I only have one question

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by eSmokefish, Sep 11, 2013.

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  1. enemarius86

    enemarius86 Cosmic Narwhal

    I still dont't understand one thing. If the game was almost done(full version) at the end of 2012, how come today we can't have even a beta version?
    This blows my mind off :wtf:
    Supafly likes this.
  2. Ortales

    Ortales Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It would change some people's perception on Chucklefish, if that's important to them.
  3. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Not really, look at the question answer thing only satiated the blood lust for a new york minute it is a never ending cycle.
    NFossil and Calris like this.
  4. Zody

    Zody Weight of the Sky

    I have basically given up hope of seeing something playable this year:(. If I have learned anything from being around since Feb 2012 it's that the devs can't estimate shit.
    Pingeh likes this.
  5. Calris

    Calris Existential Complex

    Yeah, I'd agree with Serenity I'm afraid. Each new scrap of info we get seems to produce as much rage as it's supposed to fix.
  6. Lycaon

    Lycaon Big Damn Hero

    This is exactly what I do not understand too. They wanted to release it summer 2012, now it is 2014. Why can't they just tell us what happened? Did they add that much features?
    Pingeh and Gaikang like this.
  7. Ortales

    Ortales Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The question's answers made me think even better of Omni and bad of Tiy, but I liked them answering, and you won't see me ask for anything that it's already answered.
    I don't like you calling asking for answers on the game progress "bloodlust". I understand the dev and Chucklefish team getting tired of people asking, and if they want people to shut up they should say so, instead of being silent until somebody whose job isn't to answer those questions does it. I don't get the defense force "don't ask the devs, they are too busy working, you are not even entitled to ask", if they don't want to answer, let them say it.
    How's asking about the game developement rage?
  8. TAU300

    TAU300 Orbital Explorer

    I'm just gonna do a copy and paste from another thread here since i think my point will probably get more explanation here then over there, also some editing in place just to go with the flow of this thread :

    It just seems weird that they've gone on about all this extra detail and suddenly the updates have stopped. Also if you take a look at the completion tree, the critical stuff has or is being implemented at the moment. Currently, people estimate the game is in a playable state since it being shown at I49 is proof enough that it can be played by the general public.

    To be honest, these delays are getting annoying, prior to the I49 demo, the game was very rough but now it's very solid and, in my opinion, playable by anybody. I think it's gotten to a point where our leg is being pulled just so they can try and draw out what ever they can. Yes, i know i'm going to have people bitch at me "Your ungrateful" , "jesus, just fucking wait" for saying what i am saying but honestly, it's getting really annoying having to wait, they've promised a 2013 release date but that isn't looking like it'll happen at any rate due to the amount of time it's taking. I think they should honestly release a beta product at the current time but have a clear indication in the game that the product is a beta, as we know, shit broke out when minecraft pulled the "beta logo" from the screen and people straight up assumed it was the final product when Minecraft was just unstable and buggy as fuck.

    I feel like saying that the wait for this has gotten to the point like the wait for Half Life 3 has, and in a shorter amount of time as well. Except we actually know what the fuck is going on with this product daily. Another thing too, people have been waiting for up to 2 years for this. Comparing the development time between this and Minecraft, Minecraft was released with in six months to a shitty release and unstable build, it went from alpha to beta to final in the space of 6 months. Here Starbound has been in development for over 2-3 years, longer than most indie products take. I know someone is going to come in here and say a simple "Oh, they're taking their time retard", no shit they're taking their time but we are at a stage where this waiting has gotten beyond the point of ridiculous. Constant stupid and short updates such as "Look at this bug, it's squashed, i squashed a bug, enough developing for day" are becoming constant, it's as if they are running out of ideas.

    TL-DR - Chucklefish giving delay, after delay, after delay despite the product being playable and stable enough for beta testing, beta looking highly unlike this year despite promises.
    Pingeh, enemarius86 and Besys like this.
  9. Besys

    Besys Void-Bound Voyager

    Sometimes I'm just wondering if they know what is a beta... Do we really need double dash/jump grappling or anything else to beta-test the game ? I don't think so. Why they're not releasing a beta with few features, let us help them, and then add the other one by one ?

    Do they think we are too stupid to help them ? Do they think that providing a beta with small content will make people running away ? Do they know a small game called Minecraft ?..
    Pingeh likes this.
  10. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Honestly what will you do with those answers, ask for answers from the questions formed from the answers and so fourth. It's not like chuclefish kept the money and canceled starbound so what is it exactly that you want an answer to. Also what did tiy do to you. Isn't the daily update made to serve the purpose of notifying the community of progress?
  11. Calris

    Calris Existential Complex

    You could compile another Q&A list, if it's important to you.
    Serenity likes this.
  12. demanrisu

    demanrisu The Original Agaran Menace NPC

    I don't speak for the team - only myself - but I'm of the view that pre-orderers are absolutely not investors. Ask yourself: if you pre-order the next Call of Duty game, are you an investor in Activision?

    (the answer is no, and if you think it is yes, you are stupid)
    Serenity likes this.
  13. ZanVaelius

    ZanVaelius Existential Complex

    Investors give money to get more money in return.
    Customers give money to get a product in return.
    At least that's my way of simplifying it :p
    Renlou and Serenity like this.
  14. Ortales

    Ortales Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm with you on the investor thing, but it doesn't seems fair to compare the preorder of a game published by a company, which will be released a few months far and on a set date with the Starbound preorder, which doesn't have a release date and it is clearly to finance the development of it.

    I don't get people complaining about the money going to chucklefish expenses (isn't that what a salary is?), although, I would like to know if par of that money has been used to publish or invest on other games.

    I already stated my question in my first post.
  15. TAU300

    TAU300 Orbital Explorer

    Pingeh likes this.
  16. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Seems more like a statement. Also you are getting starbound and beta, it was basically a kickstarter without kickstarter so you are a backer. You get a product for your cash. Technically you can say you invest all the time when you buy fast food to when you get new speakers but it's really just a purchase. None of us have real creative control other than the contributes who either paid to get a costume item in game or people who made things like the novakids.

    Renlou likes this.
  17. Ortales

    Ortales Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I think those posts said nothing about our backer condition nor our creative input in the game. They are more about why the game seemed to be "almost there" and "All the big ones are done, so not long to wait now!" on March 2012 and now on September 2013 it is only a crashing pre-beta.
  18. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Yeah they need a better marketing and pr department that's the only problem I see.
  19. Ortales

    Ortales Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That's the problem I see too. :(
    Serenity likes this.
  20. cwolf042

    cwolf042 Pangalactic Porcupine

    That's why yhere are still stretch goals... because this TOTALLY isn't crowdfunding *sarcasm*
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