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I feel Starbound is too hard

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by 121derp121, Feb 15, 2014.

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  1. MarcusDemonicus

    MarcusDemonicus Space Kumquat

    you just burned out my retinas! lol
  2. UnsoundMrBlaze

    UnsoundMrBlaze Void-Bound Voyager

    Once you get a gun in this game, things become so much easier.
  3. 121derp121

    121derp121 Seal Broken

    Well now my alerts are spammed up and I don't even care about the thread anymore so is there a way to end this thread or like hand over leadership of it or whatever you could call it
  4. Fiben Bolger

    Fiben Bolger Pangalactic Porcupine

    One of these days someone who creates a monster they can't control is going to take care of the problem himself. Or, if they're going to rely on third party intervention, at least provide the torches and pitchforks. Maybe a nice box lunch, too?
  5. krylo

    krylo Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

  6. 121derp121

    121derp121 Seal Broken

  7. Closing.
    Finn Learson likes this.
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