I need your creative minds! *Zombie must eat brains* Welcome to the feast! :> aka Dialogue editing.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by joykiller91, Mar 2, 2017.

  1. joykiller91

    joykiller91 Astral Cartographer

    Help a fellow zombie out~~ :nuruhype:

    I am going to shamelessly plug about a mod in the making - Enhanced Dialogue
    But it's going turtle slow even with epic music playing on the background... I am dry like Calico~

    So...I thought to open this thread (and LINK TO GOOGLE SHEET that contains the dialogues already done and vanilla and blanks) for some character dissection. Just hit me with everything you got. Bomb me with correct grammar. Slap me with more more dialogue! :nurudallas: Let us talk about their stories (I'm looking at you Shane and Sebastian!)

    I am of course getting help from some wonderful people already: Rayleigh, Hannah, Ariane ...but there's nothing wrong with accepting more people~~ hehe and a shout out to @Kagurahime for her dialogues for Alex (and some other that I haven't used yet) *will update on this

    Optional Guide:
    Singles Dialogues
    • The getting to know you stage - 0-2 heart dialogues based on personality [ie: Abigail-rude because she's sleepy, Alex-jackass type of rude, Shane-rude because he's a loner?]
    • We're friends now stage - 4-6 heart dialogues [mix of whatever]
    • Mention of NPC partner/Rival but not in a boyfriend/girlfriend type just a hint of crushing, or normal convo type [at least 2 diag/season]
    • Once Community Center is restored -mention [at 10 hearts so it's dosed with love /season]
    • Mention of what happened in their heart event [could be before the event(with no spoilers)/after the event like a recollection]
    • Mention of their likes/dislikes according to Wikia
    • Mention of their current hobbies or speculated hobby [could be trivia, facts, etc]
    • Mention of their family/friends
    • Others [just to fill]: Farmer concern, random lines
    • 8 hearts are indirect flirts..just hints or gauging [depends also on their heart event]
    • 10 hearts slightly more direct flirts
    • Realistic background dialogue [within bounds of their character and story]
    ^The bouquet doesn't mean anything for this mod. The dialogues rely heavily on the events so at 8 hearts if the event doesn't even hint at something there wouldn't be any type open flirting. (though it's not at all rigid hehe it's just a guide)

    ie: Abigail's 8 heart is a hint so at 8 heart dialogues she's more flirty with you, Alex's 8 heart is a heart breaking scene and no hints so his 8 heart dialogues are subtle flirts.

    Marriage Dialogues
    • Mention of a dialogue from their Singles Dialogue
    • An open declaration of love
    • Sugar and Cheese (More sugar and cheese if they have a positive/outgoing personality)
    • Mention of family
    • etc...
    Other NPC Dialogues
    • Evolution of their default dialogue [more personal]
    • Mention of what happened in their heart event [could be before the event(with no spoilers)/after the event like a recollection]
    • Mention of their likes/dislikes according to Wikia
    • Mention of their current hobbies or speculated hobby [could be trivia, facts, etc]
    • Mention of their family/friends
    • Others [just to fill]: Farmer concern, random lines
    • Once Community Center is restored [random heart, it's more of an appreciation/admiration/ congratulatory dialogue]
    • Realistic background dialogue [within bounds of their character and story]
    EVERYTHING IS FLEXIBLE...I will compile, merge, cut and trim everything so it's a comprehensive finish! :D

    PS: Please don't mind the triggers on Sheet A. Or inside the dialogues..the $x are portraits so they change emotions. You don't have to put those in~ Just put whatever dialogue in any order at Sheet C onwards. Don't be limited by the triggers just put whatever and how many evers you please.

    PPS: The vanilla is in the sheets just for reference...but edited vanilla is okay too~

    PPPS: Since Alex, Abigail, George, Evelyne, Pierre, Caroline are already edited the vanilla isn't there. You can of course still scrutinize what we've made~ :nurunaughty:

      Last edited: Mar 4, 2017
      Corraidhín and LuthienNightwolf like this.
    • LuthienNightwolf

      LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

      This would take some serious thought for me but I'm glad to see it's being done, these things are definitely needed and I know they'd be appreciated in the game! Best of luck!
        joykiller91 likes this.
      • Feathered Sparks

        Feathered Sparks Big Damn Hero

        Ooh, I'd love to help out with this! I'll have to poke around with some of the characters when I've got more time for it :3
          joykiller91 likes this.
        • Corraidhín

          Corraidhín Supernova

          Amazing idea dude, you are doing God´s work here! and honestly I had never thought of any options to add dialogue to the npcs UNTIL NOW! harrumph! I shall come back with ideas then...!
            joykiller91 likes this.
          • springacres

            springacres Phantasmal Quasar

            Just a note to say that I feel like Shane is rude for multiple reasons - he's an introvert, true, but he's also dealing with depression and being new to a small town.
              joykiller91 likes this.
            • joykiller91

              joykiller91 Astral Cartographer

              @LuthienNightwolf @Feathered Sparks @Asriel Dreemurr lol thanks! Can't wait for your ideas guys~ :D let's volt in everybody! heheh

              @springacres haha yeah Shane is a bit more complex than the rest....also a reason why I'm holding him off since I don't want to butcher his dialogue with crap he won't even say. X)
                springacres likes this.
              • springacres

                springacres Phantasmal Quasar

                @joykiller91 he is, isn't he? I might have to join this project; there are so many dialogues that need tweaking. (Looking at you, Marnie - you shouldn't be telling me Shane has been living with you for the last few months when he's married to me and we just had our first child...)
                  joykiller91 likes this.
                • joykiller91

                  joykiller91 Astral Cartographer

                  Hahaha. Come aboard! :D

                  I haven't looked at Marnie's yet lol. But yeah there's a lot to consider when editing Singles with family. And I only know the basic triggers so any complex dialogue can't be added. I wanted to have Abby and Sebby talk about Sam's event but I don't know the trigger so eh.
                  • springacres

                    springacres Phantasmal Quasar

                    Yeah, it'd be nice if we could figure out complex triggers or ways to get relationships acknowledged. Like I'd love for there to be canon exchanges with Jas in my current game, reiterating how important she is to Shane and my character, how that won't change just because Shane and the farmer have children of their own, etc.
                    • joykiller91

                      joykiller91 Astral Cartographer

                      @springacres there was a thread about it I was there but I haven't seen any updated that's why I started this. Well Androxilogin seems to be working on something with some complex dialogues so I guess we'll just wait and see.
                      • joykiller91

                        joykiller91 Astral Cartographer

                        Hello to anybody and everybody~
                        I have uploaded Harvey and an edited Alex on Nexus.
                        I won't be able to work on this for a few something somethings. Have some stuff to take care of.

                        The link is always open so scribble away. And I'm always open just send or msg me whatever you like. I'll be back asap :D
                        • WonkoTSane42

                          WonkoTSane42 Star Wrangler

                          I basically just went with themes for my dialogue edits.

                          I made Vincent and Jas speak only in quotes by Gene and Louise Belcher from Bob's Burgers.

                          George says Grandpa Simpson quotes, because he's grumpy.

                          Alex says Mitch Hedburg quotes which is appropriate for someone who hangs out by a dog pen and a bar all day.

                          Evelyn says Sophia Petrillo quotes from Golden Girls because I like to imagine she's a feisty old broad.

                          Mayor Lewis talks like a letch with a *wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more* vibe.

                          Kent and Jodi I edited to be happier because it broke my heart that they both seemed miserable, now Jodi talks like the mom from Bobby's World.

                          I made Penny more independent and now she takes correspondence classes and understands that she is not defined by her mom's choices.

                          Gus is now all "Sup, bro!" & "Whoa, I bet my grandpa worked on the tools for your grandpa...it's all connected man" because you know he just hangs out and smokes pot all day.
                            springacres and joykiller91 like this.
                          • itsmickib

                            itsmickib Void-Bound Voyager

                            YAYYYY! My dream came true!!:nuruawe::nuruawe:
                            I've always planned on making a mod like this, so I'm glad someone else is doing it so I won't have to:nuruwink:
                              joykiller91 likes this.
                            • joykiller91

                              joykiller91 Astral Cartographer

                              @WonkoTSane42 if you're alright with it you can send your edits to me, maybe I merge it with my mod :)

                              @itsmickib hahah I was the same but I guess I wasn't as patient. Feel free to dish out your ideas to me. X)
                              • springacres

                                springacres Phantasmal Quasar

                                @WonkoTSane42 why, after seeing your post, do I suddenly want Morris to sound like a Vogon?
                                  WonkoTSane42 likes this.
                                • Shmooey

                                  Shmooey Void-Bound Voyager

                                  I'm currently going through all the dialogue and other game text and editing it for grammar errors, then I'm going to upload it here as a mod. I'd be happy to help you with your mod if you'd like. PM me. :)

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