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Hylotl surface village

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Lazylilartist, Aug 24, 2017.

  1. Lazylilartist

    Lazylilartist Space Hobo

    I've been searching for awhile online and in game and can't find any coordinates for a hylotl surface village. I really wanna catch a black cat from one!
  2. Palicence

    Palicence Void-Bound Voyager

    While I don't have the coordinates for one at this moment, I do however have a black cat in a capture pod in my fridge, and if you want to private message me it's yours.
  3. DraikNova

    DraikNova Spaceman Spiff

    If you really want it, just spawn one in. Go into admin mode by typing /admin in chat, then type /spawnmonster blackcat, then /admin again to go out of admin mode.
  4. Palicence

    Palicence Void-Bound Voyager

    yeah but some people ( such as myself) hate the idea of getting what you want via admin commands.
  5. DraikNova

    DraikNova Spaceman Spiff

    Eh, I find that I can make it feel fair if I exchange something with roughly equivalent value. For example, if I go to the Infinity express and delete 10k pixels worth of items before spawning it in, I've essentially bought it. And it's not like spawning a cat is progression-breaking or cheaty either, given that they're utterly useless, like pretty much all pets.
  6. Palicence

    Palicence Void-Bound Voyager

    It's all in the eye of the beholder, but to the original person posting you can have the cat just send me a message.
  7. Palicence

    Palicence Void-Bound Voyager

    You can find one at

    X = 6018
    Y = 3714

    Carinae III

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