instead being Killed by a Player in a game character suit, it was just an NPC with an AI that acted like a PVP Player?

    What is it about even the very sligthest chance at PVP that makes you so suddenly unreasonably prejudiced and close-minded that you verbally attack the idea with such vehemence, loudly decrying the injustice of it's very existence and implimentation, that all attempts at reasoning fall on deaf ears?

    Please help me to understand this, because you Anti-PvP people make absolutely no sense to me, no matter how hard I try to wrap my head around your arguments. I can understand disliking PVP and dying, but not your blind hatred for the implementation of the concept.
  10. Kriminal

    Kriminal Big Damn Hero

    I really doubt you'll be forced, by ore or otherwise. Why would they force pvp in a game that can be played as single player? It will be optional for people that want to. Essentially you just avoid the pvp sector if you don't want to play it. Tiers 1-10 will be pve and the "normal experience". They have always planned to have a pvp specific tier/sector. You won't be losing anything by this being in the game and will not be forced to participate.
  11. TheEveryman

    TheEveryman Big Damn Hero

    Hey, I'm an anti-pvp person. Does that mean you liked a post that made no sense to you? o.o
  12. MyLittleBurger

    MyLittleBurger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The difference between another player, and the generic AI creature, is that the player is more of a wild card than any current AI will ever be. Will a mob/boss be able to think 'Hey, lets throw bombs at the other player mining in that cave, but lets first place a 3 black thick wall of magmarock first to impede his progress so he's easier to kill.", in this generation of game, no. Would they place random insta death traps randomly around a planet, lure another player near it, then smack them into using the op knockback in the game?
  13. Serpensio

    Serpensio Big Damn Hero

    I was speaking in general, and in opposition of including PVP. Not all people are unreasonable, just the unreasonable ones, with convoluted arguments. I was speaking to them.

    So, if that sort of AI was possible and implemented (and I never specified that the AI needed to be generic), you would be equally upset? Why? Obviously such AI would have been designed to increase the challenge you face.
    And the "luring near a trap and using knockback to push them in IS quite within the range of possible AI coding, whether Starbound were to use it or not.

    Also, I was speaking of PVP, not griefing. The two are not one and the same.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
  14. Ninja Serenity

    Ninja Serenity Big Damn Hero

    Players can be harder to avoid when in combat, and can sometimes decide to spawn camp you effectively stealing all your pixels

    read above

    not everyone is a hardcore player, in fact I rarely PvP and even in most PvP games I can predict what my opponent is going to do, think chess

    not at all, because the AI, unless programmed to, can't be programmed to camp at your spawn

    the fact it's forced upon us, I'm fine with PvP, just not when it's forced upon us when a lot of us obviously don't want it

    I don't understand the reason PvPers are what they are, it makes no sense, so the argument there is two sided
  15. TheEveryman

    TheEveryman Big Damn Hero

    I know, I'm just yanking your chain. :p
  16. Tweak

    Tweak Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I like what Ryuujin said.

    The commit line is vague and it's probably not wise to assume anything. Forcing PVP in X could mean that the PVP option is forced to be confined to X.

    It doesn't make sense to bother with "forcing" the PVP option to be enabled in a game with a single player mode.
    Shadewarp likes this.
  17. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

    Serpensio, you have absolutely no clue what's wrong with your argument do you?

    I hate seeing posts like yours because it shows you're so entirely divorced from understanding, either through complete or willing ignorance, that any amount of explanation would go to waste.

    You're not going to get an answer to your "question" because the answer you seek is already right in front of you. Anyone with any sense isn't going to waste breath on you, and those that do will fail to get through to you for the very same reasons seemingly nothing else has. Ergo: You can't give someone an answer or explanation who doesn't really want one. If you don't understand why people don't want this crap in the game, then the problem is on your side because it makes perfect damn sense to anyone with a working brain.

    ...Sadly, a working brain seems to be becoming more and more rare as time passes.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
  18. Shadewarp

    Shadewarp Pangalactic Porcupine

    This :)
  19. lilheartless

    lilheartless Space Spelunker

    why is what you want more important than what i want....

    you know why i bought this game... its because it was promised that there would be a dedicated pvp area that i would be able to pvp in to my hearts content
    that i could play the evil space pirate "cynical villain" that i've always wanted to be

    and do you know what ruins my fun not being able to play the way i want to in a sandbox game...

    on a side not some points that have been pointed out before in this thread

    what if they made a delete on death character
    A. what the hell are you doing with a delete on death character if you don't want to lose your character on death.

    (side note you have the option of not going to the pvp area with your delete on death character even if you don't have access to all the content
    (Side notes side note if you are so worried about dying to a player you should probably worry just as much about dying to a mob and losing all ur stuff and if you are worried about that then you wouldn't have made a delete on death character in the first place.))

    but i wanna be able to have all the stuffs and i'd cry if i lost some pixels to another player while getting my stuff

    A. your tears bring me joy and unfortunately that is just a part of a sandbox experience its a sandbox and in a sandbox the big mean kid will sometimes come take your toys. ( you can run to your mommy and cry but if the kids smart he already left the sandbox after he took ur shit.... its the way of the world.... grow up

    A2. On a second note no one can spawn camp you because you can choose to spawn on your ship and even when we can choose to spawn on the planet if you exit the game you are in you automatically spawn on your ship thats how the game works.

    Why do you get to ruin my fun and force me to play the game one way

    A. why do you get to ruin my game and force me to play the game in a way different from how i want to play (again real world etc etc but this is a game ok same thing still applies everyone can not always have things exactly how they want period)

    Forced pvp is so dumb i don't care about pvp and i don't even mind it but its so stupid that its FORCED
    A. Forced is as the word entails forced. Forced would be if once you played for 13 hours 43 minutes and 16 seconds you were automatically moved to a planet you couldn't leave until you finished off the other 9 players that were moved to the same planet as you that would be forced. you have the option to walk away or better yet don't get in a position where it will be a problem in the first place.( multiple other options exist = trading, having your friends collect it begging) things that don't work tears ( all they do is feed me)

    if i think of anything else i will edit it in here.

    Edit1: cleaned up post for readability
  20. MyLittleBurger

    MyLittleBurger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Actually, if it is a human opponent, PvP and griefing can be one and the same. Since it would be player versus player, the human opponent could and maybe would do something that would could be considered griefing just so they can kill the player (and if it is PvP on a server with item drop on death, then they could take your items, though with only one sector likely being the PvP one, it won't matter to much).

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