Guys. Why are you arguing about this? We already know that the game won't have magic, if you think the game should have magic just make a mod. Also, this argument has nothing to do with this thread; the OP suggested a legitimate sci fi method of incorporating magic-like abilities. I actually really like his idea and would bet the devs already have something similar in the game. And even though I don't agree with everything he talked about, I think Dairuga has the right idea. P.S. Not everyone can recognize a bunch of abbreviations right away (or at all) ChaoticGamer. It kind of weakens your argument if there are people who have no idea what your talking about.
Like I said... to put magic into the game. I mean come on, I think we could screw around few magical things around here, that able extends the reach of not being max out in research. Come on, it should be fun in some point of view or can be very tricky in some point.
And who says magic can't be incorporated into a sci-fi universe? Pretty sure there's a rather lengthy post on the front page of this thread explaining how feasible it actually is.
If you want to go around throwing fireballs, build a flare gun or flamethrower, if you want to freeze mobs into ice statues build a cryogun, problem solved. If you want magic go back to Terraria.
@Dagorlad Yes, exactly. I like it that the game won't have any 'biotics', 'midi-chlorians' or 'psionics' in it. There are too many games with those fantasy proxies already.
That is completely irrelevant with what I said. As someone said, "Magic is Undiscovered Science" isn't it ironic?
Cloud in a jar, charms to transform into werewolves/merfolk, wings, winged boots, magic books, magic scepters/staves, plenty of magic to me.
No, if you glue a pair of cardboard triangles to your shoes you don't get to fly all of a sudden, you are mocked and thrown into an asylum.
true but what if you attached small triangles with extremely powerful airthrusters to provide lift running off of solar energy
You'd need shoes the size of a TIR truck in order to store enough power to provide more than a light breeze to the floor.
With our current technology but imagine technolgy trillions of years ahead of our own it could be plausible and if we cant build smaller then a certain size we could very well be able to create wormholes small enough for nanobots to bring energy through from a planet sized generator