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how should Florans mate?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Ariexe, Apr 20, 2013.


How do you think florans should mate?

  1. Rub their butts?

    125 vote(s)
  2. self pregnacy

    34 vote(s)
  3. it just happens

    23 vote(s)
  4. normal male/female intercourse

    59 vote(s)
  5. MAGIC

    40 vote(s)
  6. other

    43 vote(s)
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  1. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    I doubt mating will be shown this is just for lore sake.
  2. RedScarWolf

    RedScarWolf Spaceman Spiff

    I think the fact that there are aliens in this game is enough to piss off a few "extreme" parents.
  3. Bynn_Error

    Bynn_Error Cosmic Narwhal

    Too risky you would need to scorch the earth probably with flamethrower's or better yet an orbital laser,
    that theory makes the floran's sound a lot more dangerous and awesome.

    gives there race a bit more of boost though I think we should skip the butt rubbing part haha.
  4. Frost

    Frost Void-Bound Voyager

    Easy. Once a Floran is in love with a another Floran enough, the female will emit spores that grow into little children. Unlike other races however, Florans if they are focused enough can telepathically communicate and they imagine their children before the female emits her spores. The full process takes 30 minutes.
  5. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    That would be more like fungi based organisms. Also a reminder, Revised Poll New Poll that could determine if one of the choices above or the combined plan are chosen.
  6. Something savage-like to compliment their...attitude:
    • When a female hits puberty, she enters the "Scarlet Fauna" stage, indicated by burning red circles in the middle of their eyes, and pronounced fangs/talons. She develops an uncontrollable bloodlust that can only be quelled by the blood of their siblings. They then begin to fight, no matter the age. The stronger sibling is determined by whoever consumes the most of the other's blood, the loser is then either eaten by the parents, or forced for 3 years (their time) to drink the dew of mature leaves and trees (which can be very bitter or sour on their planet, even acidic) to build their tolerance to pain. The budding female then finds a mate, a hyper-violent male counterpart under their own phase called the "Harbinger" phase (Evident by perpetually bloodshot eyes and a contracting of facial muscles that simulate a Joker-like Glasglow Smile). The two, hyped up on their own and each other's pheromones fight to near death, the loser being sexually assaulted. If the female wins, she takes the blood of whatever sexual organ the male has and consumes it. It can be from any part of their body, but the pheromones coming from their...part is what gets the female's attention. If the male wins, he rips open whatever sexual organ she has and proceeds to use his...part to directly inject her sexual reproductive system with his own blood. The blood of the male congeals with the partially digested blood of their sibling to create a fertilized egg cell. The egg cell houses itself right besides the heart of the Floran (or whatever pumps their lifeblood) and stabs into it, some women die from this process, but the surviving are nurtured day and night by the parents of the mother (Which have caused many murder attempts by severely neglected/bitter from defeat siblings). When the child is ready to be born, it slowly claws it's way out of the mother, dragging nearly half of her "heart" out with it. The mothers then live with the half of their heart, from then on bearing the title "Den of Life"
    Something sweet or innocent/heartwarming to completely contrast from their...attitudes:
    • A male leaves the home in search of a mate, the female leaves to explore a world always new to her due to her budding functional memory. It's generally a "love at first sight" type deal. Picky Florans are known as "Flower Pickers". The male then tries to woo the woman, bringing the freshly killed corpse of a large creature, a rare gem, something to prove the male's ability to provide. When the females have been courted, the pair join hands. This is known as "The Coupling". The two hands of the pair begin to literally intertwine as their fingers do, their pores opening significantly to the point where their blood begins to flow through one another as if they were conjoined from birth. This new supply of foreign nutrients give both of the two harder skin, and a stronger metabolism, making combat easier and making food last longer. This gives the male opportunity to show the female wonders of the world, again, to prove his efficiency. The two beings each begin to form half of a being. When it's time for the child to be born, the two hands separate, only to join again but with their second hands joining as well in a ballroom-dance type pose. The child begins to form as their hands separate again, the two halves of a child forming together as it's biological structure forms. When the hands are done separating, the two become a three, as the parents go from holding each other's hands, to each parent holding one hand of their new child.
    ...You know. Just a thought
  7. jetsetdizzy

    jetsetdizzy Big Damn Hero

    Like any other plant? Hot hot cross pollination.
  8. Simon Petrikov

    Simon Petrikov Ketchup Robot

    I would find it painful to have my pores opened to the point of blood flowing out of them, but florans are pretty bloodlust creatures. You also never said what happened if a Male floran won.
  9. Dammit! Completely forgot. I was already thinking about the second choice then, updating now :D

    EDIT: Updated. I honestly don't know which version I'd prefer
  10. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    You may have to edit your idea a little TheConfusedDoorman

    also mix in this if you can:

    I. Pre dance plus butt rub ritual
    II. Then mating either self or cross pollination based on their status
    III. Finally the seeds produced are placed in the sacred sprout garden
    IV. Emergency action to ensure survival of species. Well they are flowering plants and if no mates are available they can reproduce asexually. If they some how get major damage to the flower they will snap off limbs and plant them. Then root in the ground regrowing parts using ground nutrients and photosynthesis.

    Ideas by
    seed garden idea: Wataru
    butt rubbing: Rho
    Self/Cross polination:Most people
    Emergency limb plantind: Fox Soul/Waturu/Serenity
  11. Which choice should be the basis of my "canon" theory? The violent one or the slow and romantic-ISH one? Since only one is possible to be used anyway.
  12. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Violent since they are violent. Also there are no male or female ones. They have both parts because they are flowering plants.
  13. fetalstar

    fetalstar 404 Artist Not Found Developer

    The Florans are pretty brutal, even the more friendly ones. I can't imagine there would really be anything romantic about mating, and it's just one of those breed to survive things.

    The idea for a ritual is pretty cool, but definitely nothing romantic.
  14. Writing the redux right now! Gonna attempt to implement all those other ideas in a believable way
  15. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

  16. UristMcSpaceDwarf

    UristMcSpaceDwarf Zero Gravity Genie

    Stupid question. It's OBVIOUSLY magic.
  17. Simon Petrikov

    Simon Petrikov Ketchup Robot

    Nothing romantic? Brutal? I could make really brutal stuff

    So, there 's this competition. and 2 florans must fight to near death. the losing one has molten gold poured down its throat to create a shell, is decapitated, enpregnated, then had the baby cut out of its reproductive organ. Then they dispose of the decapitated body by grinding it and using it as fertilizer.
    That stuff would be horrifying.
  18. Patchouli

    Patchouli Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Just to remind you all, there are no "Male" and "Female" Floran. Yes, there are masculine Floran, and feminine Floran, but they don't have the male and female genitals. They're unisex, which means there is nothing stopping a masculine Floran from reproducing with a masculing Floran, or feminine Floran with another feminine Floran. Just had to point that out with all the people going with standard male-female reproduction (or the more gruesome counterparts).

    They're like other flowers, with stamens and pistils. They basically "pollinate" each other. Which is why the butt rubbing is a thing.
  19. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    They can also reproduce asexually
  20. MrHiggle

    MrHiggle Existential Complex

    Isn't Floran an unisex race? BAH! I can't vote now because i know this! D:
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