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[IMG] Fire is in-game! Burn everything!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Bacon, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. Regal Kain

    Regal Kain Space Kumquat

    That was the lesson I learned, before I made everything out of cobblestone forever from that point on. I used to systematically grow trees into one another to make a giant tree-house type thing, then someone came along and burned it all down, it was glorious, but I QQ and killed them repeatedly.

    OT: This makes me wonder two things, the first being, does rain (Or precipitation in general.) effect fire? Or is effected by fire? Maybe some wonky planet that rains gas or something crazy, will it just ignite and cause the heat death of the planet's surface? o_O Will rain put out fires for you? (As it does in minecraft ofr instance.) if not, are these features planned for at a later date?

    Building off of that,t he best defense against a fire, would be a machine that can control the weather, IE: makes it rain on command, or a 30 second buildup or something. (Not sure if it's planned, I know they were talking about mass-terraforming planets etc.) That'd make something like that, handy to have in/on/near/under your village or structure of choice that is flammable.
    Gene likes this.
  2. TheFudgement

    TheFudgement Ketchup Robot

    I had an image of myself walking around, wearing a German-style greatjacket, gas mask and badass looking military helmet, burning everything in my way with a flamethrower.
  3. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Made me think more of these

    Warning: language

    I am fine with fire, adds more strategy to building.
    Osmedirez likes this.
  4. Skarn

    Skarn Existential Complex


    Please add a fire extinguisher object... I like my house...
    Trowzers and Pyrii like this.
  5. MrFaintSpeaker

    MrFaintSpeaker Orbital Explorer

    Step 1) Rebel against my former Glitch brothers.
    Step 2) Burn their houses
  6. Pyrii

    Pyrii Existential Complex

    Now the villagers need to be able to extinguish fires in their village and have the ability to rebuild.
  7. roninafro

    roninafro Master Chief

    "Gee, I'm sorry your village suspiciously burnt to the ground shortly after I arrived. What? You don't have the supplies to rebuild? Well I may have some slightly overpriced materials on me right now."
  8. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    More smoke. Bigger flames. I want every block to look like a ton of napalm.
  9. A1CZERO

    A1CZERO Subatomic Cosmonaut

  10. Tyrindor

    Tyrindor Space Kumquat

    Please make the flames, much, much bigger.

    Looks like NPCs currently don't have an AI to run from fires, hopefully that is added. :)
  11. sankto

    sankto Pangalactic Porcupine

    The pyromaniac in me is now satisfied.
  12. DaviDeil

    DaviDeil Ketchup Robot

    ITT: Trammies.
  13. Aqualex

    Aqualex Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I can't wait to light my friend's houses on fire.
    sankto likes this.
  14. Star and Moon

    Star and Moon Space Kumquat


    Love this so much! Having things burning is so... satisfying.
  15. Chompy

    Chompy Cosmic Narwhal

    Sounds like a healthy friendship.
    Skarn, Aqualex and natelovesyou like this.
  16. Shadowbolt

    Shadowbolt Big Damn Hero

    i really hope someone mods this song to play when a fire is near
    Starsly and Dis like this.
  17. Aqualex

    Aqualex Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Oh sorry, I meant to say "I can't wait to light my friends and their houses on fire."
    Yes, you're right... It's a healthy friendship indeed.
    Chompy and Cruellyricisti like this.
  18. PurpleSquirel43

    PurpleSquirel43 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Larger flames! I want my enemies to go down in an inferno!
  19. Juice Box

    Juice Box Pangalactic Porcupine

    Juice Box now deeply fears for the online community.
    Razyar, Pyrii, Chompy and 1 other person like this.
  20. sammanzhi

    sammanzhi Sandwich Man

    Finally we can blaze it. I was worried Starbound was gonna be lacking around 4:20.

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