A very relevant quote... "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke Another way to look at it: If people from 100 BC Rome saw a laptop... they may think it's a magical box of sorcery. So Starbound can easily have stuff that might seem "magical" in today's world, but it could just be considered advanced technology in-game.
Don't worry, it has nothing to do with you, I just found in your post something that would perfectly fit into my thoughts. I should have thought about it earlier, but I'm hoping I didn't insult you.
Why not just have technology then? Magic's appeal is the fact that its dependent on the person using it, rather than the technology at hand. Everything in starbound is already going to be unexplainable by realistic science (how does the ship maintain gravity? Life support?) but you don't call it magic because it doesn't depend on the people on the ship. I think romans might actually be less superstitious than the cliche might say. The dark ages were called dark partly because technological and cultural advancement was set back by superstition, the corrupt church and illiteracy. Romans might have actually understood a laptop to be a mysterious device, perhaps attributing it to the gods.
So, can we say that's the answer? No to magic, maybe to unexplained technology? I think we've found the conclusion to the title question, so what would you say for new forum, this time with suggestions of these looks-like-magic-but-it-is-not-magic things? I do not suggest to end this forum(it's way too interesting), but I want to know what are your ideas for those/\
Yep, probably something like that! They would think it's something godly or magical. But the point is that it's really technology, whether it's mistaken as being godly, magical, or something else. :catface2:
I don't really see how that proposes "magic". In essence you're just producing something, therefore making it a man/apex/floran/underwater ppls/robot-made item that in no particular way associates itself with magic. Magic wouldn't fit into this genre because we are too advanced. Another universe where unbelievable things can happen? Ok that's cool, but completely normal by our standards. At best I can visualize magic as being a form of harnessed cosmic energy from ancient ruins. Of course it's not magic, but it still remains as a mysterious source of power or energy.
It's not magic... it's just magic-like. Comparable to what magic does in other games. An example would be if there were a gun that shoots fireballs or a block of ice. It's not a magical fire flower thing. It's not a mystic ice rod. It would be a technological device that does something similar to magic. So no, magic is not in the game... but that's because almost all the same things can be done without any magic at all. (why I figured the Arthur C. Clarke quote was very relevant) There are no spells. There are no magic points. Just technology and energy, in whatever forms they take.
Nah they wont implement magic.. I hope that at least we will be able to shoot a projectiles like water bolts in terraria.. CUZ ITS FUN YO.
Oh for the love of god would people stop misquoting that. Clarke meant "Anything explainable and accomplishable with our science would look like magic to us a few centuries ago, not that things which are known scientific impossibilities can be used on the premise that something was discovered which invalidated centuries of knowledge and research into the matter that pointed to exactly the opposite.
But I didn't misquote anything. Obviously, the future in a fictional game will not match up perfectly with the future in reality. We don't know the future, so my basic point still stands 100%. The quote does not have to be taken completely literally. A quote can be relevant in more than one similar situation.
Im having a hard time understanding what you people are arguing about. You can argue the semantics of "magic" all you want, but the devs have said that they do not want any of it in. They probably have a fairly good idea of what constitutes to magic, and word-twisting mysterious technology -> magic still doesn't make magic something they will implement. Let me say magic a couple more times. Magic.
You have a point, but when you look at most sci-fi, there are usually a few things that could be described as magic-like. But it usually isn't really magic. My basic point is that, as long as there's some sort of sci-fi explanation, then it's not really magic, and would have some possibility of being in-game. (whether a big possibility or small one) If there's absolutely no way to come up with any sort of explanation, then it probably won't be in the game.
You shouldn't have said that. I once said something similar, and the reply I got was that "nothing is certain". It ended up with me saying: "well you are right, there actually IS a 0.000000000000001 chance that all your life is a hallucination and I am actually a two-headed ogre controlling that hallucination, and that I sit in a Universe with completely different laws of physics". The funny thing is that people didn't understand my sarcasm and agreed in all seriousness. And then said that ignoring that chance is wrong. And while that is true, if you make a presumption that everything is possible then you can say you don't know anything at all. The point of me writing this is to say that there are some possibilities which should be ignored. If something like that happens, you take the new data into consideration and find where it fits into our understanding of the Universe. So while I do agree that some things that appear to be magical can be explained in science(i.e. dragons; other races; teleporters; flame bolts(using special gas-generating and igniting gloves or smth.); shapeshifting; ghosts(swarm of colonial nano-creatures)...) there are also some things that should not be touched(for example laws of nature - you can use them and twist them into tubes or any other kind of shape you need, but never deny them. So a star is a ball of plasma, it CAN NOT be a firefly stuck on that blue ceiling known as the sky).
Why not? These potions might be explained as water with nano-robots which begin mending your cells when they get into your body. Or it could be some special chemical remedy made to give your damaged cells energy and building materials to quickly repair themselves. Or it could be filled with tiny viruses that fix your body by making the needed cells duplicate at an incredible speed. Or you could use special pills or tablets instead of potions. Or I saw a suggestion with "healing light". Or... As you see, the amount of possibilities is high.