I actually really like your theory. Makes a lot of sense to me. I was personally just going with the bored wife wanting attention theory, but your theory definitely does make sense too. No no, it's the other way around. The wizard messed up and then they broke up and his ex began cursing the countryside out of anger. But anyway about the actual topic of the wizard being marriageable? Eh, I'm personally not interested. He's an interesting character, but I'm not interested in marrying him. And talking about awkward, try marrying Emily before befriending Clint! Oh dear Yoba, I did. And I did not know how to react when he asked me to give my wife an amethyst, let alone how to react to the advice on how to talk to women cutscene >.> The cringing I did, I swear. This was why I was considering not marrying Emily ever and why I won't marry her again in the future. I really wish Clint's cutscene and quest became unavailable if you marry Emily.
I love all of this. Seriously. Glad to see someone defending Pierre for once instead of spitting all over him like most people do. I like the theory about the wizard assisting Caroline to get babies, and why the witch is jealous. That does make quite a lot of sense when you have it all explained out like that. As a pretty diehard fan of the show Once Upon a Time, I have to wonder, at what price did that magic come?
Maybe whatever the wizard gave to Caroline was an item that the witch cherished, which is why she turned green with envy and left the wizard. And it would be another reason why she's not out putting curses on Caroline or Abigail.
Actually, that's debatable. If you marry her she'll tell you she doesn't remember the last time she dyed it because the color never fades.
I honestly hope that if CA ever expands on the story that it is revealed that Abigail is not the Wizard's daughter or if she is it is handled in a interesting way beyond the adultery theory. It's just to dull of a plot line otherwise, it's too obvious. Simply put it's the twist ending everybody already knows. Having it turn out to be somebody or something less likely would be an infinitely more interesting plot point than just saying "yeah it's exactly like everybody already suspected."
I totally agree with @Relenanator. That possible Adultery subplot makes them so much more relatable! I am totally on board for this. Awesome plot-twist!
I actually think the Jodi=cheater thing is true, for one reason. Her name itself is military slang for a cheating wife/for a soldier being cheated on.
Why does the topic of cheating ring alarm bells of ugly and awkward for you, OP? You appear to be carrying an abnormal hang up, so much so that the thought of other people relating to it sends you into a dark place of midnight blues whilst dabbling in philosophic banter. What would it mean to you if the scenario you were desperately trying to avoid happened to be embedded in SDV's story all along? Cheating itself is relatable because it is telling of character flaws, flaws which you brought up yourself. Lack of courage. Discontent of the present situation. Insecurity. Desire to be wanted. Struggling with the guilt of loving one while emotionally needing the attention that another is willingly providing. Whether or not you've experienced these emotions as of yet in your life, one day in the future may find yourself struggling through these character flaws yourself and it's in that truly dark hour that even something silly as seeing sympathy, empathy even, from a digital character might give you just enough of a boost to help relax whatever stress you're dealing with for that day. The great things about flaws is that they have many expressions, and the act of infidelity is merely one expression out of many that can come from the same set of flaws. The same flaws Shane feels are the same that might drive another into seeking relief anywhere, even if that escapism is the new relationship energy of an affair, and neither of them are more in the wrong for the expression of that weakness. Shane is just as wrong for hurting the ones he loves by betraying their trust in trying to take his own life, or by avoiding them altogether in drunken stupor--as another might be seeking an affair as drug of choice to ease whatever escape they are seeking. Ultimately, morals are relevant matters, and every human seeks happiness. Happiness is the driving force for all actions, and even if a person murders another, the reason is because they feel their life will be made happier in someway with that other person being dead. Happiness is the thing we all pursue, and that is what is relatable in all scenarios... And perhaps why we all find SDV so appealing. Everyone in that game is seeking a way to happiness, and we as the main character get to help them along that path in small ways through empathy. Edit: The point I wanted to convey is that the act of cheating is not the point of relation, but the expression of flaws that each of us experience at some point. And if Caroline, Jodi, or anyone else has been cheating on their significant other within the game lore, the fact that they cheated wouldn't be the point for that element being within the game. The point would be how they worked past that and how they grew from that point into the person they are now--as all the character themes within the game are handled; some element of spiritual progression and attainment of peace and happiness is always present at the end of their heart scene arcs, versus where they were before.
Just I said before is. The witch who "give" void eggs is the ex of Rasmodius. I know she the one in the community center to be "empty" before the come of the farmer.