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how should Florans mate?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Ariexe, Apr 20, 2013.


How do you think florans should mate?

  1. Rub their butts?

    125 vote(s)
  2. self pregnacy

    34 vote(s)
  3. it just happens

    23 vote(s)
  4. normal male/female intercourse

    59 vote(s)
  5. MAGIC

    40 vote(s)
  6. other

    43 vote(s)
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  1. Lawls

    Lawls Space Kumquat

  2. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    The flowers on there head as far as character creator shows, is not a hat but on their head naturally so I assume so.
  3. Lawls

    Lawls Space Kumquat

    Well then pollen seems likely.
  4. Fox Soul

    Fox Soul Aquatic Astronaut

    Well, this may not technically be reproduction, but I do know some plants technically can spread by breaking off a branch and replanting it...
    ... So if I tear off a floran's arm and plant it somewhere else, it could regrow into a new floran?
  5. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Your seed hypothesis sounds good. So this is what we got so far.

    I. Pre dance plus butt rub ritual
    II. Then mating either self or cross pollination based on their status
    III. Finally the seeds produced are placed in the sacred sprout garden
  6. Loksoral

    Loksoral Void-Bound Voyager

    This is an excellent question. This is something I want answered, because if I can, I'm going to keep cutting off fingers and growing an army of Florans, and then you're all DOOMED! :fireball:
  7. genobee

    genobee Star Wrangler

    They "pollinate" each other obviously. How do they "pollinate" you say? Lets leave it to imagination.
  8. Bynn_Error

    Bynn_Error Cosmic Narwhal

    Whoa careful there matriarch how are you going to feed an entire ARMY!?

    and leading that many offspring will be like herding cat's!

    and do you have a ship big enough for that!?
  9. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Well they are flowering plants and if no mates are available they can reproduce asexually. If they some how get major damage to the flower they will snap off limbs and plant them. Then root in the ground regrowing parts using ground nutrients and photosynthesis.
  10. wataru

    wataru Phantasmal Quasar

    Looks like it is hard to grow an "brain" of a floran. So branching is not an option. The arm will grow separately as normal tree or something. But it will not gorw into a full floran.
    But donor of an arm could easily grow another arm. I think they could regenerate body even if they have head separated.
  11. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    IV. Emergency action to ensure survival of species. Well they are flowering plants and if no mates are available they can reproduce asexually. If they some how get major damage to the flower they will snap off limbs and plant them. Then root in the ground regrowing parts using ground nutrients and photosynthesis.

    Ideas by
    seed garden idea: Wataru
    butt rubbing: Rho
    Self/Cross polination:Most people
    Emergency limb plantind: Fox Soul/Waturu/Serenity
  12. Fox Soul

    Fox Soul Aquatic Astronaut

    Pretty much, if you don't kill a floran whole, they are indestructible.
  13. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Are we all in agreement on the combined plan instead of the original multiple choice?
  14. RedScarWolf

    RedScarWolf Spaceman Spiff

    I accept it, much more interesting that way.
  15. Simon Petrikov

    Simon Petrikov Ketchup Robot

    So, this is what I got,
    They do a ritual where they rub there butts together, then they rip eachothers arms off?
  16. Bynn_Error

    Bynn_Error Cosmic Narwhal

    To be honest that way is terrifying!

    they sound like they would be nearly imposable to fully exterminate there would always be straggler's, they would probably always have a constant
    presence in the universe as such.

    So yeah pretty awesome!
  17. AirplaneRandy

    AirplaneRandy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    They rub their pistils and stamens together on a giant mushroom bed.
  18. Simon Petrikov

    Simon Petrikov Ketchup Robot

    Exactly, if they actually can regenerate you would litterally need to vaporize them to completely squash them out of existance, because just probably, a peice of a finger or a peice of a scalp can regenerate an entire new body.
    Or launch Giant cyanide pellets into the atmosphere where they vaporize into the atmosphere, killing them without making another one.
  19. Fox Soul

    Fox Soul Aquatic Astronaut

    Remember, this is supposed to be a family friendly game. Would butt rubbing be excepted to some EXTREME parents?
  20. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    New Poll that could determine if one of the choices above or the combined plan are chosen.
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