Digital I'd like to see your farms!

Discussion in 'Fan Works' started by DibJib, Jan 17, 2017.

  1. DibJib

    DibJib Phantasmal Quasar

    Yo! I have a channel on youtube and I'm currently doing a Stardew Valley series, which is going on episode 24 as of writing this. My play style is my own pace and I don't strive to be the best, so don't expect anything mind blowing :p. You can watch the full playlist or jump straight to the end Here

    I started an end segment where viewers can submit their farm screenshots to have them viewed at the end of each episode. There's no real better place to get submissions than the SDV forums so here I am! It's really just something to get viewers involved and show off some of the cool farms some people come up with.

    If you'd like to submit a screen shot of your farm, send the screen shot to:
    Also include a username or general name you'd like to appear on the screenshot so credit can be given. You can even put it on the screenshot yourself if you desire.

    Screen shots will be posted in the order they are received, first come first serve and all. If you'd like to be notified of when your screenshot is used in an episode, use an email that you'll be able to keep an eye on and I can reply when I use the screenshot and what episode it will appear in.

    That's really all I have, I hope to see some awesome farms, and if anything else thanks for taking the time to read!
    • Skyloft-Farm

      Skyloft-Farm Void-Bound Voyager

      What a cute idea! Mind if I share this to my followers on Tumblr? Maybe you'll get more submissions :)
      • DibJib

        DibJib Phantasmal Quasar

        Don't mind at all! That'd be awesome!
          Skyloft-Farm likes this.
        • MS_NorthEastern

          MS_NorthEastern Orbital Explorer

          Is it okay if I send my farm in a couple smaller screenshots?
          • DibJib

            DibJib Phantasmal Quasar

            Yeah thats fine, that would actually be cool to show different sections, if thats what you mean. But yeah this is fine.
            • MS_NorthEastern

              MS_NorthEastern Orbital Explorer

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